Thursday, May 28, 2009
why did you race through my red lights ?

greetings loves,
I have lost the spark to blog, how saddening is that. Crossing my fingers that this phase would soon pass, in time for the first term break. Come to think of it, I have lost the spark to actually do anything else, except for cheer, of course. Guess I'm just too hyped up about the upcoming Cheer 09, which as of now, is in exactly 36 days. Yikes, have mercy on us dear Lord. We have started daily practices, and this would probably go on until Cheer 09 itself. It only just hit me today that I won't get to sleep in during the holidays, except for Sundays. On a positive note, I would be up at the ass crack of dawn to do something that I am passionate for, something that has become a big part of my life, something that I would never dream of letting go. So, it's a win win situation, as far as I'm concerned. Supporter shirts are out, interested ? Here, have a look at the design (: (stolen from Mag's blog, hihi)


how you love me now
aniss (:
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
talk with your hips

greetings loves,
You know what, why don't you just make your way to Meels blog. She wrote an essay long post about PRS Camp, no kidding. And just because I'm feeling rather sluggish at the moment, bear with me now, ey ?
No one compares, honey.
aniss (:
Monday, May 25, 2009
Beauty in walking away

greetings loves,
A proper post about my last PRS Camp shall be in tow, bare with me now.
build to last.
aniss (:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
i wanna be inside your heaven

When minutes turn to years, if mountain falls, I'll still be here, holding you until the day I die.
♥ 11 months and definitely counting
aniss :)
games that never amount

greetings loves,
My god, Physics papers were suicidal. I rather sit for Additional Mathematics papers, anyday. Or not, hah. But no point in crying over spilled milk now, si ? Whatever, I'm done. Well technically, I'm not, considering that I still have History and Mathematics papers coming up tomorrow. Hah, fat chance I'm gonna sit and study History tonight. History was so last week, hopefully it's still somewhere there, crammed in between sex chromosomes, equations, molecules and such. Dismally, or not, my Mathematics revision books are still m.i.a. Just goes to show how rarely I revise Mathematics, gulp. Anyhoo, camp is tomorrow, yet I still haven't packed a single piece of clothing. Someone, teach me how not to end up bringing the whole closet ? Cause boy, packing lightly is something I still haven't mastered yet. I'm fairly exctied for American Idol tonight, regardless of already knowing the winner. Thanks, Meels. And now, I'm off for a few hours of shut eye.
When we touch, the stars line up.
aniss :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
and capture the deepest thoughts

greetings loves,
It's I Love Deeya day :) I owe it all to her (refer last post), and only god knows how much I really love that tiny midget. I do. Anyhoo, Midterm is almost coming to an end. Three more days, eight more papers. I can do this, yes I can. Then, I'll be leaving for camp on Friday. I'm fairly excited already, albeit the fact that it would be my last camp is kind of depressing. Moving on, I'm in need of sleep ! I have been staying up two nights in a row. Oh no, I wasn's studying, incase you were wondering. I was up doing something less boring than studying, obviously :) But tonight, I shall sleep since I would be sitting for two Biology papers in less than 12 hours. G'night.
And it feels like the first time,
that anybody ever brought the sun without the rain.
aniss :)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
move in a little closer, take it to a whisper

greeting loves,
Little did I know that the simplest shy gesture from a stranger, exactly a year ago, would turn into this. Yet it did, and I have never been more glad.
So hold up boy, cause this girl is still falling stupid for you.
It's not everyday,
that I find a person quite like you.
aniss :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
it's the same old thing every other year

greetings loves,
Madre made her delicious homemade pizza and apple crumble for lunch today. That just goes to show that she really loves us, how sweet. Why do I feel like the Midterms are already over when in fact, it's not even halfway done yet ? I just couldn't seem to do anymore studying, let alone cram everything inside this overloaded brain of mine. Sigh, let's just hope that whatever I have studied the whole of last week would still be somewhere in there. Additional Mathematics coming up again tomorrow, aswell as Physical Education. I intend to do much better for the next Additional Mthematics paper, as to make amends for the mistakes that I have made in the previous paper. P.E, well who the heck cares ? Sorry Pn C, if you are reading this, no offence. I would not fail my P.E paper, I promise ! Anyhoo, I'm fairly excited for the upcoming PRS camp. I googled up the place and it looks clean, thank god. Let's just hope that my last PRS camp would be a memorable one, fingers crossed. Equations and the Lover awaits me, so this ends here. G'Night.
Bring me love, oh bring me love.
aniss :)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
i did what simon said to do

greetings loves,
Even the sturdiest ground, can shift and can tremble, and let us fall down. Love can sometimes fail, even the strongest ones. I'm talking about no one in particular, mind you. Just something I have come to realize to, recently. Take note, I meant some, not all.
we should get jerseys,
cause boy, we make a good team.
aniss :)
Friday, May 15, 2009
rain falls angry, on the tin roof

greetings loves,
A week have passed, yet I am still nowhere near close to calling it the holidays yet . Dismally, I'm not even halfway done with the Midterms. On a positive note, atleast I'm already done with all the paper 2s. Paper 1s and 3s require less studying, or so I hope it is, since that is exactly what I'm planning on doing. Additional Mathematics was rather nerve wrecking and mind blogging, as it always is. However, it was safe to say, less suicidal compared to the previous one that I sat for in March. Sivik was an utter waste of time. Within less than half an hour, everyone had already drifted away to dreamland. I, on the other hand, stayed in the real world, considering that I could never make myself comfortable enough to doze off in school. A lot of doodling on the hand was done instead, to entertain myself during the 40 minutes of waiting before the papers were to be collected. That wasted time could have been better off spent, filling up the blank pages of my Additional Mathematics answer sheets, pfft. On a positive note, we won't have to come across any Sivik papers anymore for as long as we are still breathing in this dying world, sweet. Good news, cheer practice is still on tomorrow as usual, regardless of it still being the exam season. But hey, it's the cheer season too ! Anyhoo, I bought a vintage-ish green dress online, recently. Within 24 hours, it was sent to my house. Express, much ? Tell me about it, I was more surprised. It's pretty ravisihing, and it fits me perfectly. Life had been so hectic lately, as usual, that it might have just cost me not one, but a few friendships. But I'm thrilled that I managed to patch things up with each and everyone of them. Friends, they are the reasons for the smiles on our faces :)
EIGHT down, THIRTEEN to go
Told you I'm not even halfway done yet, grr.
Additional Mathematics 2, DONE
Sivik, DONE, for the rest of my life
with the tappings of your love
aniss (:
Thursday, May 14, 2009
teach us not to be too loud

greetings loves,
Erghh, my back is aching due to the amount of studying I had been doing in the last couple of days. I can't blame it on the lack of sleep. I don't stay up too late to study, nor do I neglect my sleeping time just because its the exam season, unlike others. I still get 8 hours of sleep, or maybe even more. Hah, let's just hope I don't screw up my Mid Term now, shall we ? Physics was rather mind blogging, but I survived. Mathematics on the other hand, was pretty easy, albeit I didn't manage to find my revision books the night before. Ah, thank god. Additional Mathematics coming up tomorrow, aswell as get this, Sivik. Pfft, suh a wase of time. But now, it's nap time baby.
EIGHT down, FIFTEEN to go.
Physics 2, DONE
Mathematics 2, DONE
I wanna run, but only if you run with me
aniss (:
in the night, i hear them talk

greetings loves,
I can't even recall the last time it rained like this, in the afternoon. Usually, the sun would be shining at its best at around this time of the day, draining the energy out of us. Yet, its pouring outside at the moment. Not too heavily, nor is it just drizzles of water. It's just perfect for my afternoon nap, considering that the weather is so sleep inducing. But before that, I shall get straight to the point. Biology was do-able, I'm glad. Islamic studies was rather easier than the previous one, regardless of the lack of revising that was done. I only had an hour before the paper to revise all 30 over chapters, since I was busy making love to my Biology books the night before. Physics and Mathematics coming up tomorrow. I can't find my Mathematics revision books, not even one ! Yikes :o
SIX down, SEVENTEEN to go
Biology 2, DONE
Islamic Studies 2, DONE
I feel you touch me in the pouring rain.
aniss (:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
make us worthy, make us proud

greetings loves,
Chemistry wasn't as mind boggling as I thought it would be, thank god. I chose to write an essay about Parents for BM. Quite an easy topic to write about, I must say. Biology and Islamic Studies coming up tomorrow, yikes ! Let me see, I have to revise about 10 chapters of Biology and well, 55 chapters of Islamic Studies. Hopefully, I'll be done by midnight. Heck, who am I kidding. Should be one hell of a night, too bad I don't do caffeine. But now, I'm off for an hour of shut eye. I'm not about to let Mid Term disrupt my afternoon nap, oh no.
FOUR down, NINETEEN to go.
Chemistry 2, DONE
I know your eyes in morning light.
aniss (:
Monday, May 11, 2009
there's always gonna be another mountain

greetings loves,
Screw them people who've created history, they are just a waste of our time. Sure, they've created history. But why make our life miserable by expecting us to memorize their endless achievements ? I get it that we learn history as not to repeat their mistakes, but I'm sure there's a better and say, interesting way to learn it, no ? For now, I rest my case. Oh well, until the next history paper comes along atleast. Till then, no more flat-out boring rants on History. I claim that I'm running againts time for Mid Term's revision, yet I still could find the time to blog. Now, aint that just so F up ? Chemistry and BM papers coming up tomorrow, have a nice day !
TWO down, TWENTY ONE to go.
English 1, DONE.
History 2, DONE.
Ain : That clock is slow cause it doesn't have a brain, just like my watch. Stupid little thing !
Us : Thank God we have Ain, atleast now we know that clocks/watches actually do have brains -.-
And again, that is exactly why we Love that tiny Midget <3
Hello there, Sexy.
aniss (:
Thursday, May 7, 2009
its about time for this

greetings loves,
It takes 150 trees to produce the amount of paper we use in one exam,
So, join us to save the trees,
Say NO to Mid Term exams.
You never leave my mind,
even when there are a million other things on it.
aniss :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
do not make me throw a possum at you

greetings loves,
No one cared to mention that I would be doing any drawings when I opted to pursue the last two years of my high school in the Science stream. Tell me now, how do you expect me to draw when obviously, I have two left hands? Even so, I kind of like how my drawing of the human body turned out in the end, regardless of the head not being proportional to the rest of the body. Hah, I can draw ! Or not, but heck. Anyhoo, I'm proud to say that I have been clean of coke consumption for four months now. I was even more gratified when I turned down half a bottle of coke that was given to me earlier today, without even a slight hesitation.
Aniss : Coke bleaches your stomach !
Ain : o.O I prefer mine to be coloured.
And that is exactly why I love her, no doubt :)
Updates on Cheer : As of today, Cheer 09 is in exactly ** days . Yikes ! Routine is almost done, yet there are still so much to do and so much to buy before The Day. It's a wonder why I have not freaked out yet, unlike some.
They say that Disney Land is the best place in the world,
Sure enough they've never been in your arms.
aniss :)
Monday, May 4, 2009
time of your life

greetings loves,
Likewise to Meels, I walked into the hall for the usual Monday assembly only to find that my class was missing. Within seconds, I finally realized that the long stretch of people standing outside the hall were none other than my classmates. Turns out, we were being punished because of our usual squabblings on who sits at the front row. To be frank, it was fairly stimulating to be standing outside, breathing in the fresh morning air and conversing with each other without the usual interference by the prefects and teachers. They were totally ignoring us, making our punishment less torturing and more exhilarating . Next up was the Inter-class English Skit Comeptition, which practically dragged on until school ended. I am fairly gratified that my English class placed 1st runner up, albeit the number of times we actually practiced for the skit was rather shameful. Have I mentioned earlier that my role in the skit was to be a pink flower ? Yes, you've read em right. Truth be told, it totally felt like I was in some kindergarden's play instead of an English Lit skit. Remember when all of us used to dressed up as flowers, tree and such, more than ten years ago ? Yes, it was like going back in time. How fun, no ? Now I feel so old, sigh. Anyhoo, we attempted a kick twist toss at gym. Boy, we actually did quite good for our first time !
what more can I ask from you ? :)
aniss :)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
oh my, it's impossible to ignore you

Today I am happier than a bird with a french fry :) What was suppose to be a group date with the Lover, the two Bestfriends and of course, their beaus, turned into yet another typical one on one date with the Lover. Don't get me wrong here, I wasn't complaining. I had fun, regardless of the two missing bestfriends. Coming Soon, I so recommend that movie. The fact that the whole movie was about what eventuated behind the closed doors of the movie theathre scared the bejeezers out of me, no kidding. After a trip to the Big Apple and Coffee Bean, I decided to call it a day. And the fact that I would be in big trouble if I were to miss my curfew, gulp. Anyhoo, Mid Term is coming up in a weeks time. Revising History is so sleep inducing, I tell you. One chapter is already unbearable enough, what more fifteen chapters. Sigh. Dinner's ready, thank godd. Studying sure makes me hungry, screw History. Well, atleast for tonight. A date with Madre and my Biology books later on, tralaa !
i'm a beast when you turned me on.
aniss :)