Tuesday, April 28, 2009
nothing is ever too late

greetings loves,
Humans tend to do the exact opposite of what they are asked to. Well, it's only natural. Madre made it perfectly clear that I should stay away from carbonated drinks because of the ongoing gastric I had been getting for the last one week, but I might have just taken a sip or two, when she wasn't looking. Fine, two cups to be frank. Grr, I just couldn't resist it. I had to skip the grooming session that was held at school today because of a rather sudden gastric pain. They had fun playing with make-ups, or so I've heard. I refused to skip cheer practice, regardless of the pain. I'm pretty glad that we are progressing more with each practice. The school hall had been transformed into a Disney-like studio in conjunction with the Hannah Montanna competition tomorrow. I'm fairly excited, being a Disney Channel fan after all these years. Call me childish, but who's not ?
tell me now, boy
loves,aniss :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
im taking too much and giving so little
greetings loves,
No one told me that it was free massage day, pfft. I cracked my neck three times and banged someone's knee whilst attempting a double twist, which obviously failed. I slipped through their fragile fingers on the way down and went all exorcist, with the neck cracking at some weird angles. To be frank, it felt like someone just gave me a neck massage. Madre didn't even show any sign of being panic when I slightly exagerrated on the the truth of the story. Apparently, doctors are trained to remain calm at any given situation. Silly me, I actually expected a more dramatic reaction. She gave me some pills to shut me up, and it worked. I failed yet again, to make her panic even the slightest bit. One day I shall suceed, one day. My eyes are betraying me and the bed looks so heavenly, ah. Sweet dreams, sweet dreams.
I hate missing you, but I love having you to miss.
aniss (:
Sunday, April 26, 2009
one litter of tears

Erghh, why do I even bother with homeworks ? Just when I thought that I was almost done with them, more overdue homeworks popped out from my bag, ready to drain the heck out of me. I needed a little peace and quiet, without the usual distractions namely computer, bed, food and such. I opted to study by the poolside instead of being cooped up in my room, where most of the times are spent in dreamland. The change in the study environment sure made a whole lot of difference, no kidding. As the weather was uberly hot, I had a dip in the pool to freshen up after completing the innumerous amount of homeworks. Only then did I realized that I had abandon the pool for months now, being cooped up with school and such. I miss swimming in the late afternoon, when the sun is retiring for the day and the wind is blowing at its best. Such a peaceful moment, sigh. I should do more relaxing stuff like that, it's definitely a good way to de-stress after a long week. Madre's about to go off for the monthly grocery shopping, and I'm not letting her go without me. I need to restock my jelly bellies for the upcoming month !
through it all,
nobody gets me like you do.
nobody gets me like you do.
aniss :)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
all we know is falling

greetings loves,
With less than three months to go, I finally announced the 16 people who would be competing in the upcoming Cheer 09. Such a tough decision, I have to admit. All 23 of them oozes with potential, yet not all of them are ready to go on the blue mats just yet. Uniform design is done, so that leaves us with the music, putting the routine into place, shoes, banners, props and such. Yikes, so much to do, yet so little time. On to another matter now. I turned down Madre's invitation to go hunting for a notebook for Sister for a 4 hours non-stop homework marathon instead. I surprised even myself, no kidding. I just felt the need to buck up on my studies. So far, so good. The Lover is on the line, G'night !
your name spells perfection.
aniss (:
Thursday, April 23, 2009
what do you live for ?

greetings loves,
To build a hospital or work in one ? I was going around asking that particular question to anyone who were courteous enough to actually stop and listen to me rant about my future career. After the annual career exhibition at school, I am now left with a vast amount of career options to ponder on. As of now, I seriously have no idea as to what I intend to do in the future. Apart from annoying people with my never ending rants, I had fun stealing pens from some of the career booths whilst planning my cheer future with Mag. Oh how I wish I could just cheer for the rest of my life, then everything would be just fine, no ? Oh well, I still have half a year to go before having to actually decide on a career. In the meantime, I shall focus on not failing high school. Everything seems to fall perfectly in place, I'm glad. Mag's sports therapist had just given her the thumbs up on competing for Cheer 09, now it's all up to her doctor. Homeworks are still not fully completed yet, but I'm getting there. Unlike most, I have barely started on my revisions for the upcoming Mid-Term. I really can't afford to get last this time, even if I'm stuck in a class full of smart arses . The first time was fairly amusing and hilarious, I have to admit. Yet, I doubt the next time would be as amusing, si ? History shall not repeat itself now, am I right ?
with you by my side,
I am not afraid to fall.
I am not afraid to fall.
aniss :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
bring me love, honey

Another day to sing about the magic that is, you and me.
10 months and counting
aniss :)
aniss :)
Friday, April 17, 2009
almost legal, but not quite

greetings loves,
Finally Seventeen, yet still not legal. Not for another year anyways. I was waiting for this day practically my entire life, seventeen being my favourite number. Others get excited when they turn sixteen or eighteen, but not me. I planned on ditching school and just laze around on my special day. But after much pleading and begging from a certain friend, my plans changed. I was up and about a tad earlier than usual, ready to go to school. Madre on the other hand begged me not to go, but I refused to budge from my decision. School was pure bliss, for the first time. In the course of only 6 hours, the birthday song were sung for me six times and I was smothered with birthday wishes all day long. The shopping spree with Sister in the evening completed my day. Ah, turning the sexy seventeen was such a splendid thing. My deepest gratitude goes out to everyone who made my day and even had the courtesy to blog about my special day. Thankyous :)
hello ?
loves,aniss (:
Thursday, April 16, 2009
roaring to victory

greetings loves,
Roaring To Victory, the title says it all. We came, we competed and we won. Oh well, second place anyways. After four years, the curse had finally been broken today. The march pass was rather spine tingling, the aerobics performance was fairly gratifying and the house athletes were simply amazing. We were neck to neck with the Reds, whilst the Blues were far off in front of us. Sadly, the Greens had lost their spirits. Being neck to neck with the Reds was amusing and daunting at the same time. All in all, we kicked their arse in the end. Apart from coming first for aerobics, the Yellows are also the current champion for march pass. Buckets of tears were shed, yet none had gone to waste. I salute Aqeela for leading us all to victory. The contented and gratified look on her face when we placed second was priceless, an even more reason for me to shed more tears of joy. It seems that all the hard work, money and especially times spent were all worth it in the end, I'm glad. My senior year, our senior year. I am proud to have played a role in making my last Sports Day a memorable one. No more sports day for the rest of my life, ever. Sigh, I feel so much older already.
An hour to Seventeeeeeeeen :)
psst, be a doll and smother me with birthday wishes aight ? hihi
aniss :)
An hour to Seventeeeeeeeen :)
psst, be a doll and smother me with birthday wishes aight ? hihi
honey, i'll be waiting
aniss :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
go fight win yeah
greetings loves,
Sports Day befalls tomorrow, 16th of April 2009. Yikes, that was fast ! On a second thought, I'm glad that it would be over in less than 24 hours. I absolutely need to focus on my academics rather than just on my co-curricular activities. Mid Term is less than a month away, yet the books are still neatly kept aside. Anyhow anywho. I have to be up and about in less than 8 hours, so I shall keep this short. To be frank, I am sincerely proud of Yellow house for bringing our name up after years of being last. Not this year, no. We're gonna kick some arse tomorrow !
psst, expect daily and proper updates after Sports Day. I won't be as busy then (:
2 Days to Seveneteen :)
kiss me through the phone
loves,aniss :)
Monday, April 13, 2009
you are my destiny

greetings loves,
Oh my, such a hectic weekend. Kids Parade was enjoyable, despite the fact the we did not even perform in the end. Malaysians timing are so annoying, erghh. I choose not to elaborate further, it ain't worth my precious time. We decided to ditch the carnival for a horror movie 'Jangan Tegur', instead. Lucky for me, I have the Lover to restrain me from running out of the movie theatre, screaming my head off. Half of the movie (or more) were spent with eyes safely shut, one hand secured to both legs and the other hand squeezing whoever or whatever that was in my way. The best part was when I had the urge to go to the ladies, oh gosh. The whole cinema had a good laugh, watching me run and scream out of the cinema. Good times, good times. On a positive note, I did not bail halfway through the movie unlike some. Names shall not be mentioned, as to protect their dignity. Hah, that was hilarious. No more horror movies for me, that's for sure. Oh well, not in the near future anyways.
I have truckloads of homework that awaits me, thus explains why I'm hiding at home instead of being at school. Yikes, I should probably go now. Gymnastic lesson, aerobics training and AddMaths later on, tralaa.
jai ho, jai ho
4 days to Seventeen :)
aniss (:
Friday, April 10, 2009
a certain shade of green

greetings loves,
I am mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted. Maybe not so on the spiritual side, more to the mental, physical and emotional sides. Rarely have I succumb to these states of fatigue, yet I am at this moment. From the daily cheer practices to the numerous amount of aerobics training for the upcoming Sports Day, to the rather sudden cheer performance for a certain book launch in the midst of the week . On top of that, I have to attend school on a daily basis, tuitions on most nights, as well as the vast number of pathetic attempts at preparing for the upcoming mid-term. Sigh, it's hard but I'm surviving. Or so I hope I am. Kid's Parade befalls on Sunday. I am forced to wake up at the ass crack of dawn for the rehearsal tomorrow and a big chance that it would probably drag on until noon. With that, I would be absent from school with permission, of course. Ah, how nice ! Not like I would ever attend school on a Saturday, anyways. Prom Audition would be on in the afternoon. Oh my, yet another exhausting day awaits me. Oh well, I'm pretty much immuned to those kind of days already.
Anyhow, anywho. I had my last ever class picture taken today, as well as the Class of 09 picture. The feeling of being in the same picture as the rest of the form fives or in other words, my friends was indescribable. A table almost broke into half as we screamed and jump for the candid shots. Oh my, I am so gonna miss those moments of joy. Only then and there did it hit me, I am in my senior year. Everything I have done or yet to do, would be my last time. With that, I vow to make every little things count. Screw all the stress and dramas, there's no time for all those childish acts. This would end in just a blink of the eye, let's make the most out of it.
7 days to Seventeen :)Goodnight.
aniss (:
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Come up to meet you

greetings loves,
Little did I know that April would be as hectic as March, perchance even a tad more hectic. So far I have two performances and sports day coming my way. Not to mention cheer practices three times a week, gymnastics lessons once a week, tuitions every single night, sports day practices every other evenings and of course, school. On a positive note, I would be turning seventeen this coming 17th April. Boy, I can't wait. Regardless to that, I have yet to make a list of things I would definitely appreciate if someone were to get them for me. Save up people cause boy, I sure want alot for my special day :)
12 days to Seventeen
ah, so beautiful.
loves,aniss (:
Saturday, April 4, 2009
i am no superwoman and you are no superman

greetings loves,
Scratch that last post. It seems that the amount of homeworks are still pretty much the same and I don't think I'm that organize yet, not so much anyways. I have only managed to complete less than half of them in the course of one day, another truckload awaits me. Sigh, sigh. Another performance is coming up this Thursday, it seems. This calls for an emergency practice on a Sunday ! Gosh, I'm beat and drained. Life's getting more hectic by the day, sigh. But hey, I prefer it to be this way anytime. Well, most of the time anyways.
13 days to seventeen (:
trust me on this, dear (:
aniss (:
Friday, April 3, 2009
if you wonder off too far

greetings loves,
I was just done with listing down all the homework that needs to be done in a period of only two days. The amount barely sums up to what I would normally label as insane, rather unusual I must say. Is the world going into apocalypse or am I just getting more organized by the day ? The latter sounds humorously impossible, but let's just stick to that. Regardless of being more organize now, I'm still sticking to my policy of not doing homework on a Friday night. For me, it is instead the time to catch up on my favourite shows and movies. The Lover is on the line, so this ends here :)
Sweet Dreams.
why, you look lovely.
loves,aniss (:
Thursday, April 2, 2009
how can you sleep at a time like this
greetings loves,
As of this morning, we were finally done with the entire Alexander movie. Frankly, it's a better and definitely a more interesting way to learn History. Kudos to the teacher. Aerobics are getting along pretty well, I must say. The much needed progressions had been acquired. I plan on making Yellow House champion this year, it being my senior year. Oh well, we shall see. But for now,
Homeworks are calling, G'night !
talk to me, boy
aniss (:
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I've been jaded
greetings loves,
I am currently at Midget's house, attempting to mix songs for aerobics. Yes, aerobics for sports day. It can't get any worse than that, I assure you. Aprils Fool, I thought it was just like any other school days. The twins switched classes, nothing unusual about that. Cheer practice was the most productive one we've had so far in this year, hurrah. Let's all wish Lydia Miller and Aiman a
Happy Sweet Sixteen, God bless (:
Frankly, April is my favourite month, it being the month I first saw life outside of Madre's womb. Yes, I'll be turning the sexy seventeen this coming 17th April (: be a doll and wish me, aight ? hihi.
where are thou ?
aniss (: