Monday, August 31, 2009
together we are here, as ONE

The non-existent Independence Day celebration was perfectly fine with me, but the lack of fireworks filling the midnight air was downright a bummer. Brother thought it was best to crack up a joke regarding KFC, whilst we were stuffing our faces with 'em finger licking good chickens. As opposed to how the rest of us at the dinner table felt. But hey, it was hilarious regardless of it being unnecessary.
Why aren't there any toilet papers in the KFC toliets ?
Because it's finger licking good. (kindly bold the answer)
Why do I feel so agitated all day ? Well that's one thing I ain't got an answer for. Damn son.
Nothing compares to you , sweet Love.
Ayez Un Beau Jor ♥
Sunday, August 30, 2009
You rock out in your room, I rock a world premiere

My brain is clogged up with ABC's and 123's that I don't even need to use for atleast, one more week. And that only made me wonder, how long can one's brain store that vast of facts and informations ? I'm hoping it's longer than three months, hah. Two days break from 'em books didn't make that much of a difference, but maybe two months would. Unfortunately, it's not the time yet. Perhaps in three months time, then I'm good to go.
I'm in a crucial need to catch up on all my all time favourite shows. And that include Gossip Girls, 90210, One Tree Hill, House, Heroes, Prison Break and Despo Housewives. Although Brother has every single episode of the latest season of every single show listed above in his computer, it's not like I have the time to actually sit down and watch 'em. Sad, very. But I did squeezed some time to watch Greys over the one week break, hah. The ending is extremely tear jerking. I cried more than I did compared to when I watched A Walk To Remember and PS I Love You. Even Titanic has dropped to second, with Grey's currently on the first spot. I don't want it to end like that, it just seemed so surreal.
Look, someone decided not to sleep yet :)
We're something more than momentary.
Gute Nacht ♥
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Season's are changing and the waves are crashing

I ditched 'em books today, they're beginning to get a tad too clingy. Hah, suckers ! I stayed under the covers till god knows what time, with music pounding in my ears. Ah, the simple pleasures of life. Grandpops invited us over to his crib to indulge in the arrays of food, prepared specially for that occasion. God forbid, I ate like a pig. Not that I am aware of how much food 'em pigs consume on a daily basis, frankly I wouldn't know. So yeah, theoretically speaking only. From chicken rice to cheese brownies to strawberry milkshakes, no wonder I look like a four months pregnant lady. I gained a few pounds over one meal, but only to loose all of 'em few hours later. Sweating my arse off on the trackmill ain't a necessity anymore, adding on to the list of simple pleasures of life. I enjoy Grandpops' never ending talks, albeit he tends to repeat himself at times. I especially love it when he quotes the Koran, so pleasant to the ears. Plus, the words are beautiful. I wish I can quote the Koran too, but it takes alot of understanding before I can master such a thing. One day, perhaps ?
Time to get some snoring in action. Or not, depends on what Lover has in store for me tonight :)
When I see your smile,
Tears roll down my face.
I can't replace.
Tears roll down my face.
I can't replace.
Bonne Nuit ♥
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Yesterday You told me about the blue blue sky

I've been told once, or perhaps numerous of times about my forte for tutoring others. It's flattering, really. But I have no intentions whatsoever on pursuing a career in that field, not in the least bit interested in doing so. Besides, my lack of confidence when it comes to speaking in front of more than three strangers would definitely be an inconvenience . Guess I should just stick to something that is very much comfortable to me, yeah. I played tutor to Lover again, today. He's progressing at a faster rate than I expected, glad I could teach him a trick or two on how to play with numbers, the right way. Witnessing how his eyes sparkled for finally getting it right on his own, was one of those incredible moments. That shy boy refused to stay for dinner, even after I have plead countless of times. Funny how he gets elated everytime he was invited to a family gathering, but when he's finally at one, he'd always turn mute, only talking when questions were being directed to him . But even then, it would always be monosyllable. I still remember the first time we met, more than a year ago. Took him a good two hours to finally utter his first word, I was lucky enough that he even said anything. Funny boy, he is. Glad he's much more comfortable now. In fact, it takes a whole lot more than a slap in the face to shut him up. Hah, kidding !
Ever since day one of this break, I have been in autopilot mode when it comes to dating the books and drowning in my hot chocolate mugs. It might sound unnecessary to create an obsession over 'em books, but I feel the need to do so, after having neglected them for the first half of the year, mainly during the cheer season. Even so, don't feel the need to be intimidated with how I've been spending my break. Because frankly, it's the exact same way everyone else is spending theirs. Save all the denials, it ain't worth your time.
Insomnia has kicked in and my biological clock has gone haywire, big time. Glad I have a pair of ears always ready to put up with my late night rants, and a soothing voice that never fails to put me to sleep :)
It's really good to hear your voice,
Saying my name,
Its sounds so sweet,
Coming from the lips of Angel,
Hearing those words,
It makes me weak.
Saying my name,
Its sounds so sweet,
Coming from the lips of Angel,
Hearing those words,
It makes me weak.
Buonanotte ♥
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saving up for that diamond ring, then I'll quit

Lover came over today, and I played tutor to him. Numerals and equations aren't his best forte, likewise to how World History ain't mine. God forbid, they're just lumps of complicated mess. We were at it for three hours, barely enough time to cover one year worth of lessons. But even so, we managed. Studying with a growling stomach wasn't that fun, but having the aroma of food being cooked, lingering around the house was beyond torture. Lucky for us though, it wasn't that long till it was time to break our fast. But he left for tuition before I could invite him to stay for dinner, oh well. I was left to break my fast with Sister and Brother instead, with the absence of Mom. I have to cut this short as I had already promised a date with the books tonight, given that I had neglected them all evening, just to play tutor to someone else. Plus, Lover's on the line :) Hah !
Hey boy, I wanna catch your wave.
Hey boy, I wanna drift away with you.
Hey boy, I wanna drift away with you.
Boa Noite ♥
Sunday, August 23, 2009
i am hungry, i wanna eat a dream

Greetings Loves,
Its rather stimulating to live by quotes. This is one of the few that I keep in mind.
Your smile could light up this whole town.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Missing your bounce and getting chilled

Greetings Loves,
The weather was so peaceful, that for a second there, it totally slipped my mind that I was fasting. I wasn't in the least bit hungry, nor was I even close to being thirsty. And somehow I felt at ease, all day long. The extended date with the books kept me busy the whole day, from the moment I woke up, up till it was time to break my fast. What's surprised me here was the fact that I didn't feel the need to take my usual three hours long evening nap, my eyes didn't even show any sign of betraying me today. Like every other Ramadhan, I performed my Terawikh by myself, in the vicinity of my very own four walls. Mother was too busy with work to even squeeze some time to bring us to the Mosque, and she sent the driver home rather early today. Ever since the influenza has taken the world by surprise, I rarely see her at home. Most of the time, she would be at the clinic and won't be home till the clock strikes midnight. And when she's at home, she would be buried under a few copies of the ginormous medical books. Never have I realized that saving others could be that tough, yikes (!)
Love is never boastful,
Nor is it resentful.
Nor is it resentful.
aniss :)
Friday, August 21, 2009
I can feel the butterflies, leading me through to you
Dear Love,
If I was an artist, onto paper I would draw you. If I was a pilot on a jet, to the stars I would let you fly me. Forgive me if I seem forward, but I've never been in front of anything like you. It's the last place I ever thought I'd be, when I woke up fourteen moths ago. Slowly, you have started to see right through me. And I'm loving every second of it. It's like I'm born again, everytime you make me smile. So if you're curious, I'm in Love with you. And I like to sing in the shower, if you like I'll sing to you.
♥ fourteenmonthsandcounting.
everything that you have always dreamed of, close enough for you to taste

Greetings Loves,
Rushing to complete ginormous amount of homework before the deadline was enjoyable, regardless of the pain on your thumb. But to have four amazing friends helping you along the way was beyond gratifying, given that they themselves have completed theirs, way before I even got started on mine. Like they say, True Friends are hard to find. With homework out of the way and the start of August break, I can finally get a good night sleep, apart from getting the liberty to extend my date with the books. All three tutors of mine are now fighting over who gets to disrupt my sleeping time during the break. Apparently, I won't get to sleep in. But then again, trials are in two weeks time, more or less. If it wasn't because of that, I would have gone berserk on them. As a friend of mine said and I quote, 'We should already be in gear 8 by now'. Why she picked the number eight, I have no idea.
Ramadhan Al-Mubarak is finally here. Hopefully I would be given the strength to complete one whole month of fasting, unless my cycle gets in the way. I'm looking forward to the first Sahur, which is in a few hours time. Happy Fasting !
Your Love is something that I can't learn to resist.
Loves,Aniss :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
love is a maze, and life is a riddle

Greetings Loves,
It's a quarter past one, but I'm still nowhere near done. I never knew I had this much of overdue homework, until well, today. It's not normal for me to stay up to finish my homework, because frankly, I would not have cared. To study for a test, that's a different story. But I guess the fact that it will affect my trials knocked some sense into me. Even so, I don't think I'm capable of completing each and every one of them. So let's just put it this way, there would definitely be some unlucky ones. Hah, my eyes are slowly betraying me. Let's see how long I can keep this up.
The Bestfriend and her beau just turned one today, and they still have an Eternity ahead of them Love is such an amazing journey.
Are you always this breathtaking ?
Aniss (:
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Make the clock stops, then come around

Greetings Loves,
Somehow my eyes always irradiate at the mention of the need to pay the dentist a visit. Ironically, it is situated amongst an array of boutiques, filled to the brim with never ending racks of modish shoes, bags and clothes. So frankly, my mood perks up not because of the fact that my teeth won't start falling out in my mid fifties. During my trip to the dentist today, I scored a purple halter top, a greyish-purple shirt, a purple cardigan and a puffy denim shorts. The sudden obsession towards that certain colour still puzzles me, the colour just seems to catch my eyes more nowadays. Either my feet has grown a size bigger overnight, or the cutting of that certain heels that I so badly want differs from the normal cuttings. Either way, I did not get to purchase said heels as they don't have it in my supposedly new shoe size. Life's unfair like that. But I am still satisfied with my purchases for the day, regardless of that exceptional single item.
I don't think I can do school tomorrow. Just because I am blessed with having a doctor as my Mom. And we all know how they never run out of MC's :) Now all that's left to do is, beg Mom for one.
Lover's on the line, Goodnight.
You're oh oh oh like air,
I can't stop my breathing in
I can't stop my breathing in
Aniss :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
all our belongings in shopping carts

Greetings Loves,
World Stage was epic. The atmosphere was great, the bands were even better. Not to forget, the first class company of my best girls and boy. I had one of the best views, on top of a certain person's shoulder. It still surprises me how he could withstand my whole body weight for such a long period of time. Maybe he was dying down there, for all I know. But one thing's for sure, he didn't whine. Just one of the many things I adore about him :) Boys Like Girls was the highlight of the event, given that they are the main reason I even went in the first place. Slow dancing to It Ends Tonight by All American Rejects was definitely one of those incredible moments.
I woke up today, feeling lethargic and definitely lazy. Followed Mom to the tailor to settle our Eid outfits. Tagged along when an aunt invited sister to a bazaar. Scored two dresses, a metallic purple belt and a silver heart-shaped necklace. Well if it ain't obvious enough, I just burned a bigger hole in the already existing big hole of my purse. Ordered Nandos, and the whole family had dinner in front of the telly. Rarely would Mom allows us to do so, but with reason unbeknown to us, she did. Oh wow, I haven't been dating the books for quiet some time now. Surely they must have missed me, as oppose to how I feel about them. Hah ! Time to hit the sack baby, G'night.
I got your runaway smile,
in my piggy bank baby.
in my piggy bank baby.
Aniss :)
Friday, August 14, 2009
its five minutes to midnight, and i'm going home with you tonight

Greetings Loves,
Blindfolds and jammies, pizzas and marshmallows, pillows and blankets, karaoke and bare arses, pools and wet bold undergarments. And of course, superb juniors. Definitely, the best farewell party any seniors could ever asked for. Deepest gratitude to each and everyone of you, you guys totally nailed it. Much love, you guys would be dearly missed from now onwards. The laughter, the bond that we had ; irreplaceable.
World Stage is tomorrow, no wonder my eyes are showing no sign of betraying me anytime soon. But even so, I should probably get some shut eye. Need to be there early, as the crowd would be manic. I might have forgotten to mention earlier, I now have three very deep cuts on my left foot, hindering my movement. Oh wait, it's on the right foot. Thanks yeah, Sarah -.- Atleast it'll be easier for you to spot me tomorrow, look for the limping girl. Hah !
When you touch me, I shake like a child.
Loves,Aniss :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
We're chasing stars to hide our shadows

Greetings Loves,
When my world is going crazy, You can turn it all around. And when I'm down You're there, pushing me to the top. When I lose the will to win; I just reach for You, and I can reach the sky again. And when I need a friend, You're always by my side ; giving me faith, taking me through the night. I can do anything, because Your Love is so amazing. Your Love inspires me.
Thanks for constantly being there through my darkest hours, Love. Especially these last few days, when I was so fragile; even the simplest thing could have broken me into pieces.
Aniss :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I'm coming home when all the leaves began to fall
Greetings Loves,
School tires me, it drains out every little speck of energy till there's none left for the survival of the rest of the day. At this point in time, I prefer making love to the books in the vicinity of my very own four walls rather than taking the 10 minutes trip to school. But then again, I'm only left with three more months before calling high school quits. Better make the most of what I have now. Come to think of it though, school's not really all that bad. Recess is obviously still my favourite period, foods and friends are definitely a great medley.
Emotionally unstable at the mo, be back in I-dont-care-when. No one's at fault, except maybe the ever raging hormones. Hahaha, okaaay -.-
I ache to be in you embrace,
Aniss :)
Monday, August 10, 2009
on top of the world, with you by my side

Greetings Loves,
I woke up with bed sores and my muscles feeling lethargic. Guess it has been awhile since I last sweat my arse off on the trackmill, not to mention I haven't been stretching for over three weeks already. Damn you, homeworks (!) But then again, not that I'm ever up to date with any of my homeworks. In fact, I now have five overdue lab reports that I am so reluctant in doing. But let's not get into that now. As I was saying, I lack exercise nowadays. Oh how I wish it was cheer season again, I desperately need to cheer. But I am well aware that it won't be anytime soon, so now I have to just settle with doing my own exercise, in my own time. So I did some running and stretching this morning, and now I feel a million times better already. The wonders of exercise, hah. Mom just got back, I'm going to say hi to her. Oh look, she bought us each a big bottle of sanitizer and a mask that seems to be the trend nowadays.
School is reopening tomorrow, just great -.-
Even the angels bow down at your beautiful voice.
Aniss :)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
This life is a bit too fragile

Greetings Loves,
See Mom, I told you I studied today :)
I managed to drag this lazy arse of mine and hit the showers, only after the sun had begun to shine at its best. Breakfast was out of the question, so I settled with brunch instead. Truth be told, my mind works at it's best only and only if, my tummy is full. So I did some studying, after having filled up my tummy. I planned on revising one of my weak subjects, Physics. Without even realizing, two hours became four. My tummy was already planning its suicide, after been neglected for such a long period of time. Lucky me, I managed to catch the Jonas Brothers new series on Disney and a few episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians while having a break from the books. My god, who spends 20 grand in one single shop only ? Definitely the Kardashians. And the Jo Bros are still delicious, as ever. Sister complained that I study too much. Well hello there sister, go meet Myraa. And while you are at it, why not my entire circle of friend. Not to mention, trials are just around the corner. Two to be exact, oh kill me. Even so, she managed to talk me into accompanying her out for awhile. Just enough time to get my Pure Caramel Latte from Coffee Bean, which frankly, is the only thing that I drink from Coffee Bean. I don't do caffeine, extremely loathe the bitter taste. But the smell is quite appealing though, I don't mind getting a coffee scented perfume. In fact, I almost bought it once. Maybe next time, when I have extra cash. Anywho, I attempted 25 AddMaths questions after dinner. Out of all the questions, I had 8 miscalculated answers. I feel dumb, enough said.
And now, I'm waiting for the Lover to wake up. And whisper sweet nothings, that only I can hear )
Do you miss me too, boy ?
Loves,Aniss :)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A single soul, inhabiting two bodies

Greetings Loves,
Fourty five beautiful years together, and forever still ahead of them. Petty arguments are part of their daily routine, yet at the end of the day, Love tops everything. It's amusing to watch them bicker, like a pot calling the kettle black. With them, there would always be three different stories. His story, her story, and of course, the actual story. And as always, its such an entertainment to hear both of their sides of stories, before knowing the actual one itself. Happy 45th Anniversary, may god bless both of you.

Dinner with the extended family was a bliss, as it always is. The food was superbly scrumptious, especially the Oven Baked Mussels and Braised Australian Lamb Shank. The company was even better. I've just realized that we had a lot of family gatherings this year, compared to previous years. Let's hope there's more to come :)

Even if we are miles apart,
We are still each other's destiny.
Loves,We are still each other's destiny.
Aniss (:
Friday, August 7, 2009
I used to be love drunk, but now i'm hungover

Greetings Loves,
Happy Seventeenth, Umairah Hussin (!)
A year closer to being legal, but still looks pretty much like a 12 year old. My friend of four years, who has a peculiarly weak immune system, just turned the not so big Seventeen. I can still recall the good old times when I used to spent most of my days over at her place, just lazing on her roof and drooling over her shirtless brother. Don't get me wrong here, I still go over to her house now and then, and definitely still drool over her brother. But maybe not as much as I used too. I guess life has just been keeping us busy, not to mention she now prefers dating her books and drowning in her coffee cups rather than put up with my never ending giggles. It has been ages since I last stepped my foot in her house, so I was more than elated to have been invited to her '4 people only ' birthday party. Even so, we had a superb time, gobbling down homemade pizzas. A game of twister got us all knotted up together in a few embarrassing positions, all caught on camera. A picture or two were taken to be kept aside for future laughing sessions.
I want to drown in you Love,
Aniss (:
Thursday, August 6, 2009
My feet are there but I haven't washed my hair

Greetings Loves,
If fear is what makes us decide, our future journey. Then I'm not along for the ride, because I'm still learning. To try and touch the sky, my fingers are burning. Before you are old, you are young. I'm standing out in the street. The earth is moving, I could feel it under my feet. And I am still proving, that I can stand on my ground. To be lost before you are found, doesn't mean that you were losing. And it feels so good to hit the ground, once in awhile. You can watch me fall, right on my face. And I still wouldn't care, because someday I will rise. But that's not for now, and for now I'm falling. Falling down, down. Down.
Hear me when I say,
When I say I believe.
So far away,
I wish you were here.
Loves,When I say I believe.
So far away,
I wish you were here.
Aniss (:
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Take every moment, you know you own them

Greetings Loves,
Now is a really great time to start freaking out on how time is gearing up and bearing me closer to the big day. Heck, I wish I was implying to the day that I would be sashaying down the aisle. But then again, I would have been more elated than freaked out. That's not the point here. Pardon me, I get sidetrack easily nowadays. Instead of letting the pessimist side of me take control over my life, I decided to remain optimist. So I came up with a study plan which has yet to be tested for its effectiveness. Even so, I have people telling me that the said plan wouldn't prevail while some say that I should follow my instinct. I chose to listen to the latter. My group of acquaintances asked me to join them for a study group, but I'm still contemplating on whether to go ahead with it. I would probably waste my time, feeling intimidated by their brains' capability of storing a vast amount of informations and still have space for more. But then again, maybe some competition would do me good. I might have failed to mention that my school was demanded to close it's gates on us for a whole week as a safety precaution towards the influenza which is causing millions of people all over the world to fall sick, and even fatal to some. It has become pandemic, that it's scaring the bejeezers out of me.
Before my eyes decide to betray me, I shall continue making love to my Biology book first. Buenas Noches !
You are like a hard candy,
with a surprise center.
Loves,with a surprise center.
Aniss :)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Storms of fable foreign tounge

Happy Seventeenth, Love :)