Friday, January 30, 2009
i wished for you by the way

my tongue is numb,
with words i cannot verbalize.
with words i cannot verbalize.
what is teenage love, you might ask.
its staying up late for each other and barely staying awake in class the next day. its going to the mall, wandering around hand in hand, with silence that is comfortable to both. its watching a movie in a theater, with his arms slowly creeping over your shoulders and you resting your head in his arms. its walking late at night, with no reasons nor destinations, his chest and your head gazing up at the stars. its the uncertainty of how long it would last, a risk you're both are willing to take. its not yet true love, not like, nor is it lust or infatuation. its teenage love. here to stay, here to play with our hearts and never to go away.
aniss :)
with chances taken and hopes embraced

oh star fall down on me,
let me make a wish upon you.
hold on, let me think,
think of what im wishing for.
hold on, let me think,
think of what im wishing for.
greetings loves,
i was in a baking mood today. i grabbed my apron and started cracking a tremendous amount of eggs. beat some butter, sugar and eggs together and fold them in with some flour and what nots. whoalla, i have exactly 50 orange cupcakes that has yet to be eaten. scratch that, brother gobbled down two when i turned my back on the cupcakes. goddamn (!) they look so bare and naked. thus, it got me thinking, let's save them some embarrassment by covering them with some icing. another whoalla, i have 48 toothsome orange cupcakes with chocolate ganache topping. don't start salivating just yet, Saidah. i shall bring a few to school. only if you manage to persuade me, that is :) on to other things now, im in need to pack. going off for a family vacation in less than 24 hours and my clothes are still neatly folded in the closet. boy, im in need of a PA, mayb about now ? fine, im not spoiled. or that's what i keep telling myself.
check this out,
gosh, she has such a beautiful and melodious voice. i love it, albeit a friend of mine, Haylie <3> can serenade it better :)
as of now, i would be on hiatus for one night. miss me,
or not.
aniss :)
there's a sound, then it fades

hello world,
i dont know what i've done,
or if i like what i've become.
there were sounds in my head,
little voices whispering.
im pretty sure that every single soul that had and are still walking on the face of the earth right this second have had a tremendous share of not so proud moments in life . like many others, i have had my fair share of doing things which im not proud of. things which tend to leave me feeling vulnerable. things i never expected to see my myself play over again. as a pinch of realization smacks me down, at long last, it hits me. i need to grow up. i need to stop being so immatured. i should be mature and wise enough to not let the heart overwhelmed the body. to not satisfy the little devils within me. to actually stop and think before proceeding on with life. but unlike many others, i still have time to change. if i can realize, then i can change. so, move away satans, i aint doing your job no more.
aniss :)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
sexy boy you so fly, i wish i could give you a try

your body is calling me,
temptation is killing me
lets keep this simple, ey ?
plans were made and cakes were purchased. waited patiently for the lads to make their grand entrance. they beat us hands down at getting ready for a day out. goddamn (!) the lad in honour had to be dragged all over the mall by his companion while we rehearsed how to articulate 'surprise' in an enthusiastic, yet composed manner. it took us a moment to ensure it sounded attune. at long last, the lad in honour made his rather grand entrance and boy, was he surprised ? indeed he was albeit our 'surprise' came out a tad too dull and way too late. his one and only gift for the day was a wallet from Fossil, picked specially by his companion. i was gobsmacked (!) mann, you spoil him, grr. anyhow, i walked all over the mall in the new sex-like gladiator heels and boy, did i turned heads ? exaggerration intended, of course. one of the lads could not seem to bottle up his enthusiasm. i even felt like shoving his arse right down his throat, at one point. nevertheless, he managed to crack a few jokes here and there, which calmed me down a notch. as annoying as he was, he knows how to make everyone's day an unforgettable one, indeed. to everyone that was present, my deepest gratitude for making today such a terrific one. i love you all ♥
temptations, temptations and more temptations. goddamn (!)
aniss :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
accept what i must, change what i can

it does not matter where i lay my head tonight,
your arms are my home
im a changed person. frankly anyways. within these past three days, i have completed half of the still-mountain-high piles of holiday homework. thus, i still have a couple more lined up for me bfore i can officially announce my freedom. cut me some slack here, the old me could not have been bothered to even attend to the never ending piles of homework. not to mention studying. i only do last minute studying. howbeit, i surprise even myself for perpetually attaining acceptable grades, owing to the fact that i prefer last minute studying. most people say im naturally smart, but i say it is just luck.
or not ?
counting on the hours till you be back, in my arms (:love,
aniss :)
Monday, January 26, 2009
here's to silence that cuts me to the core

well come on home.
i'll be here with open arms,
to hold you,
when you have arrived.
its getting rather lifeless here when you are not around, so
please come back,
aniss :)
aniss :)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
mind the pessimist thoughts, its just another hormone act

i am outside,
and i have been waiting for the sun.
with my wide eyes,
i have seen worlds that don't belong.
im feeling a tad agitated right this second. it happens everytime i wake up late on weekends. i need to kick off this detrimental habit of mine. its not good for the body and soul, plus it tends to tick me off. if its too early, i would be cranky the whole day. same goes if i happen to wake up too late. gaaah, so bloody annoying -.- i guess when they say that eight hours of sleep a night is enough, they were kinda sorta right. close, but not quite. i for one require 9 to 10 hours of sleep a night and i'll be fine for the rest of the day. not more than that, nor less than that.
tell me, why does the room seems unkempt everytime im on a school break ? bags and clothes would start piling up like dry leaves on an autumn day. not to mention the books and papers, scattering all over the room. sigh* this calls for a mini spring cleaning. im off to clean this mess of a room and perhaps, some reruns of Gossip Girls ? ah, yess. gushing over the sex god, Ed Westwick (chuck bass) would definitely be a surplus :) *drools. that would definitely change my pessimist state of mind for the rest of the day.
a whole lot.
aniss :)
you're barely waking and im tangled up in you

see the stone set in your eyes,
see the thorn twist in your side.
the date was fairly gratifying . had post lunch at Laksa Shack and managed to catch the 2.30 show for the movie, The Bedtime Stories. the movie was fairly amusing and humorous. apart from that, i dragged le boyfriend on a hunt for a pair of sexy gladiator heels. to my delight, i set eyes on the most gorgeous pair, ever. howbeit, being endowed with a small pair of feet, they didn't have it in my size. instead, the smallest size in stock was a half size too big. i was furious or more like, disappointed. hence, i searched high and low for a similar pair. albeit i came across another pair that looked quite similar, it was indeed not 'a love at first sight' moment. being the stubborn child i am, i purchased the half-a-size-too-big sexy gladiator heels, in black, despite the fact that it does not fit me perfectly. i opted for the brown one at first, but they were out of stock, much to my dismay. oh well, i am satisfied :) exchanged hellos and goodbyes with Apek,Meg,Rahman,Nena and Yana at Forever 21 and went home soon after. dinner with the extended family at Bora Asmara was indeed such a blissful moment. had a conversation with grandpops about le boyfriend. he basically wanted to know everything about him. from his name right down to his home address, haha. i made him promise not to tell mother, just yet. anyhow, i showed my newly wed aunt the gladiator heels that i purchased earlier and she promised to buy me another pair, in brown or bronze. suhweeet :)
Happy Seventeenth, Mohd NurSyafiq Nasir (i hope i got that right, haha)

grow up, for fuck sake. haha

grow up, for fuck sake. haha
my eyes are betraying me, right this second. im off to bed.
goodnight and sweet dreams yo :)
aniss :)
aniss :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
you would be the death of me

on top of the roof,
the air is so cold and calm.
after much pleading, begging and such, we finally managed to convince our dear teachers that we already have more than enough things in hand for more homeworks. thank the lord for our prayers had been answered. they decided to go easy on us by consigning us a considerable amount of holiday homeworks. i shall now list them down, just so that i won't 'accidentally' forget to attend to them. ah, statement of the year. heck, who am i kidding ? i will definitely forget to do one or the other, somehow or rather, no kidding. anyways, here goes,
a few AddMaths equations (mostly the overdue ones,haha)
one Physics lab report
Biology worksheet
Agama notes
Sejarah exercise on chapter 1
not too bad, ey ? i mean, if compared to the amount of homeworks i had been getting, on a daily basis itself. ah finally, i can sit back and relax this holiday. no more waking up in the wee hours, not for one week anyways. gosh, i can catch up on the much needed beauty sleep. suhweet :) not forgetting, i need to catch up on the much missed episodes of Gossip Girls, Heroes and OTH. seems like i'll be having a rather relaxing holiday ahead of me, apart from a little bit of studying here and there, of course. anyways, i had my first detention class for the year. barely a month of school ? tell me, what am i gonna do with myself ? -.- haha. anyhow, the D*Starz tryouts looked rather promising to say the least. there were some potential. but hey, let's just wait for the results, ey ?
gotta go get some beauty sleep, just about now. need to be impeccably dazzling for tomorrow's date with le boyfriend, teehee.
gosh, now i feeel
ecstatic :)
love,aniss :)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
i am a hostage to my own humanity

why are you so scared,
of running away from us ?
of running away from us ?
i skipped school tday, simply bcause we had PMD. i for one, prefer to stay in bed rather than drag this lazy arse of mine all the way to school, just so that i can sleep on Meels' barely-there-arse. no offence, ey ? :) the turnout for D*Starz cheer clinic was ridiculous. ridiculous in the sense that a person like me can't handle that tremendous amount of eager cheerleaders-to-be, alone. nevertheless, Ainaa was there, so all was good. we demonstrated on a few jumps, motions, tumblings and cheer dances. so, im hoping to see some good moves during tomorrow's D*Starz tryouts, ey ? Haylie sent goosebumps all over my body when she sang 'we are broken' by Paramore. anws,
all the best to the ones who are trying out for the squad (:
aniss :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
we belong to you and me

i know your eyes in the morning sun,
i feel you touch me in the pouring rain.
nothing can seem to stop me from being lured deeper into you wondrous heart. and honey, its not too long till this becomes, forever.
♥ 7 months and counting
aniss :)
whatever you like

oh hot damn,
his is my jam,
keep me partying till the am.
his is my jam,
keep me partying till the am.
i walked around school tday with a fake tattoo on my chest that said 'intercosta googeritis'. half the population of the school thought i had turned insane, all thanks to Meels. mind the exaggeration. let me make myself clear here, intercosta googeritis is Meels weird way of pronouncing what factually should be pronounce as costocondritis (?) . big difference, ey ? that's what i thought too. but she's cool that way. sarcasm intended, haha ;p she insisted that her name should always be in orange, so there, happy ? (:
aniss :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
i love the way you felt so strong

i know you are in a better place now,
but i wish i could see you face again.
nothing is more refreshing than a bowl of half-melted rainbow paddle pop ice-cream, with a sprinkle or two of frutiy loops on top, ey ? that's what i thought too. ah, the simple joy of life :) anyways, i turned on the tv late this afternoon and whaddaya know ? one of my favourite movie, Mermaid that i love to watch whilst growing up was on. lets be clear here, i wasn't talking about the cartoon show. far from it, actually. the movie portrays a little girl,Desi who lost her dad at a tender age of about four, likewise to me. she insisted on sending letters to her dad in heaven with the aid of a balloon . howbeit, a random family came across the letter tied to the balloon, instead. the family in return decided to reply the letter, on behalf of Desi's dad. Desi was more than happy to learn that her dad still remembers her. such a touching storyline, don't you think so ? what compelled it to become one of the many movies that i enjoy watching over and over again is simply bcause it never fails to remind me of my dad, whom i know is finally in a better place now. iloveyou, dad (: and imissyou, more than words can describe.
you used to call me your dreamer,
and now im living out my dreams.
oh how i wish you could see,
everything that's happening for me.
im thinking back on the past,
through the times that flied by too fast.
and now im living out my dreams.
oh how i wish you could see,
everything that's happening for me.
im thinking back on the past,
through the times that flied by too fast.
aniss :)
Monday, January 19, 2009
the best mirror is your bestfriend

Ainaa Kamalia <3
dearest sweetheart,through it all, nobody gets me the way you do. you have been there for me since once upon a time and i know for a fact that you would still be here until forever after. happy seventeenth, sweetums (: many happy returns to you, god bless. ♥
big love,
aniss :)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
part time sister, full time friend

hello world,
happy eighteenth, big sis (: how's it like to finally be legal, ey ? many happy returns to you, god bless ♥
big love,
aniss :)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
i kissed a girl and i liked it

the taste of her cherry chapstick,
i hope my boyfriend don't mind it.
school tday was a-oky, except for the fact that i nearly fell asleep during sejarah and bm lessons. oh well, i had always dread those two lessons anyways. so tday didn't make any much difference. had a quick shower after schl and off to curve it was. had post lunch with Haylie and Sarah remp at the Teh Tarik Place. just as the clock had striked 5, we started rehearsing for the big performance. the hall was decorated beautifully and magnificently. considering that the hall is fully air-conditioned, we decided to skip showering. lazed by the hotel pool to cool ourselves down instead. things got out of control but i shall leave you guys to a game of guessing, yet again :) albeit the performance wasn't phenomenal enough, it was fairly gratifying. indeed it was. Megan's dad used his photography skills by snapping a picture of me posing an x-out. Afan's shot wasn't so bad either. thankyous (: i witnessed a traumatizing act at the ladies which has now left me traumatized for a good two days. some might think i was being over-dramatic but heck, try putting yourself in my position -.- haha fine, im being over-dramatic, no denying that. mind the exaggerration. i skipped dinner with the team for a dinner for two with Ain Tinier instead. had a girl-to-girl conversation over a scrumptious plate of rice with chicken tempanyaki at Sakae Sushi. met up with the rest, soon after. owing to the fact that Haylie was my only transport home, i tagged along with her to Rasta. hung out till the wee hours in the morning and finally went home. wished sister a happy birhday and fell into a deep slumber, without a second to waste. gosh, what a day what a day.
pssst, pictures will be up soon, ey ?
aniss (:
Friday, January 16, 2009
i refuse to drink water bcause fish pee in it

the life that i know is tough,
and im gonna need you more than ever.
and im gonna need you more than ever.
the much anticipated weekend is finally here. howbeit, its not time to breath a sigh of relief, just yet. i have school tomorrow, it seems. yes, on a saturday -.- truth be told, i have never attended school on a Saturday, ever. well, not in a really long time anyways. considering that im in form five now, everyone is propelling me to go tomorrow so that i would not miss any form five lessons. Haylie was one of them, what a shocker, ey ? ;o haha. goddamn, sleeping in tomorrow is a big no-no, just my luck -.- owing to the obvious fact that its a friday night, im not gonna even bother to attend to my homework. simply bcause my brain inevitably shuts down on friday night, go figure. anyways, i have a performance coming up in less than 24 hours. thus, i shall go get my rest just about now. but not before packing for tomorrow of course. cheer outfit, white shoes, orange socks, orange ribbon and a change of clothes. tell me if i left something out, aight ?
Megan blogged about my arse. have a look,
"Then today (tuesday) I woke up with my thigh feeling really crampy and disgusting and pulled. So I thought I pulled my quad muscle (the opposite of your hamstring, ie - the front of your thigh). So walk walk walk school school school cheer.
But then I could stretch and yada yada everything so I was like hmm.
Then I found out what the problem was.
Every time I cradle catch Aniss from tosses, her very sharp and fit butt craaaashes into my thigh.
And then today, we did basketosses as well. And the first one landed right in my face. Talk about winded. But then as I saw Aniss coming down I had that "uh-oh-im-in-trouble" feeling.
I think it's called intuition.
Anyway I had the feeling. But I didn't back away. :D I let Aniss smack her smexy bum into my face, trackpants and all.
:D And now I have a bruise.
On.. my arm."
my deepest apologies, Megan (:
aniss :)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
we will never know till we lose control

as i sail away,
into the gray sky morning.
Meels said and i quote, 'i don't like cheer. no, i hate cheer'. albeit her negative devotions towards cheer, she is still somehow D*Starz no 1 supporter. funny girl, ain't she ? tho she claims to be our no 1 supporter only bcause of the throng of close friends in the team, we all know that she actually does have a yearning towards cheerleading, somewhere in that big heart of hers, am i right ? yikes, im screwed when i see her tomorrow ;o anyways, cheer practices for this Saturday performance at the Curve are going about smoothly and proficiently. lets cross our fingers for a safe and hopefully, a phenomenal performance. co-curricular registration was held during the last two periods. the turnout for D*Starz registration was fairly gratifying. lets hope that they won't start having second thoughts after finding out the numerous amounts of practices we would have on a weekly basis. that would be four times a week, just so you know. its a lot, no point denying that fact. however, considering our aim to rank a higher placing in the upcoming Cheer 09, four times a week is actually not enough, truth be told. oh well, we'll meddle into that later on. now on to a shocking news. as of today, i am actually, without exaggeration, up to date with my homeworks, for the first time in forever. or so i think, haha. ah, the year is kicking off just as perfectly as i imagined it would . lets hope that this would go on right up till the last day of SPM, aight ? now, im off to get some beauty sleep, finally.
aniss :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
you might think im bulletproof but honey, you got it all wrong

let me feel,
i don't care if i break down.
let me fall,
even if i fall to the ground
i don't care if i break down.
let me fall,
even if i fall to the ground
have you ever lost a person whom you call your friend ? or even felt like you were losing them ? i have had my fair share of losing a few friends, which i regret up till now. taking that into consideration, i vowed to myself to never let go of someone i care the most, to never fight back even when it hurts the most, ever. but i think i might have just torpedoed that vow. i have failed as a friend, once again. this feeling of failure can cut deep right to the core of the heart, at times. no, most of the times. albeit it has only been just a month or so since the first time we exchanged hellos, i have always considered you as a great friend ever since. howbeit, due to my own actions, i now have to deal with the consequences, on my own. im not up for that. never had, never will. and yess, that person is you, my friend (: or so i hope.
imissyou, a whole lot. im praying for a miracle but tell me, is it worth it ?
aniss (:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
take a gun and shoot already

i really need to learn,
cause we are leaving in a world of fools.
i have overdue homeworks and assignments that needs to be done, pronto ! some new ones too. ah, life -.-
aniss :)
lets hear it for the monday blues

and you come to me in a summer breeze,
keep me warm in your love,
and slowly leaves.
keep me warm in your love,
and slowly leaves.
Monday,12th January,2009
i was almost late to school, yet again. almost, but not quite. a warning letter was written to mother. one more time and i'll be kicked out from the cheer team and chucked out of the school. i find that hilarious, for god knows why. no, not the part where i'll be kicked out of cheer. god, no. gosh, i need to set the alarm clock a tad earlier from now on or i'll be kissing goodbye to cheer. anyways, i've just realized how hectic and strenuous my daily schedules are. here, have a peek,
Mondays ; school, gym (D*Starz), AddMaths
Tuesdays ; school, cheer (D*Starz), Physics
Wednesdays ; school, cheer (CHARMS)
Thursday; school, cheer (D*Starz), cheer (CHARMS)
Fridays; school, Chemistry, Maths
Saturdays ; cheer (D*Starz), homweorks & assignments
Sundays; gym (CHARMS), homeworks & assignments
considering that i had add maths tuition after gym, i could not let myself focus during class. what's more, my tutor decided to surprise me with a test. i ended up getting only less than half of the paper correct. i almost broke down but thought better of it. i managed to held back the tears of depression, stress and disappointment. being the great teacher she is, she consoled me and told me that i can do better if i set my mind to it. she is such a great teacher. gosh, i love her :) le boyfriend also played a big role in consoling me too. in the end, i managed not to have the first meltdown of the year. thankgod, i for one thought that it is a tad too early in the year to have a meltdown. haha, im a-oky now, no worries.
aniss :)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
i jump, you jump right ?

love can touch us one time,
and last for a lifetime.
as i had promised mother, i woke up a tad earlier than usual. pretty early for a person like me who rarely gets to see the beauty of the morning sun, on weekends anyways. with the pace i was going at, i managed to finish only half of the assignments i was given, plus tuitions homework of course. so there are pretty much another half of the mountain-high assignments lined up for me. goddamn -.- anyhow, during cheer prac, i subconsciously did a full double down (twist cradle). what's more, it was unintended. that pretty much made my day. why wouldn't it ? i was practically waiting to try that out for over a year now, and i finally did it. tho it wasn't perfect, i still have time to work on it bfore Cheer 09. dreams really do come true, ey ? (: anyways, i watched Titanic, for the hundredth billion times just now. gosh, that movie never fails to make me cry a bucket-full of tears. ' i jump, you jump' swooooooon bby,
aniss :)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
why do we like to hurt so much ?

live you life inside a dream,
time is changing everything.
time is changing everything.
a performance is coming up on the 17th at the Curve. well not exactly, its gonna be at Royal Bintang which is right beside the Curve. so techinically, its at the Curve. fine, i'll stop now. we are given a room to shower and put on the ever thick layer of make up, bfore the performance. im ecstatic, really. the time is still unbeknown to me but im pretty certain that it would be at night. so, we are cramming the next one week with daily cheer practices. sounds fun, si ? a trip to the saloon and dentist induced a massive headache and aching jaws. what a very pleasant day it is. note the sarcasm. i presume that i would be hitting the sack a tad early today as i had been up and about for more than 12 hours, without rest. but not before completing the piles of homework given by the dear teachers -.- oh oh sadly i can't go the Youth 09 tday nor tomorrow with reason unbeknown to me. gaaaah
aniss :)
for a pessimist, im pretty optimistic

just talk yourself up,
don't tear yourself down.
Friday,9th January,2009
well, what do you know. i can predict the future, it seems. as predicted,i was called to the discipline room for coming late twice in five days. only a week of school and i had already break the school rules ? shuck, they are so gonna kick me out of cheer, the next time im late to school. it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. threatening to take away the things we love the most and kicking us out of the school is 'their' best forte yet. the form fours and fives were precluded from using the tables and chairs during recess. simply bcause we did not take the initiative to clean up after ourselves, yday. the new rule seems a tad too absurd and yet hilarious at the same time. absurd considering that it was 'they' who taught us the right manners while eating. if im not mistaken, standing up whilst eating is a big no-no. oh well, im sure there wont be a second time. anyways, i walked into the first PRS meeting of the year with a big fat L on top of my head, courtesy of Meels and Shir Lyn. no, it does not bespeak the word loser, as some of you might have been thinking half a second ago. atleast not in my vocabulary anyways. but hey, everyone must have known that by now. still scratching that head of yours ? gosh, you must have been living under a rock. gulp ;o
aniss (:
can you help me unravel my latest mistake ?

hello world,
im sorry if i made you cry,
im just a girl,
please give me your hand,
i have more to give,
you have to believe me.
Thursday,8th January,2009
i have failed you this time. so tell me, what can i do to make this right again? and no, i wont take nothing as an answer.
aniss (:
speak up, will you ?

see you make your way through the crowds,
to say hello.
to say hello.
Wednesday,7th January,2009
i was late again to school tday. i arrived a mere two minutes after the bell had rung, this time. how unlucky can i get ? i blame brother for refusing to wake up a tad earlier. like he would ever listen to wtvr i say. goddamn, who was i kidding ? -.- that would be two days in a row. i have a feeling that i would be called to the discipline room one of these days. lets give it a day or two, ey ? school was pretty much a-oky, with the mountain high of homeworks at the end as the exception. albeit the three hours Charms practice just now has left my muscles aching all over, its not time to turn in for the day, just yet. no, not even close. piles and piles of homeworks are due tomorrow -.- go figure.
aniss :)
Friday, January 9, 2009
so take your seat, we're setting the final score
when you are feeling lonely,
turn to your side,
and i will always be there,
Tuesday,6th January,2009
homeworks are piling up without mercy. and its been only what, two days ? god forbid, i can just imagine how the rest of the year would be like. no more honeymoon year for me, thats for sure. oh well, 11 more months and this will all be over. let's not get sidetrack now, just yet. just between us, i arrived at school 20 minutes after the bell had rung since my driver decided not to show up, pfft. i skipped class for the first time this year, a few to be precise. since we are seniors now, we we were entitled to handle the form ones orientation, together with the rest of the juniour PRSes. due to a few circumstances, our ice breaking plans were cut short. the teachers decided to the hand out the textbooks to the form ones at the same time -.- howbeit, we managed to cram in a few ice breaking games. this year's form ones are sad to say, fairly unresponsive. but im pretty sure it was just the' first-week-of-high' school jitters acting on them. been there, done that. how ironic it is that five years ago, we were the ones sitting quietly while listening to the PRSes blabbering away, but now we are the ones who are entitled to blab at the front. gosh, how time flies. anyhow, no cheer practice for today, with reason unbeknown to me. howbeit, tuition lessons still goes on . today's choice of subject was none other than Physics. now, homework time -.-
aniss (:
second chances wont leave us alone

each steps you take,
makes everything much easier.
makes everything much easier.
Monday,5th January,2009
the last first day of my high school life is officially done and over with. and boy, i for one, thought it was such a remarkable day. i was chucked into 5ScA, together with Aqeela. the last time we were chucked into the same class was when we were in standard one, 10 years back. how ironic it is tht i start and end my school life, with her as my classmate. it kinda crept me out a bit but come to think of it, im glad to have known her for over 10 years now and still have a lot talk about. and yes, she still laughs like nobody's business, even after 10 years. gosh, not forgetting Meels, that stick-like friend of mine. the year would just be a bore without her crazy antics now, wouldn't it ? anyhow, school periods are now an hour long. one hour for each subjects per day ? ah, the simple joy of life :) to my delight, i scored almost all the same teachers from last year. however to my dismay, recess is still only half an hour long, grr -.- back to school means back to cheer. gym class resumed today. due to the two weeks break we had from cheer, i now have to bear with aching muscles and sore necks, all week long. back to school likewise means back to tuitions. just great, no ? -.- since im taking private tuitions this year, i am entitled to choose the subject and days of my choice. it felt like an 'equation-ish' kind of day, so i settled for AddMaths. goddamn, i think i have forgotten most of what i have studied in form four. oh boy, oh boy.
teacher's daughter : mummy, i forgot to do my homework *almost in tears, aww
teacher : what do you have to do ?
t. daughter : i have to colour this picture.
me : gosh, how fun it is to be a five year old. i wish my homework is colouring pictures too but no, its equations and more equations now -.-
aniss :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
i PMS like a bitch

i hate this part right here,
so, who should i trust or in this case, believe ? the person who i hv known for three years, or the person i hv only known for less than a year ? but here's the catch, both are equally important to me. now you tell me, ey. this is not how i planned to kick-start my new year, 2009. oh well, not everything goes the way how anyone wants them to be, am i right ? guess i just have to ' accept what i can ', for now anyway.
let's hope for a better day tmrw, ey ? senior year would officially embark tmrw. the school necessities had been a acquired and the school books are neatly placed in the school bag. im ecstatic, really. why wouldn't i be ? its my senior year anyways, the beginning of everything :)
aniss :)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
when you stumble, make it part of the dance steps

so i will taste every moment,
and live out loud.
i know this is the time,
this is the time.
and live out loud.
i know this is the time,
this is the time.
my new year's resolution is just simply to lead every single day with ; a little more laughter, a little less worry, a little more kindness, a little less anger, a little more positive thoughts and a little less hurry. sounds simple enough for a person like me ? well, we shall all wait and see. keeping my fingers crossed.
aniss (:
Friday, January 2, 2009
my hands, my rule
hello world,
being inspired by D, i feel the need to reminisce on the highlights of the year 2008. the drawbacks too, of course. bear with me now, ey ?
the highlights of 2008 (in order of event)
. being chucked into 4SA, along with the rest of the 'Backyards'.
. planning a surprise birthday and welcome home party for sister, with her beau.
. the relaxing holiday getaway at Pulau Redang
. snorkeling in the clear greenish-blue sea water, for the first time.
. becoming a brace-face myself, haha.
. watching Colbie Caillat perform live at the Curve.
. chasing after celebrities with Haylie And Josie at the Sunburst Music Festival.
. watching a few friends performing at the Interact Charity Concert.
. witnessing D*Starz scored 2nd runner up at the Charm Cheerleading Competition.
. performing on the wet field during Sports Day.
. turning the sweet 16.
. my sweet sixteen celeberation, with le seven sexy senoritas.
. being given the honour to perform at the Olympic Torch Run.
. acing or rather, not failing my first ever additional mathematics paper.
. being one of the smallest security guard at BOTB, haha
. moshing at BOTB, the girl's way.
. the first outing withe the Sniff-ers.
. getting soaked at Summer Splash, with le Boyfriend.
. 21st June 2008, the start of something new and beautiful (:
. crazy antics during cheer practices.
. the exhilaration that overwhelmed me during the five minutes on the blue cheer mats
. the excitement of Cheer 08.
. the shooting for the movie, Hooperz.
. bringing mother out for dinner at Eden, for her birthday.
. attending PRS Farewell Party, as a geek.
. dirty dancing with le best girls, Ainaa,Deeya and Haylie at Havoc Union. Hayden too.
. the study date with le Boyfriend, where the books were kept neatly aside.
. scribbling le Boyfriend's names on the graph papers, numerous of times.
. watching two souls became one, at Haylie's sister's wedding ceremony.
. celebrating Merdeka's Eve with close friends, at the Curve.
. turning a formal assembly into a rock concert during the merdeka celebration at school.
. completing the fasting month, with a few days as an exception.
. getting a whopping amount of Ringgits on Eid Mubarak.
. sleeping over at le Food Monster's mansion-like house.
. the numerous amounts of outings during the school hoildays.
. the three days road trip to Terengganu.
. the barbecue party with le Cousins.
. learning a trick or two at Cheer Jam, Malaysia's first cheerleading camp.
. Christmas in Singapore, tho i dnt celebrate Christmas
. the luge-racing competition at Sentosa Island, with brother and sister.
. spending three days and three nights in the kitchen with mother, baking hundreds of cupcakes and two cakes for an aunt's Wedding Ceremony.
. counting down the seconds to 2009 at the Curve, with le Boyfriend and my favourite girls.
. being picked up by le Boyfriend, during the fireworks (oops, tht shld go into the 2009 list. oh well ;p)
whoops, i got too caught up over there, didn't i. oh well, like i mentioned before, 2008 had been a remarkable year (: click here to view my 2008 Photo Album, enjoy.
as for the drawbacks of 2008 (in general)
. letting my heart overruled my mind, at times.
. losing some friends along the way, without even realizing it at first.
. talking bad about some close friends, tho in the end i didn't mean anything i said.
. last minute revisions for any examinations.
. thus, failing my first ever paper.
. cursing and telling lies like nobody's buissness -.-
. not spending enough time with the family.
and the list goes on but would not be elaboratd further. what's done is done and we could never learn unless we fail/fall first. such wise words, and true.
aniss :)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
at the beginning with you
hello world,
lets all greet2009with a big hello and a better attitude :)
new years resolutions have yet to be listed down. bear with me.
aniss :)