Friday, February 27, 2009
Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break

go get a front seat when I put on a show
This act of feigning should be ceased, I should not even pretend that I have the time to update daily. Simply considering that I don't. Life has been hectic, yet I'm enjoying every second of it. Well, most of the time anyways. I prefer being up and about doing what I love, rather than laze around the house, watching the clock ticks my life away.
Anyhow, anywho.Let's recap, shall we ? I'll try to limit the words as much as possible, enough to not bore all of you.
School as usual in the morning. Followed by sukantara, ICC dance practice and cheer practice in the evening. The sky decided to open up while I was in the midst of running, oh geez. I earned full points, regardless. Hurrah to that :) Add Maths tuition at night. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally called it a day.
School as usual in the morning, albeit I refused to part ways with the blankets at first. Thenceforth, I had ICC dance practice and cheer practice till late evening. Ended my day with Chemistry tuition at night.
School as usual in the morning. ICC dance practice and cheer practice in the evening, yet again. Physics tuition at night. Fell into a deep slumber, soon after.
Skipped the two last periods of school to practice for the upcoming cheer performances, with permission of course :) Followed by the first ICC rehearsal at Bukit Bintang Boys School. Oh lord, they were obviously contented by the presence of girls in their school. Guys, downright hilarious. Rushed off to SA Idol and was in time to catch Haylie's astounding performance. Gosh, she was good. No, she was downright sensational :) Pathetic attempts at completing all the overdue homeworks. Frankly, homeworks ain't my best forte. So, screw homeworks -.-
Skipped the last two periods of school, once more. Failed to attend PRS meeting due to cheer practice and such. Cheer practice persisted until late evening. Maths tuition at night. Now, here I am :)
I miss Magg :s I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, si ?
Boy, I want to remember you just like this.
aniss :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
What about now ?

greetings loves,
Irena Zaharina ♥
Many happy returns to you, God bless.
Wishing you the best in everything life bestows you.
I love You, always and forever, Hayls <3
Many happy returns to you, God bless.
Wishing you the best in everything life bestows you.
I love You, always and forever, Hayls <3
big love,
aniss :)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
you mske it easy, easy as 1,2,3,4

your hands are tower, tower over me
A day at the lagoon with first-class company was definitely a great way to spend my weekend. This should go down onto my non-existence 'highlights of 2009' list. I shall probably start making one, no ? Albeit tears were shed due to the numerous amounts of upside down rides, I had a superb time nevertheless. They should actually start putting woman's anatomy into consideration whilst assembling the rides together. Godd, I was this close to suing them -.- While strolling on the extremely long hanging bridge, a disturbing act caught our eyes. Gosh, some people are just so inconsiderate. This might be a free country, but that does not mean you are welcome to do anything you please, wherever you please. Take others into consideration too, thankyous. Anyhow, anywho. I'm glad that the birthday girl, Haylie had a wonderful time. Dinner with le Boyfriend was such a bliss moment, considering that the choice of restaurant was back to where it all began :) your voice is so warm and your embrace allures me, it never fails to keep me at ease.
your smile is infectious,
your voice leaves me breathless.
your voice leaves me breathless.
aniss :)
Just the two of us, building castles in the sky

dear love,
There is just the sense of completion,
and in your eyes I see the missing pieces.
♥ 8 months and counting, bby
and in your eyes I see the missing pieces.
♥ 8 months and counting, bby
aniss :)
aniss :)
Friday, February 20, 2009
I wish that I could shut my playboy mouth

i see the crystal raindrops fall
It's that time of the year, yet again. The prefects went off for their annual camp as early as 10 in the morning. In simpler words, the rest of the student body were left unattended with the pleasure of breaking the school protocols, without having to fret over the consequences. It's one of the days that I actually look forward to, every single year. The Chemistry course that was held right after recess was rather brief, yet productive. A thing or two was definitely grasped from the two hours long course. Highlight of the day, catching a glimpse of the shock horror face of one from the small number of male teachers in the school, when he walked smack dab into a class full of screaming half naked girls. Oh lord, that poor man. Frankly, he was more abashed than all of the half naked girls, put together. This shall not play over or he would start begging to be relocated to another school. We would not want that to happen now, would we ? Anywho anyhow, D*Starz seems to be making big impressions all around the PJ district. Apart from the KL Squash opening ceremony, we were requisitioned to parade and perform at the Kid's Parade. Brace yourself, here comes the interesting part. Not only would we be getting certificates that could later on be added to our resumes, it would also be aired on national TV. Or so I was told. It seems that I would be able to attend both rehearsals, hurrah to that.
Cheer practice and a pleasant day at the lagoon tomorrow. I'm feeling lavishly exuberant already. It's gonna be a good day, with good company.
This seems rather uneasy, don't you think so too ?
aniss :)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Make me expensive, Make me high price

make me over, i wanna be made over.
D*Starz was requisitioned to perform at the KL Squash opening ceremony on the 7th of March. But here's the catch, the rehearsal falls smack dab on the same day as ICC rehearsal. Life's being unfair, yet again. How typical, oh lord.
Likewise to Tinier, I miss Mag too. Cheer seems so dreary without our usual bickerings.
honey, i ain't no her. so please, don't compare.
Nights bloggers.
aniss :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Take your bank, before i pay you out

so, it seems.
I pretty much skipped every single class today. No, I wasn't in the least bit fond of that, as a matter of fact. Simply considering that I had to attend a Club Organizing/Managing Course , along with the rest of the student body who have a post or two in any particular clubs. Frankly, it was such a bore sitting through the draggy seven hours lecture on how to manage a club. The highlight of the course was probably the free breakfast and lunch that was provided for all of us. Albeit the food served were not satisfactory, it was edible. So, all was good. ICC is less than a month away, yet i barely know the dance steps. I need to catch up, and I mean real fast. Wish me luck (: Anyhow anywho, our dear Captain, Mag was admitted into Sunway Hospital yesterday with a dislocated knee. Ouch, get well soon. We need you back, I'm freaking out here. Let's cross our fingers and supplicate that she would recuperate in a month time, in time for Cheer 09. Dear Lord, have mercy on us.
can you be my light when its dark ?
aniss :)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
All of the people start to rush by

greetings loves,
I felt rather exalted when I came across a dear friend's latest blog post. She actually compares herself to me. Somehow or rather, I feel flattered by that. But come to think of it, she might be sleepy or a tad delirious when she typed that down. Oh well, I'm flattered regardless on her state of mind when those words were typed down.
Gosh, you're sixteen already ? Likewise to Nisha, you are without doubt, my favourite 5-footer. Honey, you are such a doll. I Love You, always and forever :)
Happy Belated Sweet Sixteen, Ain Tinier Midget ♥
i want to fall asleep in your loving arms.
aniss :) loves,
hello world
greetings loves,
Oh my, such a hectic day. Just after the bell had rung, I rushed to Sunway for the weekly cheer training. I had to rush back to school for house practice, soon after. Not only that, I had to run back and forth between house practice and dance practice. After what seemed like an eternity, I went home just in time to shower, have a very late lunch and took the shortest ever nap before I had to leave the house again for Additional Mathematics tuition. I surprise even myself for still having a little speck of energy, enough to type down about my hectic day here anyways. But now,
Sweet Dreams.
aniss :)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Litlle did i know

come closer, honey.
I'm glad that my last high school cross country run was by far, the best I ever had. Some pathetic attempts at running and I managed to cross the finish line in time. Or so i thought i did. Albeit the 5KM run arund the neighborhood had left my legs aching for a massage, my day did not end there. So were for the rest of the Prom Committee members. Instead, we rushed back home with less than enough time to shower and have our lunch. Soon after, we were off for the planned three hours walk around Starhill to sell some flowers, balloons and lollies. Little did we know that three hours would turn into five and a half hours instead. Frankly, I could not even feel my dear legs after three hours, let alone after five and half fucking hours. Pardon the language. Ah, let's not even get started on how much i loathe the teenagers that loiter the streets of KL. Goodness gracious, learn some manners will you ? I never knew people could be so impertinent. Anyhow, anyhow. As tired as we were, the company of each other was without doubt, such a priceless moment. In the end, that is the only thing worth reminiscing about this very day. Not the state of fatigue that was felt, but the friendship bond that grew stronger with working together for a purpose.
I'm so, so sorry.
aniss :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
When the day is blue

here's a song for you, honey
The much anticipated day is just around the corner. Yes, Valentines Day. Every blog I read, every conversation I took part during this entire week, the highlight of the posts or conversations were without doubt, Valentines Day. Frankly, unlike most people, I don't see the point of celebrating V Day. Let's put it this way, if you care for that someone or perhaps even Love that certain someone for this matter, why only show it on the day that doesn't even have any relation whatsoever to you relationship ? Don't get me wrong here, I'm not against people who do celebrate V Day. I'm just stating that I'm one of the many that doesn't celebrate V Day. Having a beau doesn't make it an exception, I just prefer not to.
Anyhow anywho, tomorrow marks the day that I would be participating in my final high school cross country run. I'm fairly excited, it being my last ever time running across the country, or so its called. Afan said and I quote, ' More like running around a park'. True, very true, I so agree. Thenceforth, I would be heading off to the city with the rest of the Prom Committee members for our mini fund-raising. That should be tons of fun, I'm feeling lavishly exuberant already. Le Boyfriend might tag along, if God wills. Ah, one more thing to feel enthusiast about. It would be a non-stop walking day tomorrow. Thus, I shall go get some rest now,in order for me not to fall sick a day after tomorrow. Fat chances, no ? Oh well, we'll see.
the world seems to stop whenever I'm in you arms.
the world seems to stop whenever I'm in you arms.
Sweet dreams.
aniss :)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I touched it, I was burned

how do i get better,
once i have had the best.
School today was simply a waste of time. I knew I should have just stayed in bed rather than walk aimlessly around the school compound. A number of teachers did not enter the classroom, with reasons unbeknown to me. I'll say that only one out of the six periods of lessons was productive. On second thought, who's complaining ? Not me, obviously. The times were well spent with catching up stories on each other's so called love life. Tears were shed and laughters were shared, as usual :) Anyhow anywho, I have no idea how the ex-captain of the squad managed to handle the insanity during cheer practices. Frankly, it's alot for a person to handle alone. I need you, M. Get well soon :) On to another matter now, I might be joining Lilo's dance group for ICC. To my greatest despair, I won't be able to join them for the audition this Saturday. Howbeit, I wish all of you luck. Break a leg, or not. Since I missed my afternoon nap, I think I'm gonna get some shut eye just about now.
im rather ecstatic for tomorrow,
and im guessing the feeling is mutual ? (:
aniss :)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
what if I say no ?

i wanna feel you in my arms again
It's that time of the month again, the hormones are taking their toll on me. Be as it may, rarely have i succumbed to their intentions. This time however, its a different story. Mother found me on the floor, curled up in a ball, staring blankly at the floor, looking like a person who might have just lost her sanity. Albeit my mood was as blank as the pages of my History exercise book, my mind on the other hand, was a mess of thoughts. No, i never feel the need to slam every single doors that comes in my way nor the need to show the act of rage. Instead, i prefer whining which without doubt, annoyed the entire household, including myself. Sister certainly did not make things better with her imitations of my whining. Oh well, that's what sisters do best anyways, no ? Listening to the beautiful names of the Almighty, had me amazed on how it never fail to ease one's mind and soul. It gave me comfort, as well as clear my mind for me to at long last, fall into a deep slumber.
Anyhow anywho, I'm having a day off today. Thus, it explained why I'm blogging rather early in the day. I was requisitioned to rest at home with a hot water bottle on my stomach and a mug of hot chocolate in hand, to soothe the pain. I'm missing school as well as dance practice and cheer practice. School, i don't mind. Dance and cheer practice on the other hand, oh lord. Geez, whatever. I shall go drown my sorrows in a few reruns of Gossip Girls. Gushing over the sex god, Ed Westwick is a much better way to spend my day anyways.
or so I keep telling myself.
Tell me,
where are you when I deprive for you ?
where are you when I deprive for you ?
aniss :)
Monday, February 9, 2009
your hair was long when we first met

roses have thorns, they say.
Mother made a few brief stops on our way back from gym. First it was to the bank, for reason unbeknown to me. Later on, it was off to satisfy brother's craving for satay. It is rather an irksome how he manage to get everything he thirst and crave for, unlike sister and I. Afterward, I had my first taste of Wondermilk's notorious cupcakes. owing to my great repulsion for butter, the ridiculous amount of butter used to make the icing almost made me hurl. what utter bullocks, geeez man -.- their cookies on the other hand were fairly scrumptious, thank god for that.
Likewise to D, I'm currently in a state of dilemma. Whilst purchasing the tickets for Sunburst Music Festival 09, I was hoping really hard that the tickets for Jason Mraz Concert would still be on sale. Indeed it was. Howbeit, to my greatest despair yet, the date of the concert falls smack dab on the same day as my March Test. Fat chances Mother would give me the green light to go now. Go figure.
oh lord, why ?
aniss :)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
a stab of conscience

greetings loves,
i was requisitioned to write an essay on the topic,
A Person Who Had Greatly Influenced Me
With her soft and demure look, she looks like any other human being, a mother, a teacher. that is exactly what she is. I have had a fair share of people who occasionally leaves a big impact in my life. Howbeit, never in my seventeen years of life had i ever met a person who prevailed me as she did. I was a girl who had no clue on how to straighten out her priorities, a girl who takes for granted in everything life bestowed her, a girl who never learns to be appreciative towards the wonders of life, a girl so young and naive as to how significant the future is. She had the patience that many people don't, that many people crave for. She perpetually keeps her composure without fail, albeit my being a very stubborn learner and apathetic as to what she was teaching.
She once asked me whether i see myself going to work in an elegant attire or a casual attire, exactly ten years from now. At first, i was at a loss by her intention of asking such a question. Her answer on the other hand, surprised me. She told me that if i dream of going to work in an elegant and expensive attire, thus i should start striving for it. It got me thinking, how nice it would be to go to work in an elegant attire and being looked up by others. I am pretty sure everyone would love to be looked up by others, simply considering that its the nature of human minds. Inside everyone, there is a yearning to be the best, yet only some strive for it. Up till the moment i first met her, i was one of the many people that only yearns, yet never indubitably strive for it.
I claim myself to be one of the many people who are blessed enough to enunciate myself as her learner. Knowing her, had me realized how one's future is equally significant to his or her present life. Thus in life, we need to work hard for both our present life and our future life. What's more, she taught me both the proper way in keeping my priorities straight and also the need to always keep them intact. i am not implying that i have my priorities impeccably straighten out . I am still a learner thus, i am still learning. Not to mention, she has taught me to be more appreciative towards the wonders of life as well as to never take what life bestows me for granted.
Truth be told, there had been quite a number of moments when i secretly felt like breaking down and letting my tears flow down onto her open arms. Be that as it may, never had i showed her any sign of being defeated, not even once. I blame this big ego on the promise that i had once made to myself, to never let myself be so weak and fragile to another's eyes. Come to think of it, she would be one of the person besides my mother that i would disregard if i were ever to break that promise. Throughout the time that i had known her, she has prevailed me to become a better person as well as changing my perception towards life. For that, i am thankful.
Frankly, she is not only my teacher but also, my friend.
aniss :)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
my unsung thoughts

i love the time and in between,
the calm inside me,
in this space where i can breath.
i am at long last, in good terms with le hormones. on to another matter now, one that makes more sense. cheer practice today was safe to say, fairly productive. things seemed to be more disciplined when a qualified coach is present, or atleast i think he is qualified. stunts that we worked on today were twist cradles, basket tosses, liberty extensions and 360. much to our delight, alot of improvements are in progress. even the newbies portrayed a few potentials. anyhow, im off to catch a midnight show with le family. choice of movie was not other than, Bride Wars. lets hope i wont doze off to dreamland in the movie theater now, shall we ?
aniss :)
the sound of my only hope

do you see what i see ?
we are gonna make such fools,
of ourselves.
we are gonna make such fools,
of ourselves.
deepest apologies for the absence, for i had been bitten by the atrocious writers block. im still recuperating, thus this would be a short one. i was in the vicinity of succumbing from embarrassment when a friend started reminiscing on the past, the past that should never be spoken off. *psst,i still love you M :) to be frank, i might be exaggerating a tad too much here. its the hormones, i tell you. the fucked-up hormones.
i'll be back later on, just need to repoise these hormones of mine. good day, mates !
aniss :)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
dont toy with my heart like this, honey
honey, honey,
how you thrilled me.
school today was somewhat dreary and a tad more unbearable than usual. i blame the absence of a friend and the modified timetable. after surviving an hour long of History lesson which i could barely keep an open eye, i was forced to sit through an hour of Malay language lesson. oh lord, the two subjects i detest the most being incorporated back to back in the new timetable. i hate Tuesdays, thats all im stating right now. on a second thought, i don't. considering that there's cheer practice in the evening. oh well, thats one way to look at it. on to another matter now, D*Starz tryouts results are out, kindly check the board. to the ones that did not make the cut, better luck next time. howbeit, do come for the club weekly practices.
buona notte.
aniss :)
Monday, February 2, 2009
my thoughts you can't decode
i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky,
i'll be there.
teacher : tell me, how can you be so confident being thrown high up in the air, yet so uncertain when writing the equal signs in AddMaths ?i'll be there.
is it just me, or the whole world is relating everything i do with cheerleading ? nahh, i dont think its me. simply considering that everyone does relate everything i do with cheer. don't get me wrong here, im not in the least bit offended. its just something that i realized recently. innumerous amount of twisting and rolling tht was done, has left me feeling nauseated. good lord, that is one feeling i indubitably detest. erghh. im gonna get a few hours of shut eye, just about now.
aniss :)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
oh my, the sweet temptations i could not resist

i know what's weighing on your mind,
you can be sure i know my part.
greetings loves,
slightly tanned from the ever glazing sunlight, i am home. the car ride to and fro was enthralling to say the least, with the entertainment being a monkey doing back flips whilst surfing on a giant turtle. i satisfied my yearning to own a modish blue handbag and a pair of sleek brown/bronze gladiators, both of which i didn't even have to fork out even a single dollar. ah, the simple wonders of life :) oh lord, i sounded spoiled for a second there. also satisfied was my itch to swim in the deep blue ocean, once again. seafood for dinner was remarkably blissful, with me gobbling down more than what my stomach itself could hold. walking on the beach in the middle of the night was fascinating. gazing up at the abounding amount of stars, had me amazed on how the night sky there differ from the ones i see on a nightly basis. yet in the end, the company of my loved ones was the highlight of this family vacation <3
today marks the end of this awfully short school break. thus, i would be busy leading my hectic life from tomorrow onwards. with a big smile :D plastered on my face, of course *grins
aniss :)