Monday, June 29, 2009
Why Samson loved Delilah ?

Greetings Loves,
As you can well see, I have been pretty busy these past few days with intensive cheer practices. I even called for an emergency practice on Sunday, regardless of it being the only day off from cheer. It might just be the jitters acting on me. We didn't do much on Sunday, except end practice a good one hour earlier because of our growling stomachs. This week however, we would be cutting the practice time short as to not tire ourselves for the big day, this Saturday and Sunday. Cheer Clinic would be held this Wednesday, I'm looking forward to have a peek at the other teams' routine, especially their stunts. The teachers are all putting rather high hopes for us this year, I'm glad. So head down to Stadium Bukit Jalil on the 4th and 5th of July, preferably dress in orange, and catch D*Starz cheer our hearts out on the blue mats !
4 days, D*Starz :)
You are the direction I follow.
aniss :)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
For the ninety seventh time tonight

Greetings Loves,
Homeworks are piling up without mercy, oh kill me. It might not seem so much, if I were to actually do them on time. But no, I was too lazy to even be bothered with them. And now I have overdue homeworks the size of Mount Everest, yikes. How nice, no ? Apart from that, I am completely lost in certain subjects as I had been skipping classes after recess because of cheer practices. Oh well, as saddening as it is, 9 more days and this would all be over. Only then would I start focusing on my studies. For now, screw homeworks.
Cheer 09 is in exactly 9 days ! Yikes.
AinMagMegan, that is me right ? Hihi (:
Someday we'll know.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
dance as if no one is watching, sing as if no one is listening

Out of a sudden, Madre decided to treat the whole family to supper , or in my case late dinner as I have not had my dinner yet. Random much ? Tell me about it. With a growling stomach, of course I accepted her offer. So off we went for supper at Eastin Hotel, 11.30 at night. The food was finally served at midnight, and within an hour we were done eating. The Chicken Corde Blue was scrumptious, grr. Now I can't sleep because of my full stomach, how nice. Better yet, I need to wake up for school in exactly 5 hours. But oh well, atleast I wont be sleeping with an empty stomach, si ?
My friend, my love
aniss :)
Monday, June 22, 2009
She's supergirl

Greetings Loves,
"It's amazing to watch people fall in love. So this post goes to my two dear friends. I'm already looking forward to your wedding. Since I will be the bridesmaid, kan ? :D I feel like Picasso and you two are my work of art, lol " - Deeya, the tiny midget that made all of this happened.
Of course D, I owe it that much to you.
Not forgetting Mag and Ain, whom helped me the most with the Bogs. Meels with her old sappy songs, Qeela and Selene with their 'brilliant' ideas for the cupons and the rest. He loves it :)
psst, todaytomorrowandforever
Sunday, June 21, 2009
In the end I want to be standing at the beginning with you

Dear Love,
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. I Love You, Sweetie.
You got me at Hello

Dear Love,
Looks like we made it. Look how far we have come, my baby. We might have took the long way, but we knew we'll get here someday. They said that we'll never make it, but look at us holding on. Still together, still going strong.
One year and still counting
Saturday, June 20, 2009
We make a good you and me

greetings loves,
I'm ready, ready as I'll ever be :)
Few more hours, honey.
big loves,
aniss :)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
They're tumbling down, without a sound

greetings loves,
We finally did the whole routine today, plus the stunts. Tiring, but so much fun. I'm looking forward to doing it all over again, tomorrow. How I wish they would just stop fooling around and focus, just for another 2 weeks or so. Anyhow, tomorrow is going to be a very long day. I can only get some shut eye after 10, at night. I'm not kidding, I wish I was. Oh well, off to bed it is. G'Night !
2 days, honey.
Your arms are my castle,
Your heart is my sky.
Your heart is my sky.
aniss :)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I'll be captivated, I'll hang onto your words

greetings loves,
"If I could reach up and hold a star for every time You made me smile, I would have the whole night sky in the palm of my hands."
3 days, honey.
aniss (:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
What did the wind says when she cries ?
greetings loves,
I spent half the day at school today, like literally. Six hours of school, four hours of cheer practice, plus another two hours of rest and such. As I've said plenty of times before, cheer is going along fine. Routine is done, yet music are partially done. In exactly 18 days, I'll be back on the blue mats, cheering my heart out. Frankly, I'm feeling fairly nervous, as per usual a few weeks before any cheer competition. I have really high hopes for the squad this year, let's just hope we'll kick ass on the day of the competition.
4 days, honey.
I'll be there when the world stops turning,
I'll be there when the storm is thorugh.
loves,I'll be there when the storm is thorugh.
aniss (:
Monday, June 15, 2009
They didnt even make a sound'

greetings loves,
Being forced to wake up at the ass crack of dawn is nothing new, infact I'm so used to it by now that it surprised Madre when she was waking up me this morning. It's not like I get to sleep in during the last term break, I'm always up rather early. Whilst walking through the school gate, I got detained for the god knows how many times already, this time my nails being super long. Got back a few papers. Some were rather satisfying, while others were just plain okay. No failures yet, so far so good. Cheer is going along just great, I simply love having practices every single day. The Bogs are somehow or rather almost full, with a little missing pieces here and there. But it'll be done by Sunday, definitely. Deepest gratitude goes out to everyone who lend a helping hand, you don't know how lucky I am to have friends like all of you. Let's just hope everything falls into place by Sunday, I'm fairly excited already. Minus all the jitters, of course.
5 days, honey.
I have found a way to let you in,
But I never really had a doubt
aniss (:
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Whatever happens to Amelia Earhart ?

greetings loves,
Headed down to Sunway to meet up with the Lover and a few friends. Bumped into Myra, who decided to tag along for the rest of the evening. Walked around aimlessly for awhile before finally deciding to catch the Terminator movie. For being ten minutes late, as well as having not watched the previous Terminator movies, I was lost throughout the entire movie, no kidding. After having decided that trying to make sense out of the movie wasn't worth it, I took a short nap. That was some good nap, one of the best I must say. Walked around aimlessly yet again, after the movie. I missed curfew by a few hours. Yikes! Gladly, Madre was cool about it, today being the last time I'm going out for this holiday. Not that there are still alot of days left to this holiday, only one to be exact. Apart from that, homework awaits me tomorrow. I can't afford to put it off anymore, since school is going to reopen in one day. Sigh, goodnight !
Maybe it's everything we have dreamt of.
loves,aniss (:
Friday, June 12, 2009
Should have said no

greetings loves,
I finally got my hair trimmed, after weeks of putting it off. I was contemplating the whole morning whether to chop off the long waves, or just let it be. In the end, I decided to keep the long waves and just cut a small portion of it, together with the fringe. I just love the feel of newly cut hair, I rather you don't ask why. Made a pit stop at One Utama to collect the 20 pairs of orange socks that we ordered early in the week. Sadly, I had no one to accompany me. On a positive note, it was rather stimulating walking alone in a mall bursting with people, not having to talk to anyone. Apart from collecting the socks, I managed to score a few things for the Bogs. Yet, I'm still short of a few. Eight more days, I shall not give up now. As tuition was canceled tonight, I entertained myself with more DVD's. Choice of movie was Another Cinderella Story, very much cliche but nice to watch nonetheless. Might be going down to Pyramid with the Lover and the lot tomorrow. I should get some sleep, right about now. Goodnight !
You and I are painting pictures in the sky.
aniss (:
get up and shake the glitters off your clothes

greetings loves,
It felt rather weird, not having cheer practice in the morning. Like 'I forgot to shower today' kind of feeling, no kidding. It might be the fact that I didn't have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn, figuratively speaking. I can't imagine how the days would be like, after the cheer season is over and done with. On a positive note, I got to sleep in today, after what seemed like an eternity. I missed breakfast and woke up just in time for lunch. I was suppose to go on an all-girls day out with the girls, but Madre had other plans for the driver. So it ended up with me, rotting away at home for the whole day. Thank the Lord, for we have DVD's to keep us entertained, and not to mention books too. I've got around to reading a couple of hundred pages of the newly bought book, by my all time favourite author, Jodi Picoult. She is a brilliant writer, no kidding. I enjoyed reading every single book written by her, especially the current one. Apart from that, I've finally managed to get a hold of a copy of Fired Up! dvd, borrowed from a friend. I love nothing more than movies about cheerleading, except maybe cheese. I have an AddMaths project work and a few Pyhsics and Chemistry work that must be done within these four days left of this term break, yet I am very much reluctant in doing so. Yikes ! I'll probably get on with it during the weekends. As for tomorrow, another date with the Lover shall take place instead. I still have a couple more things that are yet to be added to the Bogs, if you know what I'm saying. Someone, help ?
You are everything I need and more, it's written all over your face.
aniss (:
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
on the way to the top

greetings loves,
Little kids, little tables, little chairs, little bowls, little cups, little everything ! Need I say more ? They were too adorable, I was this close to squishing them. I couldn't help but laugh at every single thing they did, too adorable for words. Even when they were asked to stand at a corner for being naughty, they still looked adorable, not any less. I wish I could just go there, everyday for the rest of life. Maybe I should open up a day care or a kindergarten in the future, no ?
You know you are my saving grace.
loves,aniss (:
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Remember those walls i built ?

greetings loves,
At long last, I can breath a sigh of relief. Or maybe not, just yet. Went hunting for props, orange socks and shoes yesterday with the Captain and a lost little Midget who decided to tag along. We made a pretty good team, I must say. Whilst purchasing the innumerous amounts of colour papers, paints and such, we came up with this brilliant idea to make the props more interesting. Apart from walking in heels all day long and being fed fake food by the Midget, the f-ed up hormones due to that time of the month really gave me this huge urge to kill a person or two. The frown was turned right way up again on the ride back home, the lot really knows how to crack some real jokes. Apart from that, the daily late night webcam session with the Lover truly made my day, everyday. As for today, I headed down to the Gardens with the Lover to catch 17 Again, as well as to continue the quest to hunt orange socks for the squad. Such a sweet and tear jerking movie, something like 13 Going On 30, but the other way around. As for the orange socks, we are still short of seven pairs, oh my. Seeing as how tomorrow would be a day off from cheer, I have decided to self-invite myself to sister's workplace, the kindergarten. Little kids, little chairs and tables, little everything ! Gosh, that's really something to look forward too.
Everywhere I am looking now,
I am surrounded by your embrace.
I am surrounded by your embrace.
aniss (:
Sunday, June 7, 2009
where's my party people at ?

greetings loves,
Madre finally decided to voice out her dissatisfaction about the state of my room, after holding it in for god knows how long. Seeing as how I have nothing better to do, Sunday being a day off from cheer, I decided to please her. Got out my cleaning tools and hastily got on with tidying up this mess of a room. It took me a good 6 hours or so before I could eventually call it quits. I am fairly gratified with the aftereffect, I could tell that Madre was too. Books are neatly kept away, dvd's are stacked in order and all the junks are either stored or thrown away. The clothes are yet to be colour coordinated. I'm kidding, as if I have a severe major case of obsessive compulsive disorder. Maybe I do, but not to that extent. Guess I can cross off one from the strings of 'yet to be done' plans I have for this term break. That includes, getting my hair trimmed, Additional Mathematics project work, a few schoolwork, ordering the shoes and socks aswell as purchasing the spankies for the cheer squad. On top of that there's the music which is yet to be done and props which are yet be bought. Along with that, the special day is coming up in exactly two weeks time and I have yet to acquire all the things I need for that special someone, yikes ! I'm fairly excited, yet jittery. I mean, it's not like we turn one every single day now, do we ? Like everyone else, I want the moment to be perfect, just perfect :)
we make a good you and me.
aniss :)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
black dress with the thights underneath

greetings loves,
Either I have lost the spark to blog or I have just been too busy lately, both seem acceptable enough. Apart from the daily cheer practices which dragged on until noon, this term break had been an enjoyable one, so far. Drinks sales at Victoria Institution Carnival on Saturday was a success, or so I think it is. I have yet to get the confirmation on the exact amount that we made. With trails of sweat still trickling down our forehead, we ditched the carnival soon after we were left with no ice cubes in the cooler box, for a dinner at the Pavillion. The Lover managed to join us and sent me home before curfew. Sunday was the usual family day, no one was allowed out of the house unless the whole family goes out. Watched a midnight movie, Angels and Demons, with the family. The storyline was amazing, I'm still awed by it, no kidding. Lunch date with the Lover on Monday was blissful. We opted to ditch the noisy malls, for a rather relaxing and quite lunch near my house. Stayed home on Tuesday, as the planned dinner date with the Lover, the Bestfriend and her beau got canceled, or rather postponed to another day, still unbeknown to me. Met up with the Lover the next day because of the sudden urge to watch Night At The Museum 2. Boy am I glad I did, that was one hell of an awesome movie. It got me sitting on the edge of the chair, holding on to my stomach, laughing my arse off. Same goes for the Lover, he couldn't even sit still.A nice dinner with the Lover's parents followed soon after, I swear they were just too adorable. Surprisingly, I ate like a pig that day. Rice for lunch, asam laksa for second lunch, tomyam fried rice for tea, followed by kue teow for dinner ? Oh my, why do I have this sudden cravings for everything ? It might be the hormones acting on me, I'm pretty sure. My room is currently such a sore to the eyes. Clothes are strewn everywhere, books piled up on the study table, DVD's stacked messily on the computer table. Only the bed is neatly made, not by me nor sister, obviously. Madre has yet to show any sign of nagging for us to clean up this mess of a room, guess she had already given up on doing so. A spring cleaning shall be in tow, soon if not now, I promise !
In your eyes, I am lost
aniss (: