Sunday, September 27, 2009
Can't fight the moonlight, no

Good morning,
Those are the lemon cheese cupcakes that I whipped up for the Open House :)
As promised,
Pictures from yesterday. Make your way, here.
I'm no longer in the exam mood, as opposed to the first two weeks of Trials. Usually, I could do 'em books for four to five hours straight without a hint of fatigue. Not anymore though. It actually gets tiresome, being cooped up with 'em books for so long. I wonder how others, who had begun drowning in their coffee cups till the wee hours in the morning, as early as before the school year had even started. I for one, would definitely get bored by now, if not then. Instead, I started to really hit 'em books two months ago. I thought that it was for the best, as it would not feel so tiresome. So maybe I'm just still in the festive mood and hence, the lack of exam mood. But I believe that I would be back on track in no time. Anyhoo, Part Three of Trials begins in T minus 25200 seconds. That's my cue to hit the books for awhile, before hitting the sack.
Tell your heart mine said Hi.
Be back in four days ♥
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I never learn to pronounce

More than fifty teenagers crowded my living room, dining room and even the bedrooms early tihs evening, I kid you not. I could barely walk about, in my own house. Some even stayed for as long as seven hours, hah. I was delighted that most could make it, albeit there were a few that couldn't. I would elaborate further, but I'm out of words. Plus, Lover's on the line. Hah. Pictures, will come later on.
Fret not Boy, it's still You who makes my heart beats two fourty six.
Not him, not anymore.
Not him, not anymore.
Goodnight ♥
Friday, September 25, 2009
Meet me halfway, right at the borderline

I'm beat. God forbid, I had such a hectic week. From stuffing my face with 'em orgasmic rendangs to filling up my pockets with 'em moolahs. Plus, I needed a change of environment. So I turned my room upside down and refurbished them all over again. It took me a good three days, mind you. And hence, my absence. A trip to Ikea scored me a new bed quilt, a super comfortable chair, a rack for my ever increasing dresses, another rack for my empire of shoes and something I can't quite recall it's name. A pair of hand gloves and a mask later, I was already in full gear. I actually threw away quite a number of junks, which most of them were really hard to let go off. But I had to. To make room for more junks, of course. Hah, Mom claimed that I love to keep unnecessary things in my room. But I can't help it, most have sentimental values albeit being junks. Oh well, atleast my room ain't so packed anymore. Now, I actually have space to walk about, which is a good thing. Plus, I absolutely love the new look. Sometimes, change is good. It soothes the heart, and puts the mind at ease. That's exactly how I feel right now, calm. I haven't been dating 'em books for a whole week now and frankly, I'm not bothered by that. At all. Which frankly leaves me puzzled. Trials aren't exactly over yet, in fact it will resume in a days time. Plus, just a sheer 56 days left to go till the big day, or so according to the calender. Yikes, I should probably gear up by now. Buckle up, it's gonna be one hell of a journey for the next two months or so.
You give me feelings, the kind that people right novels about.
Fuori ♥
Monday, September 21, 2009
I can't help it if you look like an angel

Dear Love,
Just when You think there's nothing else I can do, I'm gonna Love You better. Yes I will, Sweetheart.
Hearts ♥ 23:44
It's Monday morning, I miss you the most.
Good Day Mates,
This is mothereffin' hilarious, no kidding.
This is mothereffin' hilarious, no kidding.
Boy, your body moves like poetry.
Lights out ♥
Sunday, September 20, 2009
there are certain people, that you keep coming back to

Salam Eid,
Just got back from Mom's side and boy, am I bursting at the waistline ? Indeed I am, likewise to everyone else I suppose. That's just one of the simple pleasures of Eid, being able to stuff yourself silly, without the care of the world on the damn figures that would pop up on the scale the next day. Plus, not to dismiss the amount of moolahs you'd make, without even having to get your arse of the couch. Sweet, no ? Sadly though, that only happens once in well, threehundredandsixtyfive days. But then, let's make the best of everything that we have. It took a whole lot more than Mom's usual wake up call to rise me from my deep slumber, she had to scream into my ears and only then did I rise. The prayers seemed to be shorter with each passing years, or perhaps I'm getting more patient. Hah, could be the latter. Went straight to visit Daddy ♥, after two Eids of not being able to do so. The blame is all on my menses. Rushed to Mom's side soon after, followed by the usual exchange of forgiveness. From then on up till now, all I did was stuff myself with the arrays of food and proceeded with collecting the moolahs. Plus, a few hours of sleep in between. So unhealthy, mind you. But like I've mentioned before, I only get to do this annually. Second day of Eid is in a few hours time, more food and moolah for me !
So what should you say when asked about rendang ?
Pure Orgasm.

I yearn for you to be here right now.
Happy Eid Mubarak ♥ 22:02
Another day goes by, where we bond as a Muslim
To all Muslims,
Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Enjoy the food and the moolahs :)
Bring me love, oh yeah. bring me love
From yesterday's dinner :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Amour de Hello,
I'm in desperate need to get some z's, but I just can't seem to get my arse off the screen. Hypothetically speaking, of course. Twitter is being mothereffin' annoying, it won't post anything I wrote. And I've written the same damn thing over and over again, more than a gazillion times already. But heck, whatevs. I whipped up five batches of cupcakes this morn, three lemon cheese and two orange. Hope they taste as yummy as they smell like. I ran out of piping bags, so I guess I have to resume with covering them with icing tomorrow. Anyhoo, Lover wanted to get some last minute things for Eid, so I tagged along. And boy, I scored this pretty humongous pink ring, courtesy of Lover of course. Thanks a bunch, Sweetie. And a pink bangle too, to go with my Eid outfits. Broke our fast at T.G.I with the girls where one of 'em lads was forced to stand on a chair and give a Thank You speech, in conjunction with his birthday celebration. Ah, good times good times. Ran all the way to Cathay to catch I Love You Beth Cooper. I am well aware that the show has been in the cinemas for quite some time already, but I was too tied up with 'em books. Hilarious movie, I must say. Send the girls home, as well as Lover. And here I am, totally pissed off with Twitter. Hah, screw you Twitter. I'm gonna go catch some zz's.
On a second thought, Lover's on the line :)
Oh you're so fine, boy.
Amour de Nuits ♥ 23:57
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Take everything you know you'll break

School's out for the upcoming Eid Mubarak. Plus, Part Two of trials is over and done with. Making Love to 'em books ain't a necessity anymore, I'll be stashing 'em all away for atleast five days. Hah, I totally deserve the break. I would be too busy stuffing my face with Mom's scrumptious rendang and her mouthwatering cheese brownies, anyways. Plus, the moolah would definitely keep my mind off things for awhile. My long mane is in desperate need to be pampered. But sadly, my hairdresser has gone back to her hometown. And I only trust her, when it comes to pampering this ever growing mane of mine. Sad, very. On the other side of the rainbow, I'm very much looking forward to Eid. Clothes have been bought, and so have the shoes and bags. Only thing missing is some rings and bangles to go along with them. I shall go scout for some tomorrow, if I managed to drag this lazy arse of mine off the bed, that is. Heading down to the Curve tomorrow to break fast with my Girls, and Lover too, of course. Haven't seen that pretty face in a while :)'
McTweety has become more and more irresistible, yikes. And Tumblr too.
Time to catch up on some late night calls <3
I can feel your heart beats across the grass.
Gute Nacht ♥
Friday, September 11, 2009
With the days that I wasted complacent and tasteless and bored

Ciao Mondo,
Part one of Trials is over and done with, yet I'm still not even halfway done. So far, none of the papers gave me the urge to put a bullet in my head. Truth be told, they didn't even come close. But then again, there's still Part Two and Part Three to consider as well. I doubt anyone can be lucky twice, hah. Bahasa was slightly tougher than usual, I'm hoping to do better for the other paper. Biology I and II was do-able. I was very satisfied with how I presented my essays, but not for the structured questions. My head was throbbing like there was no tomorrow, while I was in the midst of completing my Biology II. It took me almost an hour to realize that my hair was tied too tightly and hence, the unbearable pain in the head. For a Science student, I can be dumb at times, yes. Both the History papers were fine, regardless of the lack of studying. Frankly, it was just a waste of time, getting all tensed up for not being able to cram two years worth of lessons in just two days. Islamic Studies I was, not to brag or anything, but very straightforward. Both the Chemistry papers were fun to do. Well, that's about it. Basically, eight down and a gazillion more to go.
You are like the morning air,
before the lights arrive.
before the lights arrive.
Arrividerci, Mondo ♥
Monday, September 7, 2009
My mind will not leave me alone

Avoir Un Beau Jour ?
I kept dozing off every half an hour. That does not help when you are in the midst of cramming every possible chapters and verses regarding the World History. That's two years worth of lessons, mind you. It just made all those attempts distressingly worthless and downright pathetic. But then again, I was only blind reading. It'll take a miracle for me to ace History now. If I were to ace it though, I would probably come up with an embarrassing victory dance. With myself as the only audience, of course. God forbid, I shouldn't be thinking of victory dances at a time like this. Clearly, I am still not done with the Wold History yet. My nightmare starts in T minus thirtysixthousand seconds. I'm not a walking calculator, mind you. Why would I be, when I have a functioning one right under my nose. Hah, I'm mentally exhausted. And Trials haven't even begun yet. I'll be on hiatus till the end of the week.
Tuesday ; Bahasa I & History I
Wednesday ; Biology I &II
Thursday ; Chemistry I &II
Friday ; History I & Islamic Studies I
That's not even half of the timetable yet, mind you.
Come with me,
And we can make the heaven sing
And we can make the heaven sing
Ayez Un Beau Jour ♥
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Silver dreams, golden smiles

Hola Amores,
Friend : Aniss, Have you forgotten about school ?
Whoops, might have slipped my mind that school still resumed as normal after the break. What difference did it make anyway, taking an extra one week leave. Because frankly, I study better alone. Without the distractions from 'em teachers and the hot weather. Plus, I prefer sleeping in to waking up at the ass crack of dawn, mind you. It's always a pleasure to catch up on some beauty sleep, especially after hours of being entertained by 'em books and drowning in a few mugs of hot chocolate. Yum. I've been entertaining myself with DVD's till the ass crack of dawn, these couple of days. From movies like Bring It On to romance film like The Reader. Contrary to popular belief, I thought Fight to the Finish was as enthralling as the previous Bring It On movies. But then again, I'm not a movie expert. So frankly, I'm not one to talk. But Brother did agree with me, hah. The Reader on the other hand is at present, my favourite romance film. As of last night anyway. The storyline was pure beautiful. Who would have thought that a Love affair between a teenage boy and a woman twice his age could be so alluring. Mind you, I was hooked ten minutes into the movie. Not to mention, my eyes couldn't stop tearing up throughout the last three quarter of the movie. I could probably use them to shower for an entire week, hah. "The Reader reaches its amazing conclusion with a couple of scenes that might break whatever little strength we might still have left". Kate Winslet is such an amazing leading lady, I still remember how unbelievably well she acted in Titanic. The Reader is just another movie that really captures how amazing an actress she is. David Kross did an amazing job too, although I've never ever seen him act before this. Plus, he has a charming look. And now I can't wait till I can watch it over and over again, I doubt I'll ever get bored of it. Sadly, that won't be happening anytime soon. My nightmare starts in more or less 54 hours, with get this, Language and History paper as the appetizer. How do you reckon I revise two years worth of History lessons in let me see, 48 hours ? Yikes, I'm screwed. But then again, when have I never been screwed for History. Oh, kill me.
You came to me in a Silver dream,
With a glowing flow of a mountain stream.
With a glowing flow of a mountain stream.
Amores De La Noche ♥
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I don't have a title for this post

I can't take this nonsense anymore. I need a break. A real one, this time.
Hah, f-ed up hormones.
On the other side of the rainbow, I still have a pint of Baskin's Cotton Candy in the freezer. Plus, Bring It On ; Fight to the Finish. Ice cream and cheerleading, never have I found a greater remedy than those two.
And you too, Sweet Love :)
Sing to me the songs of the stars.
Au Revoir ♥
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
You were standing at the corner with your five bestfriends
While I make Love to 'em books, I'll leave you guys with this.
To drown in Your Love,
and not feel Your rain.
and not feel Your rain.
Goodnight ♥