Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tonight Imma fight till we see the sunlight
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From Singapore 08 |
New Year's Eve celebration this year will be in the comfort of my home with my favourite girls and lads, good food (I hope), DVD's and definitely a few games of Twister. Yes, I'm staying in this time. Unlike others, I am sticking to my vow which is not to end up at the Curve. Besides, I ain't a big fan of crowds anyway. Fingers crossed for an amazing night with my loved ones :)
On a different note, I passed my Undang test recently. Get this, I was just a mere one mark away from getting a 100% score. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging. I am surprised! Given the lack of studying. If it's not for Mom's never ending nags, I wouldn't even have bothered to open the goddamn book, let alone read all 56 pages of the book. So yes, I am surprised.
You build me up,
you break me down.
I'll be around.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
And the bed where you lie, is made up on your side

Hey Loves,
Have you ever had to endure the feeling of losing a loved one? The feeling is excruciating. To be clear, I'm not talking about death or anything of that sort. Bibik, whom I love to refer to as my second Mom, boarded the plane at noon on Monday to reunite with her family once more after four years of being apart. A dear aunt said and I quote, 'there would not be enough tears to really portray how sad we all are that she has left'. Her words are undeniably true. Her service towards our family is incomparable, she is like none others. She's our own Superwoman. Never in a million years did we all think that she could be part of our family. But she is now, part of our family. She was like a mother to the three of us, always caring for us as a mother would to her own chilD. Her list of advices will always stay in my heart. I will pray every single day, for her return. She will always be welcome in our home ♥
Things would be very different without her around. She has been so very dear to us all and as always, an absence of a family member or a loved one is hugely felt by most. And she is, without a doubt, family- Sister
When you walked away, we count the steps that you take.
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From Bibik's Departure |
Till the ocean runs dry.
We ♥ You, Bibik.
You and me forever, you and me together

Family dinner is always a bliss, especially when everyone you Love is present. Although my family members is pretty small in number, we sure know how to have a jolly good time. Together, that is. These are the people whom I grew up with after Dad passed away, more than ten years ago. Mom's two sisters are more like my own sisters. Well, I do treat them the same way I treat my own sister. We grew up under one roof, all eight of us. We had no particular rooms to ourselves, every room belongs to everyone. The best part about us is that we eat our meals together, all the time. As they say, a family that eats together stays together. I couldn't agree more. Over the past few years or so, our family has grown bigger with the addition of Bibik, an uncle and an uncle to be. Everyone started moving out of the rather huge house which I will always refer to as our home. Even so, the bond between all of us stays. ♥
Fly with me,
We can go wherever you wish.
We can go wherever you wish.
Told you It's hard to stop.
So come on and fly with me, As we make our great escape
Ola amigos!
Once I start, it's hard to stop. But screw it, not like I have anything to attend to nowadays. Last Friday, I witnessed my first engagement. It was beautiful, I must say. I was given the honor to bake the cupcakes for the future in-laws. I was definitely satisfied with my work, and I hope the feeling is mutual. But I let you be the judge, aight :) And thanks Baby D, for the amazing photographs ♥
From Yaya's engagement |
Now, can you be my soldier please?
More to come.
The night of nights. It's our night, we'll do it right
Hello Loves,
The year is coming to an end. I regret not coming here to babble about the most magical night in my life, Prom Night. But fret not, I still have time. Well, the countdown doesn't start for at least another thirty two hours. So, I'm still good. Like a dear friend once said, being part of the prom committee is truly a bittersweet experience. She said and I quote, 'Sometime ( most times actually) the bitter part tends to overweigh the sweetness of it'. I couldn't agree more. The lack of support from our own schoolmates almost crushed our dreams. Almost, but didn't succeed in doing so. And boy, have I never been more glad that it didn't? Indeed, I am. We believed in each other, although there are times when our egocentric selves tend to trump over our friendship that took years to be built. But in the end, after all those chaos, we are still standing strong. And I am blessed to say that, the night that all eleven of us had dreamt of turned out to be such a magical night. For us, at least :) Ravishingly decorated ballroom, scrumptious feast, amazing acts, great music, lads in suits and etc. The girls were all dressed up beautifully and so were the boys. All in all, a magical night that I wish to relive. How I wish every night is Prom Night. But alas, another friend reminded me 'If every night is prom night, then no night is prom night'. True that!
More pictures, here!
I'm nine days late but,
Happy Eighteen Months, Love ♥
Happy Eighteen Months, Love ♥
Yours Truly.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I've seen better days

Ola amigos!
Post midnight guilt : Munching on brownies and downing it with cold Ribena. But what's there to worry when you can burn it all out on the treadmill the next day? I'm not one to stand on the scale every single day or get obsessed over my weight, but I do like to keep myself fit by exercising. Especially the ones that require sweating. I have this mentality that if I sweat alot, means I'm doing it right. Take cheer for example. Boy that sport makes you sweat like a big fat pig, no joke. But then is when you know you're giving your all. I definitely miss cheer, but I have not gone back to doing what I love the most yet. I'm in the midst of preparing my body for it. The five months break is long, too long in fact. I can barely stretch, and that pretty much sucks when you are a cheerleader. But I'm determine to do this, so I shall be back on track in no time :) Pray for me, Loves.
Back to drooling over McDreamy and McSteamy ♥
I want you. Every bits and pieces of you.
Buenna Notte, ♥
Friday, December 11, 2009
All you do is sit down in front of a typewriter and bleed

A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.
I stayed in again today, to sleep all day long. Now that's what I call a great day. Just lazing around the house, with the telly on 24/7, catching up on some beauty sleep, stuffing myself silly with doughnuts, whipping up some cupcakes, catching up on my all time favourite shows and etc. I was planning on spring cleaning this mess of a room, but I was just too darn lazy. Maybe tomorrow, if God wills. On a different note, my Swedish neighbour is flying back to Sweden with his family for Christmas. He was diagnosed with cancer not long ago. He told us that he might just not get to see us again because he doesn't have much time left. Pretty sad, right? Well, it made me shed a tear or two. But that's just how life is.
I'm going to catch up on Grey's Anatomy now while enjoying a glass of Ice Blended Strawnana (banana and strawberry), courtesy of Brother.
Goodnight, ♥
It's like a wildfire, it keeps growing and growing

Salut Aime,
We need time to dream, time to remember, and time to reach the infinite. Time to be.
Thursday was hectic, damn right it was. I was forced to hit the showers at the ass crack of dawn. Fine, I'm exaggerating. But it was pretty damn early, no kidding. Finally registered for driving school, amen. I'll be starting next weekend, sweet. I can barely wait till I can cruise along the highway, in my own set of wheels :) Next on the agenda, paying my hairstylist a visit. I was contemplating the whole day on whether to cut off my long mane or just leave it be. Since I dream of having long hair during Prom Night, I ended up trimming it a lil bit and did some treatment. Boy, it felt good! Plus, it turned out nice too. Rushed home to change and straight to meet up my silly boy ♥ Our lunch/movie/dinner date were blissful, I sure miss that pretty face. Having watched all the other nice movies already, we ended up watching Zombieland. Funny story, real funny. Came home before curfew and baked some Lemon Cheese cupcakes for a dear aunt. Now do you agree when I said hectic?
And yes, I do have a curfew. Frankly, I don't mind. It keeps me away from all those fags, dopes booze and etc.
You shine brighter than the moon.
Au revoir, ♥
Teachers call it cheating, we call it teamwork

Salut les bonbons,
You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can't have it - Dr Robert Anthony
For the first time in two months, I finally woke up at noon on Wednesday. I decided to stay at home to catch up on my beauty sleep and my all time favourite show, Gossip Girls. It was sort of nice, staying at home. I wasn't planning on going out everyday anyways, I just don't. Plus, Mom just fired the driver. Life is so hard without a driver. I'm not being a spoiled arse bitch, but it's true. It's hard to get anywhere, and Mom would never allow me on public transportations. I'm friggin' seventeen and still, I'm not allowed to go on any of them. Makes everything harder. On the bright side, we're getting a new one next week. So I shall be patient for awhile, a week at the very least. Sister was kind enough to drop me off at the Curve. Celebratory dinner with my girls was blissful, as per usual. And who can say no to Ikea meatballs, am I right? :)
Even though I can’t solve your problems all the time,
I will be there as your sounding board
whenever you need me.
Bonsoir, ♥ I will be there as your sounding board
whenever you need me.
All we need is a destination

If you can dream it, you can do it - Walt Disney
I'm three days late, and I am well aware of that. Mr Liberty has been keeping me so tied up, but I'm definitely not complaining. The books have yet to be stashed away but I'll get to them soon. The blue and white uniforms that I had finally come to relish, have now retired peacefully. Job well done, I must say. It was a tiring battle, but boy I'm sure glad that it is all over now. The major exam would be the least of my concern, for the next three months at the very least, when results day rolls over. It's time to breath and let loose. Contrary to popular belief, I did not spend my first night of freedom with my girls nor did I spent it with my boy. I ended up in the car, with sister driving and brother in the backseat. Although we constantly argue about the smallest things, we are pretty close to each other. It might be the short age gap, he's sixteen and she's eighteen. We can relate to each other quite well because of that. Our initial plan was to swap stories over dinner but ended up with me scoring a leopard printed dress and a grey high waisted skirt. Being short of cash, we came home to have dinner instead. But it was a fun night, I could almost feel all the burden and anxiety flowing out, away from me. It felt good, so so good.
I'll wait here forever, just to see your smile.
Guten Tag, ♥
Sunday, December 6, 2009
If only time would just slow down

My menses finally came, after being late for a couple of days. I absofuckinglutely hate it when that happens. The cramps become more agonizing, a sudden lost of appetite and feelings of lethargy usually takes control over me. After god knows how many weeks of waking up at about the same time as the Sun, I woke up today with the Sun already shining at it's best. Even so, I still refused to hit the showers. I gave in to laziness and stayed under the covers for what seemed like an eternity. My eyes stay glued to the ceiling, zero thoughts running through my mind. I can't recall the last time I just stared at something for so long, not bothering about anything at all. I guess the books have been keeping me so tied up. So, I decided to take a break from them today, felt like I deserve to do so. I ended up watching High School Musical, all three of 'em. The third one's definitely my favourite because I can actually relate to it. Senior Year, Graduation Night, Prom Night and etc. It kinda hit me that high school is not forever, in fact it's almost over. I have only one day left, to be exact. I wonder what's going to happen after this. Where would we end up? Would the friendship that took years to built be able to stand the distance? Would we still be the same person we are today, or would we turn out to become a total stranger to each other? Honestly, there's nothing I am more petrified than changes in life.
I sure hope I'll be strong enough when the time comes.
You need to stop being so adorable.
Buena Notte, ♥
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Dear Prudence, won't you come out and play?

It's after midnight, and I can't quite recall the last time I was up at this time of the day. Or night, whatever you call it. Usually, I would already be curled up in bed, getting ready to jet off to Dreamland. But since my next paper, which so happens to be my last, would only be on Tuesday, it wouldn't hurt for me stay up for an extra couple of hours. Ah yes, believe it or not, the big war is finally coming to an end. Freedom is just around the corner, getting ready to greet me with great joy :) Before this, my only plan after my last paper was to come home straight and snuggle up under my covers. But as of yesterday, I think I might just have other plans too. Sleep would come first, definitely. The girls and I are planning to go out for dinner, somewhere nice and not packed with people. Malls are definitely out of the question. Since most of us can now drive, I don't think we'll be having any problems that night :) Silly Boy won't be able to make it, since his last paper would only be a day later. Sad, but I'll survive. Frankly, I'm not really looking forward to going out that much. I think it would be nice to just laze around at home and just chill, something I haven't done for quite awhile already. What I'm really looking forward to is going back to cheer. Oh how I miss cheering! Plus, I'm planning to continue my ice skating classes that have been put on hold for god knows how long. The skating shoes are practically collecting dust in the room, I kid you not! On top of that, I think it would be wise for me to earn some extra cash since I haven't been shopping for so long. Might be working in a day care, taking care of little kids. I love kids, they are like a bundle of joy. And Prom Night, that's definitely something to look forward to. Haven't managed to score a dress yet, but I'll get to it once this is all over.
I should head to bed now, Goodnight!
I want you so bad, it's driving me mad.
Sweet Dreams, ♥