Monday, October 26, 2009
As we go on, we'll remember

Everything I need is right here, by my side ♥
Saturday, October 24, 2009
This is it, the end of high school

Who says cheerleaders can't graduate too ? ♥
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I'll be your wish, I'll be your dream, I'll be your fantasy

Dear Love,
Go outside when it's raining and catch drops on your tongue. The ones you missed is how much I Love You. Oh yes I do, Sweets (:
Deeply, madly, truly do.
Ti Voglio Benne, ♥
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
make way for noddy

Ola sweets,
It's half past two, or so according to the clock. I am attempting to formulate a productive study timetable. Or in simpler words, I am just wasting my time scribbling away on a piece of paper. Frankly, timetables never actually work. For me, atleast. People should really refrain themselves from reminding me of the big day. Needles to say, I can count. If I don't, I wouldn't even be allowed to sit for the exams. Go figure. Plus, stop yapping about how SPM determines one's future. It barely does, except if you're hoping for a full paid scholarship. Basically, that's it. Surely it doesn't determine one's whole future now, does it ? I think not. But I would love to get my string of A's, regardless of that :)
Prom Night is in two months time. If you would love to attend, make your way here. We'll be hiking up the ticket price after the 30th of October, so be sure to get it earlier!
Forever and almost always.
Adios ♥
Friday, October 16, 2009
I wanna stand with you on the mountain

Hello gra,
Today, I searched “Edward Cullen” on urbandictionary, and the first entry that came up was “A psycho who goes into girls’ rooms at night to watch them sleep. May or may not sparkle.” I have new faith in the urban world. MLIA.
I was up early today to satisfy my sudden craving for chocolate-banana filled crepe, something that I came up with the other day. If that's what it takes to get my lazy arse off the bed, then I shall start craving for more food in the morning. Sounds simple enough. Hitting the books before noon is something I haven't done for quite some time, since I'm rarely up before noon. I find that my brain works the best in the early morning and late at night. In contrast, it'll go into malfunction mode in the evening. And hence, one of the many reasons I'm always up when the sun is asleep. Mom says it's not healthy but at the same time, she keeps on telling me how humans' brains work better late at night or early in the morning. Some people just don't seem to be able to make up their mind, hah. On a different note, I finally got around to watching 16 and Pregnant. I teared up a lil bit. Scratch that, I cried a whole bucket of tears. I just can't imagine being sixteen and already having another human being inside of me, it just seems so surreal. Albeit that, I would definitely love to have babies of my own. Just not at this age, I myself, am still learning to care for my own self. There's still a long way to go for me. Graduation Night, Prom Night, driving license, my own wheels, college and such. See what I mean ?
I wanna bathe with you in the sea.
Oiche Loves ♥ 23:37
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Gravity is pulling me back down again

Today I was watching Aladdin on Disney and realized that when he and Jasmine fly across the world, they pass a background from Hercules and Mulan. My world just exploded. MLIA.
And yet another school break is here. I guess living in a multiracial country has its perks, hey ? Five days off from school, now ain't that just sweet ? Not as if I have been attending school on a regular basis, hah. So the next five days are pretty much going to be well, just like any other typical day. For me, at least. Fellow tutors are fighting over my time, yet again. Guess my Trial marks aren't satisfactory enough. Which is true, no denying that now. Truth be told, I am fairly disappointed with myself. But on the other side of the rainbow, it somehow drives me to work extra harder now. Which is quite necessary, at this point of time. On a different note, Graduation Night is coming up in eight days time. And yet, I still haven't come up with anything appropriate to dress in. Such a tough decision, I kid you not.
I've Biology work to attend to, and that's my cue to go.
I'm addicted to your light.
Avrio ♥ 23:52
It's a variation of the one that I was told

Today, my friend gave me a smiley face sticker. I found out it fits perfectly on the face of my watch, so I put it there. Now when people ask me what time it is, I show them my watch and tell them it’s “Happy Time.” MLIA
The short hand on the clock is already bordering the figure 2, yet my eyes show no signs of betraying me anytime soon. Which is a good thing, if I were to have an intensive brain drilling session for SPM, that is. Which I chose not to venture on. Not tonight, at least. Brain's malfunctioning at the mo', with no actual reasons whatsoever. As far as tonight is concerned, I only managed to touch a lil' bit on Calculus, Trigo, Algebra and others along that line. World History ? That's a gone case there, never seem to be able to force myself in giving it a chance. But I should really give it a try, might not be so bad after all. I wouldn't want my string of A's to be cut short by any B's now, would I ? As far as I'm concerned, I still have a good 35 days to conquer World History. I'll make the best out of the time given. Half a chapter a day sounds good enough, let's pray it won't turn out to be just another one of my infamous pathetic attempts now, shall we ? On a not so different note, Trials results are being smacked right into my face, one by one. Truth be told, being a typical pessimistic seventeen year old, I expected less than what I have acquired. Albeit they aren't satisfactory, they're still part of the reason why I still have this upside down frown on my face. Getting an A for Biology, definitely kicks arse (!) Physics was such a disappointment because I was clearly aiming for an A as well. But as ze tutor said and I quote "Make all the mistakes now, then you won't have any mistakes left to make on the real day". Statement of the century, no kidding. Anyhow, I've got school in T minus five hours. Hopefully, more enjoyable activities awaits me. Like yesterday, for instance. Whilst the younger ones were sitting for their Finals, us seventeen year olds were out and about, clearly enjoying the exam-less month. Hah, forget SPM, give us some fishes to catch and ponds to clean. Okay, that didn't come right. Can't be bothered to rephrase it. It's Glee time (!) Then I'll get some shut eye.
Remember those moments ?
I still get tingly just thinking of it.
Goodnight, Loves xx I still get tingly just thinking of it.
Monday, October 12, 2009
my life is average

Compagnons De Beau Jour,
Today, a Kanye West song came on my iPod. Disgusted, I immediately changed it. The next song? “Sorry”, by Buckcherry. Apology accepted, iPod. MLIA
Having class in the morning calls for me to abandon my snug bed earlier than usual. At this point of time, I rather it being that way. I'll get cranky if I have too much of shut eye and that will mark the tragic end of the rest of my day. Down the drain. I wouldn't even be bothered to move from my position on the bed, let alone lead a productive day. Unlike today, obviously. Spent a good four hours over at ze tutor's crib. Two hours of Calculus, Trigo and such. Plus another two hours of non stop jabberings and the classic 'stuffing our faces with 'em foods' in between. She's my favourite, can't you tell ? She has converted me to being one of those people who dedicate their lives to AddMaths. Okay well, not to that extent. Earlier today, I realized that I have been spending most of my time on AddMaths. Frankly, I have abandoned History for a whole month now. It puzzles me why I do such a thing, given that History is by far, my weakest subject of 'em all. And that is my cue to start conquering World History, starting from today itself. Managed half a chapter which leaves me satisfied. It may seem like nothing but when it comes to History, that is something. Ventured to a new study environment with Sister earlier tonight, in hope of having a productive night. And boy, it was definitely more productive than being cooped up within the four walls of my room. Melted Rocky Road, Cheese O' Chicken and Cytrus Crush were my companion. All from Starbucks, of course. Personally, I prefer Coffee Bean to Starbucks, any day. Their ice blends kick arse, enough said. On a different note, I would not be able to make good use of my AAR ticket. Two weeks before doomsday, I would be crazy if I were to even think of going. Tempting, but I'll pass. But after doomsday, you'll definitely see me rocking at every concerts, front stage.
L : Are You sleepy yet ?
A : Well my eyes are usually like this O.O, but now it's like this -.-
L: But Your eyes have always been like this -.- for as long as I can remember.
A : Well my eyes are usually like this O.O, but now it's like this -.-
L: But Your eyes have always been like this -.- for as long as I can remember.
Bonne Nuit ♥
You and me and me and you

Hallo Welt,
Learn four new things everyday. Something about yourself. Something about the people you love. Something about the world. And something about a stranger.
Only then can we take pleasure in life.
So happy together.
Nachtwelt ♥
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Let's relive those moments on the blue mats

How many years have you been a cheerleader?
Did you ever play any other sports before cheerleading?
Ice skated for four years.
When did you know you wanted to be a cheerleader?
After getting through the tryout.
Did you know it was *the—sport* for you when you first stepped out onto the field?
You can put it that way.
Are you a flyer, front-spot, back-spot, or base?
Are you happy with your cheerleading position?
Who doesn't like being thrown into the air ? And to breath fresher air, up there ?
Have you ever done your job and got hurt?
Most definitely.
Have you ever NOT done your job and got someone else hurt?
Plenty of times.
Do you sometimes wish you were another position?
Basing is super fun.
Are you another type of cheerleader? Like, emo-cheerleader, rocker-cheerleader, etc.?
Which label are you most called?
Couldn't care less.
Can you tumble at all? (cartwheels, round-offs, etc?)
Of course.
Are you considered an advanced tumbler? (back handsprings, tucks, etc, etc)?
Not, YET.
Do you go to a gymnastics class just so you can tumble for cheerleading?
Are you good at jumps like toe-touches, hurdlers, etc?
Toe touches, yes. Hurdlers, I doubt so.
Are you often complimented on your jumps?
Mag likes to compliment my jumps in a sarcastic manner, so I've no idea. Hahah.
Is jumping or tumbling one of your cheerleading strong points?
Jumping :)
Are you usually as perky and happy in normal life as you are cheerleading?
Sometimes perkier :)
Do you strongly consider cheerleading a sport?
Have you ever felt offended when people called it a *hobby*, or *not a sport*?
Well, yeah.
Have you ever argued with someone about whether it was a sport or not?
Most of the times. People just don't get it.
Are you a college cheerleader, jr. high cheerleader, high school cheerleader, or are you on another type of team?
High school cheerleader.
Do you sometimes start cheering or doing the routines when you’re like at school or any place like that?
All the time, hah.
Does your squad cheer for another type of sport?
Cheers or routines?
Jumps or tumbling?
Cartwheels or round-offs?
Toe-touches or hurdlers?
Competitions or games?
I desperately yearn to relive those moments on the blue mats, enough said.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Looking at something so beautiful I've never seen

Amore Caro,
I had been desperately craving for some of those finger lickin' good chickens ever since I last saw their ad on telly, last night. Guess who showed up on my doorstep earlier today, those desperately craved for finger lickin' good chickens in hand. Why of course, my pretty boy in shining aluminium foil. Whom ran all the way here, in the pouring rain. Just one of the many reasons I said yes, fifteen months ago. He stayed for a couple of hours, entertaining me with his many antics, as per usual. Silly boy, he is.
You and I can collide, like atoms in a scientist's wet dream.
Amilo ♥
Don't look away like you always do, this time

Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not even sure about the universe -Albert Einstein
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
When life has locked me out

A couple of friends and I decided to make good use of the world map which was mainly collecting dust in the school library. I wouldn't set foot in the school library, unless forced to do so. For instance, during Language class today. The world map is an exciting way to name your future husband and children. Apparently, I'll be walking down the aisle to a man whose name I can't quite recall . And we would be blessed with two kids, Cape Johnson and Heinsburg. Hah, what a way to kill time. Anyhow, the big day is up for all the form threes. Nothing much that can be said, except for more 'Goodlucks', but they probably have gotten bored by it now. While they would be sitting through one whole week of pure torture, or so according to most of them, we have been given the privilege to stay at home. A good 7 days of break, sweet. But then again, it's not like I can fool around anymore. Just a mere 43 days more and it would be me, sitting in that exact same hall. Together now, ohmygod.
The teachers would be conducting extra classes for Physics and Biology, although clearly we are not suppose to be at school tomorrow. At the same time, I have Biology tuition to attend. Still can't figure out which would be more useful.
Hey, I'm worried about you Boy.
Night, Loves ♥
Monday, October 5, 2009
what makes you different is what makes you beautiful

Elo Mates,
The school organized a Majlis Restu for the Muslim students earlier today. I managed to perform the prayers before my menses decided to show up, and my tummy has been aching ever since. I'm not one to slam the door in everyone's faces, I prefer to curl up on my bed and start composing a list of how life is unjust. Usually my waterworks would be trigged long before I could even come up with a second one. Atleast that way, I won't be bothering others. Mothereffin' hormones, hah. On the other side of the rainbow, well, there's nothing on the other side of the rainbow today. And hence, I shall cut this short. Need to brush up on my Trigo, ze tutor has been nagging for me to do so for quite some time already. Then, time to catch some z's.
Coming baby boy, just gimme a sec.
Good day, Mates ♥
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Winner takes over, over , over

First thing's first, there would be no such thing as Trials anymore for the rest of my life. I'm done. Up next, the real deal. But before that, I've got to make one more stop along the way. Graduation Night. In just a mere 19 days from now, I would finally be graduating from high school. As elated as I am, I still have to face a whole month of pure hell, 45 days from now. I for one, plan to make all those years of waking up at the ass crack of dawn and all those sleepless nights after yet another pathetic attempt at cramming for the next day's written test are all going to be worth it. Damn right I do ! Plus, only then would I be able to drink to the months of freedom that follows soon after. So don't fail me now brain, I beg of you.
Anyhow, Mom claimed that I need break. Away from 'em books, and to clear my head. So she dragged me all the way to Penang Island after my last paper, last Thursday. And hence, my absence. I dragged Brother along because my imagination would usually start running wild if I were to be left alone in a hotel room. Grandpa and a dear aunt decided to tag along too, which made the car ride to and fro a gazillion times more exciting. Although it could have been better if grandma, Sister and another aunt could tag along as well. I practically just lazed around by the pool, catching up on my all time favourite series, Gossip Girl. And most definitely, ate like a pig. In the course of only three and a half days, I consumed two plates of Nasi Kandar, Tandoori Chicken with Cheese Naan, Seafood which included crabs and squids, Toasted Bread with Gulai, Mee Rebus plus a few more dishes that I can't quite recall. That just goes to show how much food I consumed during the trip, which frankly, were alot. There's not much to do in Penang Island anyways, since Mom banned us from stepping foot on the beach. So sightseeing was pretty much out of the question. Which left me with more time to eat and let's not forget, shopping. Scored a new blood red purse that I had been eyeing since god knows when, a new pair of metallic purple pumps courtesy of my dear aunt, a casing for my iTouch and a gazillion dvds. All together, we bought 24 dvds. Well they are known for selling cheap, yet very clear dvds. Wow, what a break.
But now, back to reality. Well, life's fair like that.
I missed you Boy, let's whisper sweet nothings all night. Tonight.
Gute Nacht ♥