Sunday, December 28, 2008
santa clause cant make me happy with toys this christmas

i just want you for my own,
more than you could ever know,
make my wish come true,
baby all i want for Christmas is you.
more than you could ever know,
make my wish come true,
baby all i want for Christmas is you.
its good to be home. no scratch tht,its great to be home. albeit the four days trip to Singapore had been rather intriguing to say the least,i rather not spend my time there shopping,not anymore. simply bcause it burned a big hole in my purse. no exaggeration intended. even if i did spend a whopping amount of my savings,perchance even all of it,i am satisfied. the new pair of leopard-printed heels,the black and white polka-dotted bag,the scentful bottle of perfume,the numerous amounts of chocolates from le Candy Empire and the bangles from Little India. needles to say,i am satisfied,albeit no piece of clothing managed to win over my heart. my diet consisted mostly of fast foods,be it lunch or dinner. gosh,they have the most scrumptious cheeseburger,hands down. it practically felt like i was in cheese heaven,it was tht good. again,no exaggeration intended. a day at Sentosa Island with le family was indeed such a remarkable experience. be it the vertigo feelings while on the Skyride or the luge-racing competition with sister and brother,with sister encompassing the finishing line a few seconds bfore brother did,much to everyones surprise. i was the last one throughout the whole race,no surprise there. we were pretty much awed by how intelligent the pink dolphins were at the Dolphin Show. the adorable brilliant little thing could dance,hula hoop,nod and even clap their hands (?),for fuck sake. what's more,the nocturnal animals at the Night Safari were even more astounding,during the Creatures of the Night Show. gosh,i for once,never expected animals to be such ingenious living creatures. just between us,i have always expected them to be somewhat brainless. but i guess,i shall have to change my perception towards them now,shan't i ? after much pleading and pestering,mother finally gave in and bought me the life-size monkey from the Night Safari. its too adorable to be left behind. no,i wasn't talking abt a real monkey. oh my,i wish. fret not,tht has alrdy been on the list,but has yet to be attained. i decided to go with the name Safari,due to its origin habitation. Ari,for short :) mother said and i quote "i spoil you guys too much". hilarious,really. after having spent a whopping amount of dollars,we headed home. both the journey to and fro Singapore was safe to say,relaxing. going there by bus was somehow smiliar as to flying there,minus the beauty of the clouds of course. well look at tht,i managed to cut the story short. hey,even i dont like to read long ass post. i hope we are on the same page here. goodnight (:
aniss :)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
you need SPF45 just to stay alive

i should run for my gun,
but im lying instead in your hands.
but im lying instead in your hands.
gosh,such a hectic day. lets recap,shall we ? after numerous amounts of equations and such,with two phone calls in between,i finally got some shut-eye a little after 5. i only managed to doze off to dreamland for a mere three hrs,bfore i was forced to hit the showers. i always dread early morning tuitions and safe to say,that fact still pretty much remains unchanged. this morning,it dragged on for a whole two hrs or so. after grabbing a bite to eat,i took a short journey to dreamland,once again. two hrs later,a wake up call from le boyfriend woke me up from a deep slumber. rushed off to another tuition. it dragged on for a whole two and a half hrs,this time. ah,life -.- anyhow,my day did not end there. i wish. i then proceeded with decorating the cake which mother and i baked together,yday. much to my delight,it turned out beautifully this time,unlike the last time. beautiful sounds like such a strong word. lets just go with nice,ey ? much better :) the picture is up there,btw. it was all handmade,with the flowers at the side as an exception. anyhow,i wld be leaving for Singapore in exactly 12 hrs. howbeit,the huge luggage is still in the store room,while the clothes are still neatly folded in the closet. i shall get to that later. as of now,i will be on hiatus for three to four days. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays yo !
aniss :)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
but my god its so beautiful when the boy smiles

life is like an hour glass,
glued to the table.
the wake up call from le boyfriend snapped be bck into the real world. dragged this lazy arse of mine across the cold tiles and hit the showers. primped myself immaculately and was all ready for the much awaited date. i was given the honour to choose the movie of my liking. i decided on Angus,Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging. le boyfriend did not look too ecstatic abt my choice of movie,it showed on his face. a rush of guilt overwhelmed me,instantly. however,being the perfect boyfriend tht he is,he reassured me with a simple 'anything for you',without a second to waste. surprsie surprise,i could tell tht he enjoyed the movie as much as i did. again,it showed on his face. hilarious,really. i chose not to elaborate further on the movie,as i thought it was inappropriate to be shown to kids. anyhow,i then satisfied my craving for laksa at none other than Laksa Shack,after i was given the honour to make the decision,yet again. stocked with cash in purse,i dragged le boyfriend for a little shopping spree. i fell in love with three tops and the most gorgeous red dress. since i only had enough to buy two of them,it doesn't take a genius to figure out tht it took me quiet awhile to make the right decision. its like choosing between money and love (?) however,i finally settled on a blue top and the red dress. gosh,i hv never felt more satisfied,despite the fact that i am now officially broke. ah,life -.- silly me,i forgot to mention abt le boyfriend's newest 'accessory'. truth be told,it actually does look good on him,albeit it makes him look like a small boy. for fuck sake,i have a stack of tuition hw to be done in less than five hrs -.- thus,i'll bid goodnight. goodnight (:glued to the table.
aniss :)
Monday, December 22, 2008
in your face as the door keeps slamming

could be yours,
would be yours,
should be yours.
brace yourself for le boyfriend has officially joined the club. you dont dig me ? oh well,tht pretty much sucks. i shall leave you to guessing then. its good to let your mind stroll around in neverland,now and then. take it as an exercise. for fuck sake,im spitting crap all over your face aren't i ? -.- its the lack of sleep,im telling you. sleeping pattern has gone haywire since school officially ended for the year,one month ago. i am usually up in the wee hrs,albeit im on a school break. for reasons unbeknown to me,this little brain of mine seems to hv a mind of its own,as it wont fucking shut down even when the whole world has alrdy entered dreamland. haywire much ? anyhow,after a few rounds of front handsprings,toe touches and splits,i self invited myself over to Rianne's hse. i begged her to turn me into a professional pianist,in just one day. it doesnt take a genius to figure out that i wont be crossing that one off my wishlist anytime soon. howbeit,im satisfied,for now i can play the tunes to 'river flows in you'. yes,i practically ruined the song,happy now ? -.- fret not,i wld get better at it sooner or later,preferably soon. anywho,i should probably get the much needed beauty sleep tonight. hey,i have to look impeccably stunning for my date tmrw (blush). gosh,a first look at le boyfriend's new 'accessory'. still dont dig me dont you ? good,im off to bake a cupcake or two.
aniss :)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
you touched my soul,i cant help falling too fast for you

im in like with you,
not in love with you quite yet.
maybe this is love,
but i have not fallen in quite yet.
not in love with you quite yet.
maybe this is love,
but i have not fallen in quite yet.
"and with every step together,we just keep on getting better"
psst,my deepest apologies goes out to D. sorry for disappointing you. ily (:
half a year and counting ♥
love,aniss :)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
we spend the summer with the top rolled down

whenever you needed me,
i would always come through.
i would always come through.
i went on a hunt for an outfit to be worn at a dear aunt's wedding ceremony. much to my delight,i found the perfect outfit,without the need to approach more than two boutiques altogether. ah,the simple wonders of life. being the good niece that i am,i accompanied her to purchase a few necessities for the big day. after acquiring some of the necessities,we then headed off to grandparents' hse to help out with the wedding preparation. god forbid,tying ribbons all night long was such a tiring event. i even hurt a pinky while i was at it. how sad,no ? what's more,it seems tht le boyfriend decided to go off on a journey to dreamland a tad too early tonight. gosh,such a melancholy night. but no,its not his fault. it never is :) anyhow,revealing day wld officially befall tomorrow. if god wills or perhaps in this case,if im ready. should i or should i not ? why dont you be the judge ey ?
aniss :)
Friday, December 19, 2008
blacking out the friction

and through the depths of high and low,
i will always follow you,
to the end,
and even back again
i will always follow you,
to the end,
and even back again
a phone call from a dear aunt,inviting me to tag along for a shopping spree,awaken me from a deep slumber,only to be greeted by a big no from mother. "no,means no",an allegation i hv gotten so used to,after all these years. without further ado,i fell back into a deep slumber. hey,even i knw better than to argue with mother. what's more,mother was practically catapulting me a free opportunity for an extra time in dreamland. sweet ey ? anyhow,this mess of a room has turned to be such a sore in the eyes. fret not,another spring cleaning shall be in tow,preferably before the trip to Singapore. its not the time to be a lazy arse. no,not anymore. senior year of high schl is in exactly two and half fucking weeks. mind the language. this is the time to start straightening things up and stop fooling around like there is no tomorrow. the school necessities hv yet to be acquired. gosh,to think abt it,it wld officially be my last time buying the school necessities,ever. see how "time flies when you are hving fun" fits perfectly with this post ? i'll say yes to tht. high school has definitely been the utmost time in my youth years. much to my dismay,im only left with only one year of it. my senior year. heck,tht wld be one hell of an interesting year. with that,i vow to endure my senior year with perfection,despite having to sit for the it-would-determine-your-future examination. lets not meddle into tht just yet,si ? prom night and graduation night. gosh,i dont think im capable of waiting tht long for the night of nights to eventually come. dancing the night away with le beau. blush (!) gosh,can someone snap me back to reality ? im pretty much lost in dreamland here ;o
aniss :)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
lets fall into a deep slumber

hello world,
and if it is hard for you to fall asleep,
i will sing you a melody.
as the clock stated,it is now approximately 3.15 am. however,this little brain of mine still shows no sign of shutting down for the day. see,i told you i hv a bad case of insomnia. i dont need caffeine to keep me up at nights. i cld pull an all nighter anytime,easily if i say so myself. however,being awake while the whole world is sleeping tends to get a tad lonesome,at times. so L,being the perfect boyfriend he is,decided to stay up and keep me accompanied,albeit im 100% sure that he rather be in dreamland right this second. gosh,now i feel a tad guilty for keeping him up till this late. gasp,i guess he read my mind bcause le boyfriend is now officially dreaming away in dreamland. i dont blame him for dozing off without telling me beforehand. he's not used to being up this late,unless there was a football match,of course. oh well,im off for some stretching extravaganza. yes,i kinda sorta love stretching in the middle of the night,in the dark. im cool that way. haha kidding yo. goodnight and sweet dreams (:i will sing you a melody.
aniss :)
river flows in you
hello world,
i want to be the smile that you put on your face,
i want to be you favourite place that you love to go.
i want to be you favourite place that you love to go.
i was up in the wee hrs of the morning. it seems that im up early almost every single morning nowadays. be it for cheer practices or tuitions. nevertheless,the wherefore of me leaving dreamland a tad too early for my liking tday was not bcause of cheer practice nor was it bcause of a tuition class. it was however for a slightly different reason. five of us cheerleaders from D*starz were inquired to be part of an advertisement for NTV7,one of Malaysia's well-known tv channels. basically,we were asked to jump around,feigning to be jovial. sounds cinch,no ? after the four hours or so being in the spotlight,they then served us pizza for lunch. two whole box of them. sweet ey ? i was so hungry tht i managed to gobble down two super large pieces. oh no,usually i wld only manage one piece and im all good. after a change of clothes,we then waited patiently for our rides home. Rianne taught me how to play 'river flows in you' on the piano. in case you dnt knw,tht is one of Bella's lullaby which did not get chosen for the movie Twilight. it seems tht it is not as good as the chosen one. i on the other hand,personally thinks that it sounds nicer. ah,such a beautiful melody :) its like the most perfect sound i hv ever heard,hands down. anyhow,as i hv no piano background,teaching me how to play the piano is like teaching a newborn how to run. sadly,im not exaggerating here. such a hilarious sight,really. i blame mother for not sending me to piano class. im kidding,i love her :)

aniss :)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
everytime we kiss,i swear i can fly
hello world,
your arms are my castle,
you heart is my sky.
you heart is my sky.
the quadruple date tht was long planned had to be put on hold due to some circumstances. howbeit,a double date with D and her Trouble took place instead. it was rather an enjoyable date despite the fact tht the other two couples cld not make it. before proceeding on with the date,an aunt of D inquired us to bring her little kids ice-skating. owing to my affection for little kids and passion for ice-skating,it does not take a genius to figure out what eventuated next. teaching the little ones to not fall flat on their faces or perhaps in this case,on their fragile,miniature-like arses was somewhat an intriguing yet interesting event. little did we know,the five yr old boy was more confident on the ice,compared to his seven yr old sister. perhaps,his lower center of gravity helped him to be more stable. a few rounds with D around the rink,doing quixotic moves on the ice,with me taking the lead,of course which caused loud gasps to be heard from the imaginary audience indicated the end of our little ice-skating trip. we then rushed off to meet our dear boyfriends who were waiting patiently as we were gliding on the ice. being the good friend i am,i did not hesitate when D invited me to catch a 3.30 Twilight show,albeit having watched it twice alrdy. i was practically reciting the whole script despite le boyfriend's obviously-it-failed attempts at shutting me up. le boyfriend had a good laugh,watching Bella 'orgasming' (?) when Edward was sucking the venom out of her. lads,they all hv such depraved minds -.- anyhow,choice of place for dinner was none other than Gasoline. sigh,such wonderful memories there,six months back :) we decided to opt for separate tables for a little bit of privacy. had a meaningful conversation abt the past and the future with le boyfriend,leaving the present aside for awhile. however,it wasn't long bfore we start fooling arnd and annoy the hell out of each other,like we are so used to. dont get me wrong,annoyance plays a big role in our devotions here :) i then made my way home a little before seven which was one hr later than my given curfew for the day due to le boyfriend's obviously-it-worked attempt at keeping me on hold for awhile. i have yet to learn to resist. oh shuck,its harder thn i thought. anyhow,my day did not end there. D called and we talked for two hrs straight. it was nice to finally hv someone so interested for me to unlock a story tht has been kept a tad too long. albeit its not really a picnic talking abt my late dad,i was so touched by her curiosity. people wld usually hesitate to ask wht actually eventuated,exactly twelve years ago and most of the time ended up not even asking at all,as they were so scared of me becoming all teary eyed. so if you are really curious,then ask the most simple question than popped out of yr head. i wld not mind. in fact,i wld be more touched by yr kind gestures. you cld only imagine how touched i was when D asked me what i assume is running though everyone else's mind. and tht is like only a small portion from the extremely long list of what makes me love her so much (: iloveyou D.

aniss :)
Monday, December 15, 2008
keep it lose,keep it thight
hello world,
sometimes we forgot,
who we are,
and who we are not.
who we are,
and who we are not.
mother ordered me to put my cake decorating skills into good use tonight. so,she baked a cake early this morning and asked me to decorate it. sounds easy ? no,its not. however,it wld be fun tho. im keeping my fingers crossed as to not ruin her cake,one way or another. that wld be just horrible. anyhow,im off to work my magic on the cake. very funny,who am i kidding ? i'll probably ruin the cake -.- gaaaaaaaah.
aniss (:
what goes up must come down
hello world,
somebody wants you,
somebody needs you,
somebody dreams about you every single night.
it has been a pretty hectic week. from the three days road trip to Terengganu to meeting le boyfriend's parents to four days of Cheer Jam. a tad too hectic,si ? nevertheless,it was the highlight of my holiday,so far. lets recap my whole experience during Cheer Jam,shall we ?Cheer Jam,the first cheerleading camp in Malaysia kicked off on thursday and it went on until sunday. however,it was not an overnight event as we were allowed to go home very late in the evening. i learned quite a few things during the four days cheer camp. from the jump strengthening techniques to the correct techniques for doing basket tosses and hand tosses. i would kill to be like Katie,one of the best fliers from the US tht i hv came across,so far. it seems tht she can do just abt everything. from tumbling to jumping to flying. you name it,she cld probably do it,easily. anyhow,just between us,i skipped the make up and uniform designing sessions. it was too dreary for my liking. i watched Twilight for the second time on a friend's PSP instead. a thought came across my mind,an iPod or a PSP ? i hv no idea,really. gaaah. i experienced doing yoga and coyote dancing for the first time in my sixteen years and eight months of life. yoga was fun and tiring at the same time,while coyote dancing was amusing yet too sexy. i personally thought tht the instructor was pretty much teaching us dirty dancing and how to be sexy. however,in reality,she was actually teaching us to be more confident with ourselves. but it still felt like dirty dancing to me,more or less. how awkward,gosh. anywho,it was an enjoyable event,fooling arnd with le Charm members,putting up fake pyramids together,going out to buy lunch as there was not enough food and rolling up the super huge blue cheer mats after the camp was over and done with. fun times,i may add. watching Sarah,Samantha Gorman and and le Charm members fooling arnd was such a laughable moment. a random fact tht i find interesting-i hv consumed a total amount of 13 cherry-raisins bun during the four days camp. i finally got over it,after four days. im predicting tht the next cheerleading camp wld be more happening than the first. oh well,it doesnt take a genius to predict tht ey? due to the four days lack of sleep,it was payback time last night. i slept for a total of 17 hrs straight. nothing is sweeter than paybacks,si ?somebody needs you,
somebody dreams about you every single night.
psst,more pictures can be viewed at mag's blog. thankyous.
aniss :)
Friday, December 12, 2008
you made me rise when i fall
hello world,
your arms are my castle,
your heart is my sky,
they wipe away tears that i cry.
your heart is my sky,
they wipe away tears that i cry.
le boyfriend made my day tday :) went for a double date with le bestfriend and her boyfriend at our usual hangout spot,sunway. a date is nvr complete without a movie crammed in between. choice of movie was Wild Child. truth be told,the movie is more for girls. its basically abt a spoiled brat who was forced to go to a boarding schl. whoops,movie spoiler. my bad. however,if yr planning on watching a movie anytime soon,i so recommend tht movie. hihi. anyhow,then we had en early dinner at Sakae Sushi. i was suppose to go home before seven,as ordered by mother. however,le boyfriend managed to persuade me into staying for another hr or so and he wld send me home by cab. tell me,how cld i resist ? i cld not so i called mother to tell her tht i wld be home a tad late. surprisingly,she was fine with it. so i called le driver and everything was settled. as planned,we left sunway an hr after the phone call. however,we did not take a cab. le boyfriend's parents insisted on meeting me and sending me home. god forbid,i hv nvr felt more nervous. at first,i refused. but after some pleading and begging form le boyfriend,i finally gave in an just hope for the best. to my delight,le boyfriend's parents were so friendly. his mum is such a funny lady. i was holding back my laughters all the way home. they wanted to take me out to dinner but the restaurant was closed. upon reaching home,i called D up and we talked for awhile. another quadruple date has been planned for next tuesday. prolly at sunway again,mayb ?
aniss :)
different names for the same things
hello world,
the coast disappeared when the sea drowned the sun
and I knew no words to share with anyone
the boundaries of language I quietly cursed
and all the different names for the same thing
and I knew no words to share with anyone
the boundaries of language I quietly cursed
and all the different names for the same thing
Sunday,December 7,2008
as expected,the whole family woke up later thn 9am. thus,we were all ready and on the road only at a quarter past 11am,making us two hrs behind the planned time. the weather was perfect for the first few hrs of the journey. however,when we entered the east side of the country,the sky opened up and started pouring heavily. the weather became extremely cold and unbearable. plus,i was having a really high fever on the very same day,making the journey ten times more unbearable. i even felt like jumping out of the car at one point. but thank the lord,the greenery of the country side calmed me down a notch. the journey took exactly eight hrs with only two stops at the petrol stations to satisfy our cravings and to take a leak. we arrived just in time for dinner and i was never more excited to see food laid out on the table. with an extremely hungry stomach and a huge appetite,i gobbled down my dinner. after unpacking a few stuff here and there,my fever decided to come back. mother gave me some medicines to be taken but it seemed tht none of them worked cause the fever did not even go down and my body temperature became extremely high. as sad i was,i was forced to lie down in the room with a wet towel draped over my head,while sister and brother enjoyed themselves with le cousins. i did not get to meet them until the nxt day -.- how sad,no ? sleeping was an unbearable experience. woke up a few times in cold sweats bcause of the high body temperature.
Monday,December 8,2008
the fever miraculously went away by morning time. i woke up feeling much much better and the body temperature went down to normal. breakfast served was none other thn the scrumptious 'nasi dagang',one of Terengganu's famous dish. then,i had my first experience of watching a cow being slaughtered for Hari Raya Korban purpose. it was my first time seeing an animal shed a tear or two. before this,i nvr knew tht animals cld actually cry. so sue me for all i care -.- it was by far,the most out-of-this-world experience i hv ever felt,hands down. the smell did not bother me even a tiny bit as i was having a blocked nose. however,it did bother sister. quiet alot actually. so she stayed really far away while i did not even move an inch form where i first stood. after the unexplainable experience,le cousins and i started preparing for the barbecue. other than the cow's meat,we also barbecued some prawns and squids. good god,i ate more than what my stomach can hold. watched a few late night shows on le cousins' cinema-like tv. we were sprawled on the carpet,all nineteen of us. sadly,it was not really a full house as the other eight were m.i.a :s finally dozed off at 2am.
Tuesday,December 9,2008
mother's yell woke me up. dragged myself out of the bed and took a shower. breakfast served was 'pulut'. gobbled down my breakfast while joking arnd with le cousins. then,mother forced me to pack my bags. after refusing a few times,i finally gave up and packed my belongings. saying goodbye was nvr an easy task,eventho i knw tht i wld be seeing le cousins again. truth be told,they are the only closest thing i hv tht reminds me of dad. whenever im with them,it's like the whole world disappears. i love how close we are even after these years. age nvr matters to us cause the bond tht we hv is just simply extraordinary. its a nice feeling,really :) anyhow,the journey back home seemed somehow shorter. however,time-wise,it was actually the same.

psst,many apologies for the mixed up dates. just refer to the dates tht i hv written at the top of each posts. thankyou (:
aniss :)
aniss :)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
forgive me,my weakness
hello world,
i still hear your voice when you sleep next to me,
i still feel your touch in my dreams.
as of tmrw,i will be on hiatus for three days. mother decided tht we shld pay a visit to my late father's hometown.we wld be celebrating Hari Raya Aidiladha with my grandparents on father's side. thus,im off to Terengganu as early as nine tmrw morning. it has been quite awhile since i last been there. so,im pretty much excited. despite the long journey there. six to eight hrs in the car ? god forbid,i can alrdy imagine it -.- tht is something i hv been dreading since the day mother told me tht all the flights hv been fully booked. how sad,no ? oh well,it has alrdy been abt 12 yrs since we last drove there. perhaps it wont be so bad after all. im keeping my fingers crossed. anyhow,i will only be back on tuesday evening. oh my,tht wld be another six to eight hrs in the car -.- but lets just put tht thought on hold for now. i will prolly go out on wed. where to ? i hv no idea,yet. then on thursday,im off to Cheer Jam which wld go on for three whole days. however,i wld be back at nights to blog abt it. thus,i wont be on hiatus. sweet ! oh my,i'll be leaving in less than 12 hrs and i still have not packed even a single piece of clothings ;o
gosh,its great to finally be able to hear yr voice again after the 20 hrs or so :) i wld be lying if say tht i did not miss you even a tiny bit. i did,a whole lot actually.
aniss :)
Friday, December 5, 2008
the sun is hot in the sky,just like a giant spotlight
hello world,
and black.
and black.
i miss the moments spent on the blue mats,enough said.
magster cursed me for giving her laffy taffy. HAHAHAHA. hillarious,really.
Magdalene said:
aniss :)
aniss :)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
at times like this,how i wish i could fly away
hello world,
i wish that i could fly,
into the sky,
so very high,
just like a dragonfly.
into the sky,
so very high,
just like a dragonfly.
im feeling a tad agitated right this second. the wherefores of the feeling ? i hv no idea,really. perhaps it is just a figment of my imagination ? oh well,who knows. no,im not depressed or sad. nothing of that such. im perfectly happy :) its just tht i feel as if something is missing. what,you might ask ? again,i hv no idea. anyhow,i feel so restless,stuck between these four walls. im not implying tht mother grounded me or anything of tht sort. mother do allow me to go out now and then. but what fun wld it be if i go out every single day. sure,i enjoy going out. however,after awhile,it tends to get a wee bit tiresome,don't you think so ? at times like this only do i realized how much i actually miss schl. not the lessons tho. only the part where i get to see my bimbotic friends five days a week. lucky me,i still have cheer practices five times a week. thus,i am still able to see my cheermates. sweet :) imma go stuff my face with candies cause it seems tht sugars hv nvr failed to lift my spirit up. oh my,i feel tht a fever is coming anytime soon. dear god,not now plss.
aniss :)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
hope is the dream of a man awake
hello world,
Far away in the sunshine,
are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them,
but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them,
and try to follow where they lead.
after one month or so of not functioning this brain of mine for good use,i finally had my first tuition class tday. finally,i can use it for something lets say,more productive. choice of subject was none other thn the mind boggling chemistry. oh no,i wld not say it was my choice. it was more like mother's choice. if i were given an alternative,i wld probably hv chosen physics over chemistry since chemistry is not rly my best forte. not tht im saying tht i am any good in physics cause clearly,im not. enough said. anyhow,two hrs into it,i realized something ludicurous. i cld finally apprehend what chemistry is really all abt. ten months of struggling with tht subject at schl only took me two hrs to rly grasp it. with a different teacher of course. no,im not saying tht the educators at my schl are useless or in a more polite word,not good enough. perhaps its the different environment of studying ? oh well,tht is my point of view. mother is being really nice as to enroll me in only four different tuition class,despite the fact tht i wld be sitting for a major exam end of next year. oh well,it seems like she hv faith in me studying by myself. anyhow,i cld not find the time tday to resume the spring cleaning tht was put on hold yday. so yes,half the room still looks disheveled while the other half looks impeccably clean. its hillarious,really.are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them,
but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them,
and try to follow where they lead.
just for laughs,here goes.

hillarious,no ? credits to ain tinier (:
aniss :)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
happiness is the secret to all beauty
hello world,
if you could live forever,
what would you live for ?
what would you live for ?
much to my delight,the second attempt at spring cleaning this mess of a room was indeed a successful event. i tuned out the whole world and stepped into the world of cleaning (?) cranked up some music at the top of the volume. loud enough to annoy the entire household. sang or more like screamed to the songs while cleaning this messy room of mine. threw away all the old schl books only to be replaced by new schl books. sorted out the clutter of clothes tht had been occupying almost half of the floor in my room. again,sorry for exaggerating more thn i shld. anyhow,four hrs into the spring cleaning,i only managed to clean half of the room. im not implying tht my room is huge. its big but definitely not huge. big enough to fit two persons junks. the size of the room does not matter here. its the amount of junks tht i hv tht truly matters. oh well,i hv a whole lot of them. truth be told,im a very sentimental person. thus,most of the so called junks actually has sentimental values and meanings to me. im not good at letting go of things. no,im bad at letting go of things. things tht cld take me back to my childhood times,when i used to love to collect random stuff tht mother labeled as junks. and yes,as i hv grown over the yrs,i now consider them as junks too. its all abt the maturity of one's mind. however,the new things tht i hv bought and collected in my youth are begging for a place to be stored. thus,i had to throw some of the childhood 'junks' away,only to be replaced by more new junks. as sad as i was,i had to learn to let go. if not now,sooner. anyhow,after five hrs or so sorting out the books,the private clothings and some other stuff,i decided to put the spring cleaning on hold. despite the fact tht half the room looks impeccably clean while the other half still looks like it just got hit by a tornado. nonetheless,my hurting neck and backside forced me to put it on hold. however,i shall continue tmrw. if god wills. im happy. NO,im satisfied hihi :) oh great,sister is home after not coming home last night. i wonder how she will react when she sees how clean the room is now. we shall see :) and now,back to the re-runs of gossip girl.
aniss :)
Monday, December 1, 2008
this aint hollywod,this is just a small town
hello world,
i could be your baby blue jeans,
with the holes in the knees,
the one at the bottom of the top drawer.
with the holes in the knees,
the one at the bottom of the top drawer.
the clock had just strike midnight. im pretty much the only one who is still up in the hse. mother dozed off awhile ago. brother is down with the flu. sister is out partying her night away. due to my bad case of insomnia,im still wide awake much to my dismay. however much to my delight,i got the room all to myself for the night and sister wont be hogging the room phne. thus,i shall make good use of this situation. go figure :) had the usual late night phne call with D after a very long time. many jaw dropping stories were shared. who shall i call next ? :) anyhow,i skipped gym tday to celebrate a close friend of mine's sixteenth bday. her choice of mall was none other thn the Gardens. there might not be alot of things tht you cld do there,but hey we still managed to hv fun. had lunch at sushi king and just walked lazily for awhile until le boyfriend arrived. we were forced to walk all arnd the mall cause apparently myraa and saidah thought they saw a stall tht sells cupcakes. i kept on telling them tht it was perhaps just a pigment of their wild imaginations but no,they still dragged me all over the mall in search of the non-existent stall. what i do for my friends. haha :) and boy,was i right ? most definitely. the non-existent cupcake stall turned out to be a doughnut stall instead. bought a packet of cookies to be shared among all of us. then,it was time to go home. we decided to take the ktm instead of a cab,despite myraa's instinct tht we wld reach home earlier if we were to take a cab instead. a lesson was learnt when we had to wait for the train for a fucking one hr -.- thus,i reached home a tad bit late making me missed my curfew. lucky me,mother didnt find out,YET. oh well,what's done is done. yess,i keep telling tht to myself lately. i wonder why ?

happy sweet sixteen SYAHIRAH AWANG :)

and oh,
aniss :)