Sunday, July 26, 2009
Pushing me to the top

Greetings Loves,
Due to reasons not worth mentioning, all my tuitions got canceled today. Or rather postponed to another day, still unbeknown to me. There I thought I could finally sleep in on a Saturday, after what seemed like forever. Little did I know that I had a dental appointment scheduled a little after ten, which Mom forgot to mention. If I didn't make it obvious enough, I didn't get to sleep in . So I was forced out of the bed before 10. Upon reaching home, I went straight to the trackmill before my lazy self could take over. I was on it for a half hour or so before I was sweating buckets full, hence making me decide that it was enough, apart from being done watching reruns of Friends on the telly. Took a really long shower to rejuvenate myself before going on a date with the Lover at the Curve. Satisfied my craving for Chicken Teriyaki at Sakae Sushi, where he preferred to watch me eat rather than filling up his tummy himself. Walked around for awhile and saw this really nice green sandals at Vincci. Neither me nor he could stop my raging temptation to purchase said sandals, but I'm still not feeling any regret at all regardless of just purchasing a new pair of flats, less than two weeks ago. Managed to catch one of the last Transformers show, before they can stop showing it in the cinemas. Two thumbs up for the movie ! For a second there, I wanted so badly to change my sexuality, when they were showing the scene where Megan Fox was on the bike. Ahmygod ! Walked around the bazaar soon after, some stalls were already closing in for the day. I purchased my second item of the day, a white butterfly handbag. Well you can say that I've just burned a big hole in my purse, uh-huh. Shared a cupcake and a box of strawberries with the Lover, while waiting for Mom to pick me up, which she did, a little before 10. She claimed that she fell asleep. Atleast it bought me some more time to talk to him :) So, all's good.
For a friend, For a Love to keep me safe and warm, I turn to you.
aniss (:
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
You are the moon that glows in my heart

Greetings Loves,
Haven't you heard,
How we rock each other's world.
How we rock each other's world.
♥ thirteenmonthsandcounting.
Monday, July 20, 2009
glory glory man united

Greetings Loves,
That was one hell of a weekend. The Red Devils were in town and I was lucky enough to watch the sexy players strut their stuff, in flesh. The Malaysian Team played rather proficiently, but the lack of teamwork was shameful. The score was 2-3, with the Red Devils as the eventual winners, without a doubt. It was rather stimulating having the whole stadium erupt in very loud cheers, be it when the Red Devils scored or even when the Malaysian team scored. Regardless of the fact that most of the spectators came in red, including me. Talk about showmanship, very nice. A dinner with the Lover followed soon after. One of the aunts was kind enough to have bought me a ticket to watch Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince on Sunday. Frankly, the movie wasn't as enticing as the book, enough said. How could they just add and minus scenes like that ? It's so annoying when they do that, ergh. Anywho, another aunt was kind enough to send me to Marcos Pizza after the movie for the D*Starz party. I seriously thought their pizzas were somehow or rather better than Pizza Hut and Dominos, thus explains the amount of pizza and pasta that I shoved down my throat. The desserts were scrumptious too. Later on, we made our way to AC to play a game or three of foosball. As we were all craving for ice cream, we headed to McD for their famous sundaes. We got to talking about things that brought us back to our friendship, three years back. Although we went separate ways, but sharing a same passion for cheer has always kept our bond strong until now. Last night has made me realized that the three of them are the ones that I can really talk to, relate to and really feel comfortable opening up to. Don't get me wrong here, all my other friends are equally as great and I love all of them dearly. But maybe sharing a same passion in life is the thing that made them easier for me to relate to.
Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you.
Look how they shine for you.
Aniss :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
I hear it's wonderful in california

Greetings Loves,
Obviously, the hot chocolate didn't do the trick last night. Within an hour or so into it, I fell into a deep slumber. But oh well, the paper is over and done with. Not too bad, considering the lack of studying. The choice of topic that was being discussed during English was rather stimulating, Teens And Porns. Not all the teachers are as open minded, to talk about such things with us, at this tender age of seventeen. Most think that we are still too young and pretty much naive about such things. Reality check, teenagers nowadays know more than we are suppose to. Internet has screwed us all up, long before parents are aware of it. Harry freaking Potter is already out in cinemas ! Yes, I'm a big fan of the saga. J.K Rowling, you are the man.
Frankly, I'm not that big of a fan for football. But I do watch a few games, now and then. Being the good sister that I am, I decided to give brother the MU Training Pass, with permission from Meels of course. I know he would enjoy it more than I would. I'm going for the match on Saturday anyways, so basically, there's nothing to lose. See, I can be nice. When I want to.
I've been missing you,
It's true.
It's true.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I'm about to break a sweat here

Greetings Loves,
Less than twelve hours ago, I was being reminded about the National Chemistry Quiz that I would be sitting for in less than well, twenty four hours. Guess I lost track of time there, didn't I ? I am well aware that the quiz would be held some time this month, but the date totally slipped out of my mind. Tell me now, how do you reckon I complete two years of Chemistry in let's say, three hours ? Without neglecting my beauty sleep, of course. Too bad I don't do caffeine, perhaps hot chocolate would do the trick then ?
Breathless, Suddenly I forgot how to speak.
Aniss :) Love,
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Ninety miles outside Chicago, can't stop driving I don't know why.

Greetings Loves,
With reason unbeknown to me, I always dread physics tuition. Frankly, it's not my best subject in school. Here comes the funny part, I pretty much enjoy every single physics lesson regardless of all those times hoping that the tutor miraculously would not show up. He did, every single week. He's really funny, with his forever geeky jokes. While we were having our usual class late this evening, brother left the telly on and retreated to his lair. Desperate Housewives was on at that point in time, showing an adult scene. Coincidentally, we turned our heads towards the telly, just in time to catch a glimpse of the scene. I almost cracked up when he suddenly turned red. Awkward much ? Tell me about it. But so cute, no kidding ! Ah, finally a reason not to dread physics class anymore.
One day we'll go dancing on the moon.
Loves,Aniss :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Dont walk away when I'm talking to you

Greetings Loves,
So, here's the deal. The absence of cheer in my life has turned me into a more lazy arse than I already was, and it's only been a week since I was last thrown a few feet in the air. Likewise to Chng, I might have the cheer withdrawal syndrome. Whatever that is, or whether it even exists. Thus, explains the lack of posts on Cheer 09. Procrastinating is my best forte, for now. I have overdue homeworks that was suppose to be handed up ages ago, plus as you can well see, I had been neglecting my blog for quite awhile now. Its not that I'm busy or anything, nothing of that sort. I took three days off from school last week, just to clear my mind and sort out my life again. Now that cheer season is over and this thing called SPM is just around the corner, it's time to make love to the books, yet again. It's not an option anymore, it's the real deal. Screw it, and that's the end of my future. So here's to a fresh new start, take two. The first attempt was downright pathetic, enough said.
I'll update about Cheer 09 soon, I promise.
Thanks for watching over me while I was sleeping, Sweetie.
Loves,aniss :)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow

Greetings Loves,
I don't think there's even a single person out there who realizes the significance of cheerleading in my life, or they just don't bother. As of three years ago, cheerleading has been one of the most important thing in my life, something I put all my heart and soul to. I have been working my arse of theses last few months, even neglecting my resting time, as to ensure that I could juggle between the innumerous amount of practices we have on a weekly basis and the truckload of homework that awaits me every single night. These are all done to prove to everyone that we can actually pull this off on the real day of the competition. Apart from having to go down on our knees just so the people up there allow us to practice during school hours, we also don't have enough supporters who bother to attend the competition. What's even more frustrating, is to find out that even your loved ones might not be able to make it. Miss my wedding day for all I care, just not my last cheer competition, please ?
2 days, D*Starz. We can do this, screw what they say.
aniss :)