Tuesday, March 31, 2009
taste past the tip of your toungue

greetings loves,
I don't even know why I even bothered waking up at the ass crack of dawn for school today, it was simply a waste of time. Remember the time when I said ' you know you are in the top class when almost half the class gets 100 percent for Modern Mathematics' ? Well it gets better, you know you are in the top class when your placing in class is 32 out of well, 32 students. Yes, I'm talking about none other than myself. I prefer to look at it as one from the long strings of experiences of high school. Atleast I would have something interesting to tell my future grandchildren, si ? Madre thought it was hilarious, by the way. So, screw the rest. Anyhow, brother would officially turn sixteen in approximately an hour time. An April Fool's baby indeed, hah. The memory of his last birthday is still fresh in my memory, with the whole family being stuck in an elevator for an hour plus, four pints of melting Baskin Robbins in hand. I wonder just what awaits us this year, we shall see. More memories worth reminiscing later on, I'm hoping.
I miss you, friend.
hey sexy,
aniss :)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Hurry up and wait

greetings loves,
My lunch today consisted of a power bar and a bottle of isotonic drink. Talk about a power lunch. Gymnastics lesson was productive to say the least. Most of them are improving, much to my delight. The captain is taking her brace off today, hurrah. Let's hope she would be able to cheer some time soon, aight ? Sadly for Ain (or better known as the shortest midget alive :P), she have just lost the right to call her 'pathetic little girl' anymore, hah. During house practice, a girl had a seizure. To be frank, I was very much petrified, it being my first ever experience. It seems that she has a kidney problem, or so I've heard. Pre-sports day stress is building up day by day, everyone's pretty much running around attempting to get organize. Oh well, we'll see how it goes.
hihi, need i say more ?
aniss :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
play me over, honey
greetings loves,
Meals served today were all scrumptious, be it for lunch or dinner. Sushi for lunch, courtesy of sister. I would have helped, if I wasn't too engrossed with or rather too busy shedding tears over PS I Love You. Ah, such a sweet, sweet movie :) Now, back to food. Dinner served were a few different types of fishes , courtesy of le adoring grandparents. I love it when they come over, they never fail to place a big smile on my face with their adoring, yet humorous characters. I'm done with my homeworks, well most of it anyways. I did not complete my tuition homework, simply because I am just too reluctant to even try to attempt the questions. That shows how much of a lazy arse I am, sigh.
it's good to be home, so you say.
aniss :)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
something rather than nothing

greetings loves,
Earth hour was very enthralling, it being my second year participating. How nice it is for one to be able to bond with one's family in pure darkness. To be frank, it is a million times more productive way considering that there are no distractions around, computers and such. Instead of only switching off the lights, we decided to to switch off the whole power system. This year however, there were no pizzas to gobble down in the midst of darkness with reason unbeknown to me. We just sat there and talk about life, with the absence of one family member. It was fun, nevertheless. We'll definitely join again next year, I'm pretty sure.
come home, love.
loves,aniss :)
Friday, March 27, 2009
two can play the game

greetings loves,
This whole week had been nothing but such a melancholy one, one that I rather not put into words to be reminisced in the future. I'm beat and drained, I'm in a serious need of a break. The last holiday wasn't much of a holiday due to cheer and such, yet I don't regret spending all the days doing what I love the most. But a normal holiday where I can get to sleep in sounds pleasant too, perhaps in nine months time ? Oh well, that'll do. I've been shedding more tears than ever, not because I'm stressed out nor am I in any state of despair. If you know me well enough, you would know how haywire my tear ducts are. It has a mind of its own, I'm telling you. It shed tears at such random moments, be it when I'm giggling or what nots. Enough rants about my state of mind, Earth Hour befalls tomorrow. The family and I are joining, two years in a row. Last year was fun, gobbling down pizza and family bonding time being the main act in the dark. I'm pretty sure this year would be as splendid, with the company of my loved ones, no ?
two can play the game.
aniss :)
Monday, March 23, 2009
If you seek amy

To win some, you will lose some. That's what I have been telling myself for the last 12 hours or so, and I am finally convinced with the truth of those words. This great loss would motivate us to work harder to reach our main goal, I'm pretty sure. None of you are to be blame for the loss, so stop feeling dejected about yourself. I love each and everyone of you dearly, and I think you girls did amazing and brilliant yesterday. So, lets turn that big frown upside down, aight ? Cheer 09, here we come :)
'Let's put it this way, you have to maintain the balance of the world. If you don't lose, how do you expect anyone else to win ?'
Wise words from sister <3, she cracked me up. Big time.
You have never failed to come through,
each and every single time.
loves,each and every single time.
aniss :)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
we belong to you and me

greetings loves,
Tell me you love me,
Come here and haunt me,
Oh I will never get tired of you (:
Come here and haunt me,
Oh I will never get tired of you (:
9 months, and counting bby ♥
aniss (:
aniss (:
to charm the nation

greetings loves,
Head down to Cineleisure as early as 12 pm tomorrow, 22nd of March 2009 to ensure the best view during D*STARZ's performance at 2pm. Come and support us cause we sure are gonna kick arse !
Come On Crowd,
Cheer Out Loud,
Spirit Spirit Spirit,
What ?
Kindly memorize the bolded words and cheer along with us tomorrow during our performance :) Don't forget to wear orange. thankyous.
Come On Crowd,
Cheer Out Loud,
Spirit Spirit Spirit,
What ?
Kindly memorize the bolded words and cheer along with us tomorrow during our performance :) Don't forget to wear orange. thankyous.
psst, yess Mag, our first competition. I'm fairly excited, hihi.
BIG love,
aniss :)
aniss :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
When they call me Wonderwoman, I guess they were wrong
greetings loves,
A girl can only take so much, I am no Wonderwoman.
aniss (:
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Take me back to the start

greetings loves,
Mother sat me down early this evening and told me how she has been getting complaints from practically all of my tutors that I rarely attempt to complete the homeworks given. Just imagine how even more blown off she would be if she learns that it does not only apply to tuitions homeworks, but school homeworks too. Being a mother that she is, she threatened to put a halt to my ever hectic life. In simpler words, cheerleading would be erase out of the picture. Gulp, now I'm petrified. I was forced to make a promise to atleast attempt to complete all of my given homeworks or I would be kissing my cheer life goodbye. I wouldn't want that to happen now, would I. Obviously, not. Anyhow anywho. Dinner with the family in pure darkness was fairly amusing, to say the least. It was a good two hours before the electricity started running again. Family time is always the best when there are no distractions aorund, computers and such.
why is this only hitting me now ?
boy, imissyou.
loves,boy, imissyou.
aniss :).
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Honey, need I say more ?

greetings loves,
I shall not even pretend that I even know how to decipher this myriad of wondrous feelings into words. Frankly, its simply indescribable. I am still amazed, no kidding. Pardon me, for I am in no right state of mind to blog right now. I feel giddy, bubbleheaded perhaps. The ground feels so far away, yet I don't intend to come down anytime soon. Ah, life (:
boy, everything about you intrigues me.
Sweet Dreams, Love.
aniss :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A hundred days have made me older

I did plan on keeping myself busy this holiday, yet I never intended it to be this hectic. C3 practice kicked off yesterday and boy did my muscles ached. Indeed they did, albeit no stunts were done. Gym was tiring, yet enthralling as I got the honour to toss people rather than being tossed myself. Ain Tinier was courteous enough to escort me to the rather short C3 briefing that was held at the Golden Class Room, Cinelesiure. The participating teams were briefed on the rules of the competition as well as the whole schedule of the competition. Apparently, D*Starz would be performing at 2.11 in the afternoon, this Sunday. So be sure to grab the best spot to ensure the best view. Anywho, anyhow. A date with the Lover has been planned for tomorrow, thus explains the idiotic grin currently plastered on my face As usual, it's back to the place where it all begun. I would be hitting the sack a tad earlier than usual as tomorrow would be another busy yet pleasant day, I'm pretty sure. Anyone dares as to bet against that ? (:
a few more moments
till I can see your pretty face again.
till I can see your pretty face again.
aniss :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Chasing pavements

Frankly, I'm feeling a tad melancholy at the moment. The sister, brother and dear aunts went off to catch the premiere of The Shopaholic while I was stuck at my tutor's house, solving innumerous amounts of AddMaths equations on Volumes of Revolutions. It's even harder than the name's letting on. But that's not the point here, far from it in fact. First it was Karaoke Night on the same night that I had Physics tuition. Obviously, I missed out on that too. Lets hope that this would not turn into a habit, si ? Now, I have to make one fairly grave call to a certain someone and drown my sorrows with more re-runs of Gossip Girls soon after. Ah yess, the sex god ! No point in being depressed, now that there is a sex god in the picture :)
Speak up, boy.
aniss :)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Forgive the urgency but hurry up and wait

D*Starz came out on the small screen, yet again ! Albeit it was just for the commercial breaks in between the kid's morning shows, it was enough to get me all hyped up. Even more than enough to get me up before lunchtime, on a Sunday. It was aired throughout the whole morning, displaying bits and pieces of our group shots now and then. Mother being a mother that she is, looked so proud albeit she refused to admit it. Anyhow, anywho. The first term break had gladly and blithely begun one day ago. This time however, I refuse to spend the days off from school ignorantly. I vow to make good use of these rather precious nine days, starting from today itself. A few plans had already come to mind, a few more shall be in tow. Spring cleaning this mess of a room, C3 practices every single morning, tuitions practically every single night, a date with the Lover in the midst of the week, making love to my Form Four revision books, the pile of homework that awaits me, a shopping spree that had long been planned, re-runs of my favourite tv shows and ultimately, the Charm Cheerleading Competition (C3) at the end of the school break. I'm feeling fairly exuberant already :) It's gonna be a great school holiday, I'm pretty sure. No more waking up in the middle of lunchtime just because its the holidays. Truth be told, I don't mind even a single bit. Something or perhaps, someone made me realize that nothing comes out form being a lazy arse. Honey,It's all about changing for the better.
First on the list, spring cleaning this mess of a room. Wish me luck !
Hey Love,
you are beginning to feel like home.
you are beginning to feel like home.
aniss :)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Bringing it up a notch

The Epiphany ; Bringing It Up A Notch
So much for being punctual, I should have known better than to trust Malaysian timing. For failing to do so, I wasted a good two hours of beauty sleep. Rehearsal did not begun until a quarter before 9, two hours after the planned time. So frankly, I woke up at the ass crack of dawn for well, nothing. Considering that, we had to rush for hair and make-up. It was a chaos putting on our outfits with obvious jitters emanating form each one of us. The performance was rather phenomenal and we had such a delightful time strutting our dance poses onstage. Frankly, it was worth the barely one month of practice. Definitely and surely. Simply considering that we triumphantly placed second runner up, much to our bewilderment. Hurrah :) After the event, all seven of us crammed into Z's car and drove off to Pavillion to have a very late lunch. The first class company of all my favourite bitches and the Lover was surely a plus to the rather exciting day that I had. Not forgetting the intimate conversation between D and I, it was fairly stimulating. Only then did I apprehend how much I miss talking to that little friend of mine.
Meels wrote, and I quote.
'It was very ironic to see that 75 % of the performances involved sri amanians and even more ironic to see that the eventual winners ALL had sri amanians involved. Its like world domination step 1'
Haha, I so agree !
your touch,
it allures me in deeper
loves,it allures me in deeper
aniss :)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Till the morning light

After much pleading and such, mother gave in and allowed me to rest at home yday. Same goes for today, thus explains why I'm blogging so early in the day. The rehearsal at Sentul went fairly well. We were told to meet up at the same place tomorrow as early as 7 in the morning, damn (!) Anyhow, anywho. I have practice at the studio in less than an hr, I need to get ready. A long post on ICC shall be in tow, I promise.
you are simply lasvicious, my dear.
Good day !
aniss :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
So if you're mad then get mad and be mad

greetings loves,
Believe it or not, I have triumphantly completed the four physics lab reports that were due yday. It's not that big of a deal, simply considering that everyone else had submitted in their reports long before I even got started on mine. P.E was rather fascinating, with us playing a game of basketball in a tennis court. It was rather pleasurable to be able to sweat out and just enjoy myself, not that I am stressed out or anything of that such. Exams are long over, yet teachers claimed that they don't have the time to actually mark our papers. After the term break, they promised. On a second thought, who's complaining ? Due to a bad case of period cramp and a very unprepared oral test, I might just be absent tomorrow. If Mother wills, that is. ICC is in less than three days away, it's freaking the bejeezers out of me. The official rehearsal is*gasp* tomorrow (!), at Sentul itself. Let's hope I would not get lost and manage to return home in one piece, as I am not familiar with the surroundings there. Anyhow, anywho. Biology lab report has yet to be touched and a few episodes of 902010 have yet to be watched. Thus, I'll cut this short.
when the night falls on you,
baby, you won't be on your own.
baby, you won't be on your own.
aniss :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
In the night I hear him talk

I have come to realize that procrastination is the thief of time. Due to my being such a lazy arse and a very notorious procrastinator, I am now burden with overdue homeworks. Even so, I wasn't in the least bit panicked when the rest of the class were frantically trying to complete their homeworks during our two free periods. Instead, my hand moved at a very shameful pace, pretending to complete one from the long strings of overdue homeworks. I did manage to complete my AddMaths equations though, with the aid of a friend's book. With that out of the way, I was left with not one nor two, but four physics lab report which were due just now. Apparently , I am the only one in the class who have not submitted in those reports, yet. Oh well, there's still tomorrow. Or so I keep telling myself, everytime i fail to complete my homeworks. Erghh, screw homeworks !
Anyhow, anywho. I literally fell headfirst during cheer practice. Thank God for mats ! Come to think of it, it was rather funny. Imagine Humpty Dumpty. Ah, simply hilarious. Im off for a few minutes, or in this case, hours of shut eye.
No, Procrastination is the thief of time (!)
Off to start on my physics lab report :)
Or not.
Just between you and I,
imissyou, honey.
imissyou, honey.
aniss :)
Monday, March 9, 2009
You are beautiful, no matter what you say
greetings loves,
My quest to find the required outfits for ICC was successful, this time. Apart from shopping for ICC outfits, I tagged along while mother went on a search for a new notebook, an 8 inch notebook. Albeit she already owns one, she claims it to be a tad too big to be carried around. Thank God for mini notebooks, life is easier. The installing process took quite a while, I got pretty bored after five minutes. Thus, I entertained myself with re-runs of 90210. Dinner with family was a bliss, sushi being the main course. Howbeit, sister could not make it in time as she was out with her beau. School resumes tomorrow, erghh. In simple words, test results are on their way to make my life a miserable one. Apparently in Mother's vocabulary, failure means bidding goodbye to my cheer life. So, no failures. Let's all cross our fingers :)
As promised,
KL Open Championship's toss.

(basket toss pike)
Boy, you are beautiful. No matter what you say.
Sweet Dreams.
Sweet Dreams.
aniss :)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Take it to the limit

I paraded the mall in my two inch high gladiator heels, and it did not kill my dear feet. Thank the lord ! The pathetic attempts at searching high and low for white pants, red tank top, red socks and white shirt for ICC was well, pathetic, the reason being that I am endowed with such a body size that does not fit the clothes nor the pants from the women site. Damn, just damn. I shall continue the quest for the required outfits at another mall tomorrow, and they better have them in my size. Sa'idah was courteous enough to ransack her closet or probably her whole room to find her white shirt to be lend to me, hopefully she'll find it. Some had to go off early, while the rest went for a movie treat. Lucky for me, I had to wait for mother alone for an hour or so. Frankly, it was rather pleasurable being alone for awhile. I did some thinking and such about stuff, which I can never achieve when surrounded by people I know. People watching is such an enthralling thing to do. People and their interesting personalities, fairly stimulating to say the least. Mother finally picked me up a little before dinner time.
This is more like it, don't ever change it again.
aniss :)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Of squash and sex god

I never knew my first time to actually watch a game of squash would be a live one. Apart from gushing over the sex god, Adrian Grant hitting the small ball against the bullet proof glass, the whole thing was pretty much, a bore. Gosh, I made it sound like a pornography instead of a squash game. On the bright side, I finally understand how the game goes. Or so I think I do. The performances were such a satisfactory on the first day, even more on the second day. Frankly, basket tosses are our best forte, yet. Hurrah to that. I almost skipped a beat or two while a friend was snapping a picture of me with the sex god, Adrien. Even more when he stopped and chatted with us. Yet, it was nothing compared to when he showed us the tattoo on his right biceps. Frankly, I was in the vicinity of succumbing from the impact of seeing such a seductive and provoking body. One of god's best creation, yet. It was pure bliss, heaven on earth, some might say. I had to even retain myself from tailgating him up to his hotel room, to pack. Auspiciously for me, he would return to Malaysia in July for the Malaysian Open Championship. I would definitely be there, even if they had a change of mind in letting us perform again. I'll go for the sex god, definitely and surely. The free food would be a surpass :)
Here's a collection of my Basket Tosses, enjoy :)

One of my first. (basket toss twist)

Cheer 07. (basket toss toe touch)

Olympic Torch Relay (basket toss toe touch)
and my personal favourite,

MewaMex Performance :) (basket toss X-Out)
aniss :) 
One of my first. (basket toss twist)

Cheer 07. (basket toss toe touch)

Olympic Torch Relay (basket toss toe touch)
and my personal favourite,

MewaMex Performance :) (basket toss X-Out)
KL Squash toss picture is yet to be attained, I'll post them soon.
I don't remember, it ever being like this.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Can't read my poker face

I am so, so sorry.
Deepest apologies for the absence, for I had been busy making love to either my Biology or in this case, all of the other revision books. March Test is gladly and blithely, over and done with. To sum it all up, English and Mathematics were pretty effortless to say the least. Biology, Chemistry and Physics were surprisingly, do-able. BM was well, BM. History and Islamic Studies were a-okaay, I guess. AddMaths on the other hand, was downright suicidal. Oh well, what's done is done. No point lamenting now, si ? With that out of the way, I can finally turn my focus back to none other than, cheerleading. Cheer 09 is less than 4 months away, it's scaring the bejeezers out of me. A slight idea of the two and a half minute long routine is already in mind, but is yet to be put together. KL Squash Open Championship is *gasp, tomorrow. It's a really big thing, if you must know. No, I don't play squash nor do I even know how to hold the racket itself. Instead, I'll be doing what I do best, cheer :) Albeit you are no Albert Einstein, you should have figured that out, easily. On to another matter, now. My longing to own an iPod touch had been satisfied last weekend. Gosh, I love You, Mother :)
I am so, so sorry. Don't even think for a second that it did not hurt me as much as it hurt you. But I had to do what I had to do. For that, my deepest apologies goes out to you, my friend.
late night calls ?
aniss :)