Sunday, November 30, 2008
tonight,i will take what i can get
hello world,
the words are hushed,
lets not get busted.
just lay entwined here,
lets not get busted.
just lay entwined here,
the performance,my first charm all stars performance went well. the scnd show tht is. i totally screwed up the first show. i screwed up the cheer,i screwed up the dance,i screwed the tumbling. what more,i fell straight to the floor during one of the stunts. my backside hit the hard tiles but i did not feel any pain until after the scnd show. it wasnt anyone's fault,no worries :) to my delight,the scnd show was almost perfect with a few minor mishaps as an exception. performing for the scnd show was somehow satisfying compared to the embarrassing first show ;o oh well,what's done is done. so,moving on. i ditched my charm friends and had lunch with mother and sister instead. im sorry :) choice of restaurant was good evening bangkok. and yess,tht'll be the place where my little brother is working as a food runner. it was definitely a fun sight watching him carry all those plates and attending to customers. i could not help but laugh until i was told to stop doing so by mother. nonetheless,it was still a good laugh. after our tummies hv been fed,mother asked us to accompany her to do the monthly grocery shopping. bought a whole lot of tid bits and such. i hv nvr been more satisfied. my god,im spoiled,no ?
aniss :)
different scenes,but same old stories
hello world,
how can i decide what's right,
when you are clouding up my mind.
when you are clouding up my mind.
i cant win your losing fight,
all the time.
all the time.
for once,can you please just stop and listen ? instead of blabbering about your problem. yes,i do know that yr going through a hard time. news flash honey,yr not alone. dont you ever think even for a second that I have something to say too ? yess,a whole lot actually. but what do you know abt tht. exactly,nothing. im getting tired of this same old routine. so,please hear me out. thankyou.
dont mind me,its just the hormones talking. oh please,dont even bother.

aniss :)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
i cant lie,watching everyday that goes by
hello world,
it wont be long,
before i get you by my side.
and just hold you,tease you,squeeze you,
tell you what has been on my mind
before i get you by my side.
and just hold you,tease you,squeeze you,
tell you what has been on my mind
even bfore the alarm went off,i was alrdy up. tht goes to show tht i wld wake up at any time of the morning or perhaps night if it was for cheer. be it three in the morning. my brain wld automatically wake up on its own. a quarter past 8,we started practicing for a performance tmrw. ended the practice two hrs later. had breakfast together at the nearest mcD bfore making our way to ou for the celeb fitness training. changed and was all ready to burn off some calories and strengthen our muscles. fifteen minutes into the ski-like workout machine,i alrdy broke into cold sweats. half an hour later,my feet felt numb. it did not hurt but it did not feel normal either. after a few sips of water,we resumed with the stretching session. boy,tht was one hell of a stretching session. im slightly more flexible now. wait,who am i kidding ? -.- it wld definitely take more than a few sessions of tht to get me more flexible,im pretty sure. next,leg muscles and hand muscles workout. then it was off to the showers to freshen up ourselves. and boy,did i feel rejuvenated ? pretty much,yess. bumped into an aunt of mine while making our way to sushi zamai (?) and to my delight,i was presented with not one but three books on cake decorating. how sweet of her,no ? the burned calories was replaced by more calories during lunch at sushi zamai (?) what a waste of time and energy,you might ask ? i dont really want to put much thought into tht. what's done is done. while waiting for the transport home,i went shorts-hunting and finally settled on a black not-to-short- shorts hihi. i came across a black and white bowed headband and could not resist myself from buying them. and tht was exactly wht i did. made a pit stop at grandparents hse to say hello and to raid their kitchen for some chocolates. lucky me,i came across two packets of hersheys kisses which has expired exactly two months ago. but tht did not stop me from eating 10 of them and to bring home the rest. upon reaching home,i settled myself on the heavenly bed and fell into a deep sleep. three and a half hrs ltr,i had mcD for the scnd time tday. this time,for dinner. did i mention tht charm all stars will be performing tmrw ? its for the celebrity fitness at ou. im pretty much excited hihi :) wish me luck yo.
aniss :)
Friday, November 28, 2008
notice me,take my hand
hello world,
everynight i see you in my dreams,
i see your face,
i feel your touch,
i hear your voice.
i see your face,
i feel your touch,
i hear your voice.
my first attempt at spring cleaning my room failed miserably. i woke up tday feeling somehow determined to clean up the clutters of junks and clothes tht hv alrrdy taken more than half the spaces in my room. not to mention the schl books tht i wont be using anymore. i cant even walk without stepping or rather tripping over something. i apologize for exaggerating more than i shld. anyhow,you might be asking why the plan failed. simple,i decided to turn on the computer to crank up some music for me listen to during the much attempted spring cleaning. however to my delight,le boyfriend was online at tht time. so i decided to talk to him for awhile. i mean,five minutes wont make much difference now wld it. but no,five minutes turned into two hrs. even after he went offline,i still could not tear my eyes off the computer screen. thus explained the failed attempt. after hving had enough with myspace and such for the day,i decided to get a drink from the shop downstairs. as i was abt to leave the shop,the clouds suddenly open up and it started pouring heavily. as i didnt bring an umbrella along,i was stuck in the shop. texted le boyfriend and told him abt my situation. as expected,he called me back straight away without a second to spare. now,how sweet is tht ? hihi :) he kept me company for awhile and we started talking abt the beauty of rain. after fifteen minutes or so,my maid came looking for me with two umbrellas in hand.
aniss :)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
'you are my life now'
hello world,
and so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
what a stupid lamb.
what a masochistic lion.
the twilight movie was way below my expectations. i blame myself for getting my hopes up too high. who was i kidding when i thought tht the movie would be as good as the book itself ? simple,myself. boy,was i proven wrong. the movie was indeed not as enticing and captivating as the book itself. nonetheless,i still enjoyed watching the sexy ass blood drinker jumped from one tree to another with the love of his life clung onto his back,despite the fact tht the movie was a wee bit 'flat' for my liking. hold tht thought and lets rewind right to the beginning shall we ? i woke up at 8.15 sharp so i was a wee bit late for D*starz prac. despite the fact tht i was late to prac,i had to leave an hr and a half later. rushed home and got ready with no time to spare. as the clock striked 11.30,i left for pavillion with le bestfriend. upon reaching pavi,we ran straight to the movie counter while keeping our fingers crossed. lucky us,it was practically empty with two or three people as an exception. bought the tickets for the twilight movie and alas i cld finally breath again. walked arnd pavi to kill some time. le boyfriend and le bestfriend's boyfriend arrived two hrs too late -.- as i was craving for some kue teow,we decided to eat at bb bistro. the guys had a few puff of shisha to satisfy their cravings. we then walked back to pavi just int time to buy the popcorns and take a leak. since us girls were too excited,we were the first one to enter the movie theater. haha. after the almost two hrs movie,i had to rush to another cheer prac. but not bfore snapping a few pictures with ainaa,myraa,saidah,dian,celine and fify. after some pushing and pulling at the lrt stations,i finally arrived at taman mayang two hrs too late due to the massive traffic jam. and i had to fucking changed in the car in front of of my driver. now how sad is tht ? very. after the two hrs cheer prac,every muscles in my body started aching. and im in need of some sleep. lucky me,i got the room to myself for the night as sister is out enjoying her sweet life after spm. alrighty then,i think imma call it a day. goodnight and sweet dreams :)what a stupid lamb.
what a masochistic lion.

aniss :)
little voices whispering
hello world,
i dnt knw wht i've done
or if i like wht i've become
there were sounds in my head
little voices whispering.
hate. i hate myself for letting my emotions take control over me. i hate myself for letting my emotions overpowered my mind. i hate myself for not being able to differentiate between the good and the bad. i hate myself for acting before even thinking once. no,i dont hate myself. im just mad at myself. blame. i blame the modern world. i blame the new generation. i blame life itself. no,i dont. im only blaming myself for being so shallow minded. they say,realizing is the first step in changing. im keeping my fingers crossed from now onwards.or if i like wht i've become
there were sounds in my head
little voices whispering.
aniss (:
so it seems
hello world,
all i need now is a miracle,
nothing complicated,
and nothing more than that.
nothing complicated,
and nothing more than that.
the release of the twilight movie is tmrw and i still cant get the fucking ticket. i tried booking online but it was already full. so was the phone booking. it seemed tht they limited the number of seats for online and phne booking. the operator asked me to purchase the tickets at the movie counter instead. therefore,im playing with luck here. lets all keep our fingers cross and pray for a miracle. amen. choice of cinema was non other than GSC pavillion. im planning to go as early as i can. hihi :)
aniss :)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
changes will come
hello world,
i know that one day,
a change will come.
and that day,
would be today.
a change will come.
and that day,
would be today.
changes. it happens all the time. everything and everyone will change from time to time. that is just the cold reality of life. changes doesnt always have to be a burden to mankind. it can be a wonderful thing too. if only we could see the beauty in it. nonetheless,people still treat changes as a burden to them. I on the other hand,see changes as a way of improving myself. throughout the years,i hv gone through a lot of changes. truth be told,i did not really like some of the changes tht has occurred to me. therefore,as of tday,i will try my hardest to change into a better person. there are a few things i wld like to change abt myself tht hopefully wont affect the people i love,negatively. im keeping my fingers crossed. amen.

aniss :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
days of joys
hello world,
you held my hands,
so very tightly,
and told me what we could be dreaming of.
so very tightly,
and told me what we could be dreaming of.
i always thought tht my brother was joking every single time he told me tht he was looking for a part time job during this schl hols. so when he scored a job as a part time waiter at a thai restaurant,i stared at him for a good two minutes bfore i burst out laughing. he got the same response from mother and sister. my little brother who never fails to drop and break plates working as a part time waiter ? god forbid,what is the world coming to ? since he started his job tday,he was up at the wee hrs of the morning and was out of the hse by 10. heck,i was still high in dreamland. he just came back at 10 with great news. he managed not to break anything on his first day. amen. but he still hv another say,one month to go ? lets all keep our fingers cross for him :) as he had a very tiring day,he's already dreaming away in dreamland. and heck,the clock hv not even strike midnight yet. which is so unlike him. oh well,its actually much better like this. atleast he's not up,bugging the hell out of me. ah,the wonders of life :) anyhow,i hv just finished the whole season of hanakimi. and may i add tht it has now officially scored top three on my list of favourite asian tv shows alongside full house and a love to kill. truth be told,tht was the first tv series tht i hv watched which doesn't hv any motive to it. nonetheless,i still had a great time laughing my ass off while watching it. and now,i feel like watching it all over again. oh well,mayb after i hv finished gossip girls season 2,heroes season 3 and 90210 which has yet to be watched. heck,its the schl holidays for crying out loud. so no worries there.
aniss :)
all good things starts here
hello world,
i want you,
i need you.
i need you.
the scnd day of the cake decorating class was more exciting thn the first. again,mother sent me to taylors college at the wee hrs of the morning. took my seat and waited patiently for the class to start. the first few hrs bfore the break,i hv learnt how to make ribbons,bows and small flowers. during the one hr break,they served us pizzas,keish and carrot cakes. courtesy of the chefs themselves. it was by far,the best pizza i hv ever tasted,hands down. watch out pizza hut ! the nxt few hrs aftr the break,i was taught on how to decorate a wedding cake with the little ribbons,bows and flowers tht i hv made earlier. surprisingly,it turned out beautifully :) but i'll let you be the judge. pictures are posted below,thankyou. after the tiring seven hrs class,i was asked to accompany mother to an aunt's hse to discuss abt another aunt's wedding ceremony. upon reaching her hse,my little cousins flashed me their new deck of cards. after a few rounds of blackjack,poker and 'turtle',dinner was served. during dinner,one of the little kid got really curious and peeped inside the cake box. she touched the ribbon and it broke into half. as sad as i was,i forgave her. oh well,she's only four. but i did managed to snap a picture or two of the cake. ah,life's great :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008
a shining star above them all
hello world,
truth be told,i get paranoid easily arnd adults. place me in a room full of them and you will see me cowing at the corner. oh well,mayb not as bad as tht. let me just say tht my tongue wld automatically bcome numb whenever im near any adults. except for the ones tht i hv known my whole life. due to this fact,i had been dreading this day since the day mother told me tht she hv enrolled me in a cake decorating class. surprise surprise,the class wld be filled with yes,adults and lucky me,i wld be the youngest. boo. i tried talking to her into not sending me there. no,i begged her not to send me there. sadly,the puppy eyes did not work its magic this time. thus,the fees were paid and i was on my way to taylors college at the wee hrs of the morning. whether i want to or not. upon reaching taylors,i was quickly brought to the kitchen where the class was being held. as i was entering the class,every heads turned towards me and i was greeted by warm and friendly smiles. only then did i realized tht it wont be so bad after all. i took my seat at the front of the class but the smiles nvr left their faces. with tht,i started relaxing. the class went on for a solid seven hrs with a one hr break in between. for the first few hrs bfore the break,i hv learnt the proper techniques for icing the cakes and how to make roses and leaves. during the one hr break,they served us sardine and egg sandwiches. courtesy of the chefs,themselves. it wld hv tasted nicer if they didnt include eggs in the ingredients. boo. the nxt few hrs after the break,i am proud to say tht i hv decorated three cakes. i surprised even myself when i was finally done with the third cake. mother was more surprised when she saw the huge grin on my face when she picked me up. i skipped dinner with the family tday and joined le boyfriend,le bestfriend and le bestfriend's boyfriend for dinner. choice of place was hartamas square as it felt more like a laid-back night rather thn formal. hanging out with those three has nvr been a boring event. the topic of conversation for the night was us girls against them boys. who's right against who's wrong. the debate went on for the entire night. what an interesting topic,no ? hillarious i may add. them boys always cracks me up. ended the night with the usual goodbyes.

psst,pardon my photography skills. i am no lomo boy ;p
aniss :)
i hear,
but i dont listen.
but i dont listen.
truth be told,i get paranoid easily arnd adults. place me in a room full of them and you will see me cowing at the corner. oh well,mayb not as bad as tht. let me just say tht my tongue wld automatically bcome numb whenever im near any adults. except for the ones tht i hv known my whole life. due to this fact,i had been dreading this day since the day mother told me tht she hv enrolled me in a cake decorating class. surprise surprise,the class wld be filled with yes,adults and lucky me,i wld be the youngest. boo. i tried talking to her into not sending me there. no,i begged her not to send me there. sadly,the puppy eyes did not work its magic this time. thus,the fees were paid and i was on my way to taylors college at the wee hrs of the morning. whether i want to or not. upon reaching taylors,i was quickly brought to the kitchen where the class was being held. as i was entering the class,every heads turned towards me and i was greeted by warm and friendly smiles. only then did i realized tht it wont be so bad after all. i took my seat at the front of the class but the smiles nvr left their faces. with tht,i started relaxing. the class went on for a solid seven hrs with a one hr break in between. for the first few hrs bfore the break,i hv learnt the proper techniques for icing the cakes and how to make roses and leaves. during the one hr break,they served us sardine and egg sandwiches. courtesy of the chefs,themselves. it wld hv tasted nicer if they didnt include eggs in the ingredients. boo. the nxt few hrs after the break,i am proud to say tht i hv decorated three cakes. i surprised even myself when i was finally done with the third cake. mother was more surprised when she saw the huge grin on my face when she picked me up. i skipped dinner with the family tday and joined le boyfriend,le bestfriend and le bestfriend's boyfriend for dinner. choice of place was hartamas square as it felt more like a laid-back night rather thn formal. hanging out with those three has nvr been a boring event. the topic of conversation for the night was us girls against them boys. who's right against who's wrong. the debate went on for the entire night. what an interesting topic,no ? hillarious i may add. them boys always cracks me up. ended the night with the usual goodbyes.

psst,pardon my photography skills. i am no lomo boy ;p
aniss :)
Friday, November 21, 2008
colour me blue,im lost in you
hello world,

for a moment i can tell that i've got you
cause your lips dont move,
and something is happening,
cause ypur eyes tell me the truth,
i have put a spell over you.
five months and counting ♥
aniss :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
strike three and yr out
hello world,
if a relationship does not work out once,try again. if it fails once more,try again. but hey,you know what they all say ; strike three n you're out. -aisya y
aniss :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
everything i need is right here by my side
hello world,
whenever you are ready,
i will be here to listen,
to catch your tears,
and to lift you back up where you belong
i will be here to listen,
to catch your tears,
and to lift you back up where you belong
due to a minor case of headache,i had to skip cheer prac tday. against my will,of course. mother forced me to go back to sleep. as i had no other choice,i did as i was told. the throbbing headache did not help either. lucky me,the headache subsided after a few hrs of sleep and two tablets of panadol. just in time for the outing with the clans to celebrate saidah's special day. her choice of activity was not other thn ice-skating. so we headed off to sunway pyramid,the only place where you can find an ice-skating rink in Malaysia. how sad,no ? upon reaching sunway,we grab a bite to eat and quickly made our way to the ice rink. paid for the entrance ticket. tied up our skates and was all ready to ice-skate. during the one hr or so trying our hardest not to trip and wet our asses,a sudden rush of emotion filled me. i realized tht i really do miss ice-skating. the smooth feeling of the ice. the excitement i will get everytime i pushed harder for more speed. the frightening feeling i will usually feel everytime i try to stop. i miss all of that. i guess i have been too busy with my first greatest passion in life,cheerleading tht i totally forgot abt my second greatest passion in life,figure skating. i had alot to think abt yday and i decided to talk to mother abt enrolling me back into the figure skating academy. now,let's just hope for the best :) anyhow,after succeeding in not making a fool out of ourselves at the ice-skating rink,we headed off to a photo machine and took some pictures to be kept as a memory for tday. presented saidah with her birthday gift. pardon my wrapping skill. lol. as i had promised mother,i made my way home at the exact time i was told to do so and managed to arrive home minutes bfore my curfew. altho only five of us cld make it tday,we had fun all the same. woots :) ended my day with a few reruns of hanakimi.

saidah ♥ dian ♥ aniss ♥ ainaa ♥ myraa
now,lets sing a happy bday song to jia.
happy sweet sixteen,NUR HAZIRAH :)

aniss :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
miracle only works for those who believe
hello world,
lead me into the night,
please drive away the light,
cause i have been blinded by glitter and gold.
my eyes need to rest from this light,
and sleep well at night
please drive away the light,
cause i have been blinded by glitter and gold.
my eyes need to rest from this light,
and sleep well at night
out of the blue,i asked mother for an iPod video tday. no,i begged her to buy me an iPod. i literally begged her. i went down on my knees and gave her the puppy eyes. i guess tht did the trick. if god wills,i will probably get an iPod video early of next yr. wooots :) nonetheless,i will still try my luck on getting her to buy me one during this schl hols. fat chances,no ? we'll see. i also asked mother to buy me the to-die-for sexy gray danbury high waisted skinny jean tht has now officially scored top three on my wishlist alongside the sexy tulip faux leather ankle boots and something i rather keep to myself. it seems to me that finally luck is on my side cause mother said yes to that too. but when ? i hv no idea,really. but heck,i dont mind. as long as she promised to buy them,i hv nothing to worry abt. suhweeet :) as i was going through people's blogs,i came across D's. according to her latest post,the very sexy model,Adrianna Lima is pretty much still a virgin. so it seems tht she believes in after marriage sex. now how sexy is tht ? very,i may say. well,who wld hv guessed.

and now let's all wish meels a happy birhtday,
happy sweet sixteen,MILLIE ONG :)
im still marrying yr brother,haha ;p
im still marrying yr brother,haha ;p
aniss :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
thanks for the memories
hello world,
tday marked the last day of the year 2008 school session. thus,marked the last day of being a form four. for me and the rest of us sixteen yr olds that is. we are officially one step closer to the major exam tht will determine our future. but lets not meddle into that just yet. the last day of schl was somehow stressful. as i was the treasurer for the cheerleading club,i had to prepare a very 'last minute' account report to be handed in on the very same day. oh well,there goes my last day of schl. down the drain. what a bummer,no ? while each and every form fours were enjoying their last minute class party,i was up at the computer lab,cracking this little brain of mine while praying for a miracle that i wld still be able to remember the exact amount of money we hv gotten and used during the year 2008. sadly,there was no miracle. at all. no surprise there. but lucky me,two good friends of mine was kind enough to keep me company. the after schl plan was not other thn lunch with the clans at a nearby cafe. Myraa nearly killed me with her extremely spicy dish. boo you. snap more than enough pictures for the day. had a rly nice chat abt our own experiences of being in form four. said our goodbyes to Qeela,who's leaving to Kuching tmrw and leaving all of her wonderful friends behind for one whole month. how sad,no ? now,care to join me for some reruns of my personal favourite taiwan series ? hee,

what wonderful friends i have,no ? thanks for all those unforgettable memories. it will be cherished,forever (:
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
the little november baby
hello world,
Happy Sweet Sixteen, SAIDAH SHEIKH JAFFAR :)

iloveyou, my little friend.

iloveyou, my little friend.
big love,
aniss :)
aniss :)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
map to my heart
hello world,
no words can fully explain what happened tday. nor can it describe what and how im feeling tday. perhaps only four words-the feeling is mutual (:
aniss :)
if you really want to get the root of me,
you dont have to try so hard,
give me a reason to dance in the dark,
be there to catch me and i will fall apart.
if you wanna know how to get to me,
follow the map to my heart.
you dont have to try so hard,
give me a reason to dance in the dark,
be there to catch me and i will fall apart.
if you wanna know how to get to me,
follow the map to my heart.
no words can fully explain what happened tday. nor can it describe what and how im feeling tday. perhaps only four words-the feeling is mutual (:
aniss :)
Monday, November 10, 2008
makes me wonder
hello world,
i believe that everything happens for a reason.
i know everybody makes mistakes,
and everybody regrets sometimes.
i wont let that ruin everything that we have.
a wake up call from a friend confirmed tht the much awaited futsal match is still going on as planned. had the usual morning shower and was all ready by half an hr. met up with the rest of the clans at a futsal place,given the name 'footy futsal'. adorable name,no ? so we might not be that good at this so-called manly game or that we shrieked and giggled more than actually kicking the balls. but hey,that's how girls roll,yes ? it was pretty much a funny sight to watch each one of us trying our hardest to get the ball from one side of the court to the other. there were alot of minor mishaps along the way. if by any chance a guy were to see us play,he wld be laughing his ass off. no surprise there. oh well,like they say,girls have their own silly ways of having fun,yes ? definitely :) after the tiring match,we decided to hv our so called lunch at a mamak stall. as we were all sweating bucket-full of sweats,the plan changed and we ended up at the air-conditioned secret recipe instead. ordered three plates of cakes and a few side orders to be shared among us. after our tummies had been fed,we made our way to myra's hse,by foot. it was a long walk but its a good way to burn off all those calories. went home half an hr after upon reaching her hse. since the fever came back,i had to skip gym tday. slept for more than two hrs. woke up and watched the replay of MTV EMA. boy,i can nvr get enough of Katy Perry :) her 'turn on' voice and to-die-for outfits. my personal favourite wld definitely be her last outfit,a cross between a tux and a pink dress. if by any chance i was born as a guy,i wld definitely date her. haha. D wld agree with me on this,yes ?i know everybody makes mistakes,
and everybody regrets sometimes.
i wont let that ruin everything that we have.

a few jokes to entertain my dear bloggers. courtesy of AK (:
what fish is seen at night ?
a STARfish
what question can nvr be answered by a 'yes' ?
are you sleeping ?
what starts with a T,ends with a T and is full of 'T' ?
a teapot
kindly bold the answers. goodnight and sweet dreams.
aniss :)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
one of the boys
hello world,
you were such a surprise,
an unexpected gift.
as of tday,i declared the couch as my new bed since my real bed is not accessible(refer last post). the ongoing flu forced me to lay on the couch all day long. lucky me,the MTV European Music Award was on. now who wld hv guessed tht the host wld be none other than Katy Perry. the twenty three yr old california-born musician's voice still turned me on. most of the outfits worn by her on tht night were to-die-for. a total of 12 outfits. gaaaaah :) other than being the host for the night,katy were also nominated for two categories. they were for the Best New Act and Most Addictive Track. with a voice like hers,she managed to bring home the award for the Best New Act. sadly,her single,I Kissed A Girl lost the Most Addictive Track award to Pink's new hit single,So What. surprise surprise,Britney managed to bring home not one but two awards tht night. they were for the Best Act 2008 and Best Album. thts it for tday. im still keeping my fingers crossed tht i wld be all better and the fever wld be gone by unexpected gift.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
tomorrow can wait for some other day to be
hello world,
if we could have any dream,
i'd wish this moment,
was ours to own it,
and that it would never leave.
it has been confirmed by mother/physician tht im down with the flu. viral fever to be exact. throbbing headaches,aching muscles and uncontrollable coughs. those are just some of the things tht im suffering from at the moment. as of tday,i am officially banned from my own room until the fever subsided. this is due to the fact tht i share a room with a sister who is gonna sit for the spm exams in exactly two days. thus,im not allowed to be in the same room as her at all. i am being kept quarantine inside mother's room. sadly,there's nothing much i can do,stuck between these four walls. but lucky for me,mother owns a computer. so i can still go online whenever i want to. sweet,no ? im praying tht the fever wld subsided in time for the futsal match tht has been planned by the clans this coming monday. time to take the meds,yet again. the amount of medicines i hv consumed tday is more than ten tablets altogether. no wonder i hv been feeling all weird inside. mayb tht is just the meds acting on me. oh well,goodnight and sweet dreams.
aniss :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
to be where there is life
hello world,
take you over the light,
under the signs.
in through locked doors to secret floors
where we have lost them before.
under the signs.
in through locked doors to secret floors
where we have lost them before.
i finally attended schl tday after not attending for three days straight. if it wasn't because i had to return the txt books and submit my spm registration form,i wld hv just gone back to sleep when mother asked whether i was up for schl tday. a few close friends made me rethink of submitting the form. their over the top plans for me include dropping out of schl,not sitting for spm and to just get married. very tempting i may say. but the thought of mother flipping out if i were to tell her tht wasn't as tempting. lucky me,my little friend was there to snap me bck into reality. thus,the form was submitted and if god wills,i wld be sitting for spm in abt one year. ah, joy to the world -.- what a bummer. plans of attending lydia's mum's funeral after schl did not happen due to transportation problem. anyhow,my deepest condolences goes to lydia and her family. may god bless her soul. be strong.
aniss :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
guilty pleasures
hello world,

omgee. i think i might just be in love ;o
ah,the sweet pleasure of life (:
aniss :)
aniss :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
the ice is getting thinner
hello world,
no blinding lights or tunnels to gates of whites,
just our hands clasped so tight,
waiting for the hint of a spark.
just our hands clasped so tight,
waiting for the hint of a spark.
two months of skipping cheer practices due to the fasting month,finals and such is much regretted. it has left me less flexible and weak. but im back on track. nonetheless,i still hv alot to work on. especially on my flexibility and jumps. during my first cheer practice after the two months break,i accidentally kicked H at his 'every man's most prized possession'. go figure. what a good start -.- not forgetting the fact tht it left my whole body aching and begging for a massage. lucky me,i hv a maid who enjoys giving free massages. as of tday,im declaring her as my personal masseuse. im not mean nor am i spoilt. i just hv my needs. the half an hr massage plus the half an hr shower has left me relaxed and rejuvenated. seems to me tht im in for a deep sleep tnight. sounds nice,no ?
aniss :)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
im looking at you and my heart loves the view
hello world,
its one in a million
the chances of feeling the way we do.
and with every step together,
we just keep on getting better.
"why would i want any other girls when you are already so perfect for me ? " Lthe chances of feeling the way we do.
and with every step together,
we just keep on getting better.
"L: are you happy with me ?
A: of course i am. are you ?
L: the happiest i hv ever felt"
aniss :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
feel the beat of the tambourine
hello world,
take my hand, take a breath,
pull me close and take one step.
keep your eyes locked on mine,
and let the music be your guide
pull me close and take one step.
keep your eyes locked on mine,
and let the music be your guide
a pumpkin got beheaded tday. it rolled down the stairs and fell right into a drain. what a very sad day. not to mention the new changes tht hv been made for the year 09 scl session. the 40 minutes per period had been extended to one hr per period. god forbid,two hours of history lesson. can you spell torture ? despite the fact tht every part of me wanted to scream right there and there,i did the exact opposite. thanks to the fact tht i only hv one year to go. well,goodluck to all the younger ones. you still hv a few more yrs to go. boo you. im sorry.
aniss :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
nails for breakfast,tacks for snacks
hello world,
through playful lips made of yarn,
unraveled words like moths upon old scarves
i know the world is a broken bone
but melt your headaches and call it home.
unraveled words like moths upon old scarves
i know the world is a broken bone
but melt your headaches and call it home.
what an amazing weekend :) woke up too early for my liking on saturday. mother sent me over to ainaa's hse. exchanged a few stories to kill some time. her sister picked us up and dropped us off at a saloon since she wanted to trim her hair. it took ages for the hairdresser to be done with his work -.- then,we picked up myraa and Z drove us to OU. met up with L,merissa and siti. the four of us went to watch a movie while the rest went for a karaeoke treat. thanks to ainaa,L and Z, i passed for an 18 pl movie. wooots,suhweeet :) my bestfriend's girl,i so recommend it. only for people above the age of sixteen of course. haha it sucks being underage. as soon as the movie ended,we headed off to saidah's opn hse in shah alam. the half an hr ride was fun. interesting to be precise ;p i was amazed and awestruck by the size of her hse. little did i knw tht the insides of the hse is to be more amazed by. settled down ourselves and changed into our eid clothes. indulged in her mom's cooking straight after. after our tummies hv been fed,the photography session started. after having taken more thn enough pictures,we lazed arnd and dipped our feet in her private pool. stories and laughters were shared. then it was time to send L off. Z wanted to send L off bfore making his way home. ainaa and i volunteered to tag along. instead of sending L,we went to a hill and hung out there for awhile and talked. then we went back to saidah's hse to pick up chaee and D. after saying our goodbyes,everyone started making their way home. except for me and a few others. after changing into our normal clothes,we went to pelita and then to starbucks to hang out bfore midnight strikes. ordered a glass of caramel frap and a plate of marble cheesecake to be shared among the six of us who were planning to sleep over at the mansion-like hse. shared a few stories abt the past,present and future. it was indeed an interesting moment. tears were held back when we started reminiscing abt the past. half an hr bfore midnight strikes,we made our way back to the hse and changed into our swimming attire. since all of us were dead tired,we decided to skip swimming and just dipped our feet in the pool. took more pictures and finally went inside to indulge in more food. after our tummies were satisfied,we headed upstairs to hv more fun. fell asleep bfore the others. woke up at ten in the morn and decided to go for a swim. showered and ate lunch. took a few videos while waiting for myraa's sister to pick us up. our very own version of no air and with you. left shah alam at arnd 4. fell asleep as soon as i arrived home. that is by far,one of the most amazing weekend getaway i've had in such a looooong time.
psst,pictures will be up as soon as get hold of them.
aniss :)