Sunday, August 31, 2008
i've been locked inside the hse,all the while u hold the key
hello world,
starting from tmrw,1st sept 2008 until finals are over and done with,14th sept 2008,
no going out with friends or L for 2 fcking mnths *sigh :| oh wait,it's actually more than tht -.-
but the best part is,
i can still go online and go for cheer practices and still go for bday celebrations. woots :D
sweet aight? ;p
life can still go on :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
gone so young
hello world,
merdeka eve celebration !
so after waiting for 2 hrs,D finally picked me up. we then headed off to curve. as soon as we arrived,we went to borders and met L :) poor L had to wait for us for like 3 hrs or so. but he did get some sleep tho while waiting. lol. then it's off to cineleisure to get the tickets for 'the love guru'. ohmygod the movie is so stupid yet so hillarious. we were practically jumping off the seats during the entire movie. i almost fell of the seat at one point. shut up,it was funny oky. heehee :D halfway through the movie E arrived. he only managed to catch part of the movie. after the movie, we headed off to sushi king to hv our so-called lunch. otw,we met up with M and AM and they tagged along. watching the guys ate sushi was fun. HAHA. after our stomachs are full,we walked to my current favourite shop, 'me love candy' :) bought a 'squeeze & lick lollipop' and two bottle of esprit passion fruit and shared em all among the five of us while hving a conversation tht i nvr in a million yrs thought we wld hv ;9 lol. arnd 8,L had to go back :| so we walked to ou to send him off. otw, we met NA,EA and this othr girl. they tagged along too. after saying our goodbyes to L, we headed bck to curve. oh oh while walking to ou bfore,M and i accidentally stepped on some mud holes. so M being M went and bought a stain remover thingagmajigga -.- lol. after cleaning our pants with tht thing, we hung out in front of ikano with nthing to do -.- we decided to walk to cinelesure to meet up with some of our friends. so off we went and met N and a few other friends tht i'm too lazy to list down. cause there were alot. sry :) since D and i was craving for pancakes,we decided to hv our dinner at the paddington hse of pancakes. only D,E and i went cause the others didnt feel like hving pancakes. but they shld hv followed us cause the pancakes there were oh-so delicious. yumm :D arnd 10, ainaa and siti arrived. quickly went off to cineleisure to meet up with Z and iqbal. at the same time,we met nky,dydy,lanee and a few other friends. after taking a few pictures,we decided to jst sit down somewhere and wait for the fireworks. oh oh the fireworks only lasted for less thn 5 minutes -.- and it wasnt even tht nicee,pfft. so anw,after the fireworks,we headed off to the stage for a bit of dancing :) at arnd 1,my mum picked me up and we went to mcD to eat. reached home at 2 in the morn and fell into a v deep sleep :] fun day i may say :) hee.
now,picture time :)

his first time eating sushi :D

'me love candy' :)

paddington house of pancakes

like little kids. how adorable ;p

midgets ;9
more to come when i get hold of them oky. till then,
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Saturday, August 30, 2008
lost symphony
hello world
morning bloggers. yess,surprisingly i woke up early tday. so gd morning to you :) i'll be going off to curve this evening. but im nt staying for the countdown n fireworks since i hv to rush bck home bfore 8. we're hving steamboat for dinner :] but i'll be bck at curve by 11 for the countdown. lol.
oky i think imma go take my shower now. heehee ;p toodles,be bck in a jiffy :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
boys! grab your guns
hello world,
1. put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal.
1. If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
2. How would you describe yourself?
everything-michael buble (;p)
3. What do you like in a guy?
before he cheats-carrie underwood (HAHAHA)
4. How do you feel today?
feedback-janet jackson (?)
5.What is your life's purpose?
dont jump-tokio hotel (haha but i jump every single day -.-)
6. What is your motto?
hands down-dashboard confessional (uh-huh)
7. What do your friends think of you?
she is-gabe bondoc (o-kay)
8. What do you think of your parents?
lucky-jason mraz (lucky to hv me ofcourse,HAHA)
9. What do you think about very often?
somebody to love-anne hathaway (awww (;)
10. What is 2 + 2?
teardrops on my guitar-taylor swift (whuderfark?)
11. What do you think of your best friend?
ready,set,go-tokio hotel (:D)
12. What do you think of the person you like?
dreaming of you-selena (how ironic :])
13.What is your life story?
kicking and screaming-ashlee simpson (yeah bby)
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
magic-colbie caillat (lol ;p)
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
dont walk away-bethany joy lenz (hee :])
16.What will you dance to at your wedding?
hollywood hills-the academy is (i dnt mind :])
17.What will they play at your funeral?
anyone else but you-moldy peaches (uh-huh)
18.What is your hobby/interest?
stop and stare-one republic (i sound like a creep ;O)
19.What is your biggest fear?
lying is the most fun a girl can do without taking her clothes off-panic! (HAHAHAH wtf?)
20.What is your biggest secret?
it wont be long-dana fusch (heh?)
21.What do you think of your friends?
kindly unspoken-kate v (:D)
22. What will you post this as?
boys! grab your guns-my american heart (lol o-kay then)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
shotgun wedding
ohmygod. i totally forgot to blog abt the wedding. i'm sry ;9
anw,the wedding ceremony was beautiful :) the slideshow made me go aww :]
and now i feel like getting married -.- HAHAHAHAHA
oh btw,the title has no connection whatsoever to yday's wedding ceremony. lol
signing off *for real this time*
xoxo aniss :]
see right thorugh me like open doors
hello world,
the day started out well. when the teachers were not looking,we were gossiping away and doodling on each others hands or books. jokes were shared and celine being celine was being a total bitch. a lame one tht is. HAHA ;p
this is celine being a bitch.
aniss : omg,why is yr watch so pretty?
celine : because yr ugly. HAHAHAHAHA.
aniss : stupid bitch -.-
and celine being a lameass.
celine : *was blabbering abt smthing*
celine : wow,tht rhymes. but u dnt rhyme because u dnt hv time. HAHAHA
ainaa : haha -.-
aniss : righttt -.-
celine : no not right. tight! HAHAHA
aniss : -.-
but the day turned gloomy when we got our physics n add maths test results. dissapointment filled the air. tears rolled down from some of the girls' eyes. fine,i'm exaggerating. it was jst me -.- i thought i did well for the two papers. but looking at the marks,i guess i didnt do well enough. i started asking myself the same question tht i was thinking abt lst night. sa'idah assured me tht it wasnt rly the cause. so i felt relieved. well kinda sorta.
and yet again,i learned my lesson. thank you :)
anw,during the lst three periods was my scl's merdeka eve celeberation :] it felt more like a rock concert to us since we were jumping n screaming arnd to the merdeka songs. lol. we were basically sweating like pigs aftr the event is over. haha. but atleast all the stress are now gone. so i'm a-oky :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
first time
hello world,
it has been like one hr since i got home from scl and i still have'nt showered,yet. wow,tht's a first. lol. usually i wld take my shower right after i come home from scl. but not tday for some unknown reason ;O well wht-evs. i'll jst shower ltr when i feel like it. haha. cause now i'm stuck in the world of blogging :)
anw,scl tday wasnt as much different from yday. but atleast the teachers did come into our class. even so,nothing mch was learned. joy to the world :] the day was spent with doodling all over my notebook and cracking jokes with the 'backyard ppl'. a certain secret was revealed by a certain someone. haha ;p
in abt four hrs,i shld be getting myself rdy to attend haylie's sister's wedding. it's gonna be held at pj hilton. i jst love to attend weddings tht are held at a hotel. it's much more nicer and comfortable. L's invited too. so i'll be seeing him ltr,hee :) can you say excited? :]
oh here comes the butterflies ;9
will be posting again ltr,aftr i get bck from the wedding. hopefully with pictures :D
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
silence speaks louder than words
hello world,
scl tday was jst a waste of time i may say. only two teachers out of five came into the class. even so,nothing was learned tday since they were giving bck our august test results. as expected,i totally flunked my bio paper. but wht-evs -.- wht's done is done. but i did cry tho. sa'idah,fatin and millie were kind enough to comfort me. so everything was a-okay. i learned my lesson,thank you :) anw,during the lst four free periods,millie joined me,sa'idah and fatin at the bck of the class. and we started talking abt wht normal everyday teenage girls and perhaps guys talk abt.
yess,love :)
wht is love u may ask? let me get bck to you when i found out wht it rly means. but one thing's for sure,like and love is two totally different thing. however,most people often mistaken like for love. everyone can like someone but not jst anyone can love tht certain someone. it takes time for tht feelings to actually grow. but people often force or rushed tht feeling because they like the idea of loving someone instead of loving tht certain someone deep inside. wow,this post is getting deeper by the second. i shld stop. mayb some of you hv some objections on what i think. but,i'm only sixteen. therefore,i'm still learning. jst like everyone else out there. it's the best part of growing up,agree? :)
it was fun hving such conversations with them. i'm sry nik had to miss it. it woulld hv been nice to knw wht she thinks about these stuff too. well,mayb nxt time aight nik? :]
since i'm being wht i am right now. here goes,
when you dont even have to ask that question" M.D
"dont find love,
let love find you" A
so anysways,after tht 'talk' we returned bck to our normal selves. haha. like millie said,i went nuts and decided to dedicate a page for her in my notebook.

i especially love the olaphant :D
and oh oh look what we drew during bio lesson,

hee,cute aint it? :)
*right click on the picture to view a larger image,thank you :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Monday, August 25, 2008
let's all get spammed
hello world,
so,i didnt go to scl tday. cldnt rly sleep lst night because of the sore throat ;9 so i decided not to go to scl after all. instead,i caught up with my sleep and woke up when the scl bell rang. yess,two in the afternoon. haha. woke up feeling all groggy and basically spent my day lazing arnd the hse with nothing to do *sigh. i'm so gonna go to scl tmrw :]
btw,wht do u think of my new blog skin? awesome aint it? ahha thought so :D
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
bring me the horizon
hello world,
i woke up tday with a massive headache and sore throat. yes,u guessed it right. i've got the flu -.- actually i got it on thurs but i was oky yday. since i went out with L yday,i guess i must hv passed it on to him. and poor L is sick nw too :| i'm sry. mum said i shld not go to scl tmrw. but i hv to. it's the first day of scl aft the one week hols. i hv lots to catch up with my best girls and my dear classmates :) so yeah,see u at scl tmrw. and now i'm off to bed. but bfore tht,i think imma go stalk some ppls blog first,hee :D
oh oh btw,the beijing olypic 2008 closing ceremmony wasnt like wht i expected. enough said.
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Saturday, August 23, 2008
paint it beautiful
hello world,
i was suppose to wake up at 9.30 this morn. and i did. but when i turned my head to the left,i saw tht my dear sister was still in lala land. so,i dozed back off to sleep. cause yeah,i nvr wake up bfore she does. lol. at exactly 11 in the morn,she woke up and started making alot of noises -.- tht was my cue to wake up. and so i did. took my shower and got rdy to go to curve. waited for ifFAT to drive us to curve. iffat being iffat,was late. he made me missed the starting prt of the movie,'meet dave' -.- poor L had to missed it too. anw,the movie itself was funny but not as hillarious as 'dont mess with zohan' :D aftr the movie,me and L went to charms and had the oh-so-delicious tom yam spaghetti. for the first time ever,i cldnt finish it since it was extra spicy for some unknowm reason o.O so,without finishing it,we left charms and walked arnd curve,cineleisure,ikano and ikea with no obvious destinations. at all. but it was fun walking arnd and not knowing where to go. HAHA. we talked and laughed abt this rly stupid thing i did which only me,L and D knw abt ;p he made me cry cause i was laughing real hard -.- oh oh aftr sending L off at ikano,since he wanted to go home,i went to party world and bought myself the bubbleyum lip balm. OMG, it is so delicious :) it only lasted for one minute on my lips cause i was so tempted to lick it. yumm :D then i met up with aisya,iffat and melee at sushi king. since i was still full,i only ate one plate of sushi. yeah,cldnt beleive it myself either. HAHA. D called and we had a fun time talking and laughing abt some private stuff ;p lol. bfore going home,i showed aisya and iffat my current favourite shop,'me love candy'. we bought some candies :) while walking to the car,i saw this rly cute top and i had to hv it. so i bought it :] went home with a smile plastered on my face :)
btw,i'm missing the event of the yr,Phar's Sweet Sixteen which is tnite. jst cause i'm grounded. anw,hope u guys are hving fun there while i'm stuck at home with more than 50 questions of add maths to finish bfore this sunday. oh wait,it's tomorrow. ah,joy to the world -.-
no more smiles for me -.-
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Thursday, August 21, 2008
you drive me crazy half the time
hello world,

friday night beneath the stars,
in a field behind your yard,
you and I are painting pictures in the sky,
sometimes we don't say a thing,
just listen to the crickets sing,
everything I need is right here by my side.
♥ two mtnhs and counting bby :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
xoxo aniss :]
nine in the afternoon
hello world,
nthing interesting happened tday. so, i'm not gonna even bother to blog. hv a nice day :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
fats are all you need
hello world,
eating spree. it came and it killed my stomach. but it was definitley worth it :) out of the 11 shops we planned to feast ourselves on,we only managed to cover 8 since time wasnt on our side tday -.- first up was charms. we had the oh-so-delicious tom yam spaghetti and kueh teow. then we headed off to lecka-lecka and treated ourselves to two ice creams. cooki and nocki. nxt we made our way to sakae sushi. aftr a few sushi, we had some doughnuts at none othr thn big apple doughnut. then off we went to watch wall-e. omg the movie is sweeeeet oky. i so recommend it :D aftr the movie,we had some meatballs. the mouth-watering ikea meatballs to be exact. then some teh tarik and roti canai at the teh tarik place. we finished off our eating spree with some lovely cupcakes. nky,sa'idah and fatin went off right aftr boobs and L did. i had to wait for my trnsport for like 15 minutes. to kill time,i treated myself to some jaw breakers and 'nerds' :D then off i went to sunway for my gym class. i had to fcking change in the car -.- hopefully my driver didnt peep o.O LOL.
and now i feel bloated. and fat -.- but it was all worth it. oh definitley :)
picture time :]



big apple dougnut

ikea meatballs

teh tarik place

saidah ketot. HAHA
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Monday, August 18, 2008
what i call love
hello world,
a day at pavi with my best girls. done :) surprised myself by waking up early. 10.30 to be exact. forced myself to sleep for atleast another half an hr. but failed miserably. so,i carried my lazy ass off the bed and took my morning shower. aftr the extremly long shower,i realized tht i still had plenty of time bfore meeting up with my girls. so,i decided to curl my hair to kill time. yes,again. then off i went to meet up with myraa,,merissa,jia,dian and soon as we arrived at pavi,we met up with nina,aie,siti and iqbal. had our lunch and walked arnd pavi for awhile. then, L arrived with boobs. and we walked arnd some more. sai'dah slept over at my hse and we had a fun time making lame jokes and laughing our asses off until two in the morn -.- LOL :D
btw,pictures are still with dian. so yeah,nxt time oky :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Sunday, August 17, 2008
lets run away and hide

ah,i miss those curls :|
less words,more pictures
hello world,
as promised, enjoy :)
prs farewell party,

president of the nerds and geeks.

i scored these chicks yo.

hot nerd on the loose. nik ;p

nerds gone wild !

they got the 'nerdiest and geekiest' award,no doubt.

her expression,priceless :)

nikkita and boboda. tall and short. HAHAHAHA

not so nerdy and geeky eh?

i'm proud to call her my friend :)

i do look nerdy and geeky -.-
well kinda sorta anw.
havoc bby :)

all glammed up and rdy to party :)



well,we are cheerleaders :D

oh one more day to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
let's get these teens hearts beating faster
hello world,
i'm gonna keep this short and simple since my whole body is screaming for me to get my ass offline and get some sleep. so yeah,
prs farewell party. done :) it was fun. most of the prses came looking all nerdy and geeky. i did too. but not in a high wasted pants like i planned to since i cldnt find one which suits me -.- but wtevs,atleast i looked kinda sorta nerdy in my mum's buttoned up shirt. unlike some ppl who didnt even bother to put on their nerdy and geeky costumes. so all was good :D there was a performance by the juniors and an impromptu performance by our own singer,mae :] then there were a lot of pictures taken where we had to pose like a nerd or a geek. tht was fun. but wht made the farewell prty more memorable was when the 'nerds gone wild'. and yess,we literally went wild. the nerd way. HAHA :D
havoc. done :) it was a-oky. it wasnt awesome but neither was it boring. i didnt wanna go at first but my oh-so-wonderful friends managed to talk me into going for awhile. but i ended up staying throughout the whole thing -.- lol but it was fun. there were alot of dancing and dancing and more dancing. oky basically tht was the only thing i did :D met alot of ppl there. mostly sa and sj ppl. hung out with hayden since he was alone. and omg,the performance by 'raverstyle' was awesome ! they totally rocked the dance floor with their cool dance moves :)
picture will be up whn i get them oky. prolly in the nxt post :)
btw,the eating spree is bck on track cause apparently nky's nt going for holiday nxt week. woots :D so,
2 more days to eating spree :) time to get my stomach rdy :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Thursday, August 14, 2008
are you happy now
hello world,
yet again -.-
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
a cherry on top of an icing
my dear bloggers,
a little bit of information wnt do any harm (:
ARIES - nice. love is one of a kind. a great listener. very good in bed. Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. trustworthy. always happy. talkative. outgoing. loud. very forgiving. loves to make out. has a beautiful smile. generous. strong. the most irresistible :)
signing off (for real this time)
xoxo aniss :]
knocking on heaven's door
hello world,
exams are over and done with. whoppeeee :D
jst to sum it all up,i screwed up my bio ppr. big time. or atleast i think i did. chemistry was fine. thank god for millie :) and so was maths. i thought agama,history and english was kinda sorta easy in a way. but i dnt rly knw how to judge my physics ppr tho. for a malay student,my bm sucked -.- add maths was surprisingly do-able. for the first time tht is :)
enough with the exam talk. it's time to party bby ! so much is planned for the one week holiday and yet so little time. the prs farewell party is this saturday and the theme is none other than 'nerds and geeks'. as u can well imagine,tht is one theme to be excited abt. i prolly gonna be wearing a buttoned up shirt and a high waisted skirt or pants. nerd much? not without the all time oversize nerdy glasses. tht is if i can find one. if not,the normal glasses wld do the job :] and after tht it's off to sunway for the 'havoc' party. am not sure whether i wld actually attend tht party. but i'll be at sunway anw. with the 'breaking dawn' book in my right hand and a comfy sweater in my left. incase my brain decided tht it's not gonna be party night. haha :D the eating spree tht has long been planned sadly has to be postpone for certain reasons. guess i jst hv to make my tummy wait jst a lil bit longer. boo hoo :| monday wld be a day spent at pavi,celebrating myraa's bday which has long past. a day out with my best girls. with L tagging along. exactly the thing to look forward to :) thursday wld be yet another outing at pyramid with the sniff-ers or wtvr we are referred as now. and sunday wld be family shopping day. whopeee ! new clothes,new shoes,new bags. gahhh,heaven *drools ;9 a nice end to my hopefully perfect one week holiday (:
and with all tht planned, i shld prolly get bck to 'breaking dawn' :) 5 chapters down in only half an hr and i'm craving for more. but i dnt want it to end so quickly :| i shld slow down. but but i cant. it's jst too addictive ;9
hopefully 5 more days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Sunday, August 10, 2008
tht's just the way we roll
hello world,
or more like hey bloggers,
since i'm gonna be depressed for three more days, i think i shld not blog at all. it'll make you guys depress too. so i'll be bck on wed and hopefully i'll still be alive by then :)
oky finee,lst post. haha :D
mumsie: do you knw tht one of the jonas brothers has diabetes?
aniss: you knw who jonas brothers are? o.O
mumsie: who doesnt?
aniss: oh oky. so,how do you knw one of them has diabetes?
mumsie: i watched E! jst now.
aniss: O.O
8 days to eating spree :)
till then :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
let's not get into this mess
hello world,
i'm too depressed for words. august test is in exactly one day and yes u guessed it right,i'm not at all prepared. revising jst seems a waste of time since nothing actually goes into this little brain of mine. well mayb jst a tiny bit. but surely tht wont be enough for me to actually achieve good results. according to dear mumsie,one fail subject will result in no cheer for one mnth. ;9 gahhh!
9 days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
together as one
hello world,
the Beijing Olympics 2008 opening ceremony was breathtaking. wht wld hv been more awesome was if i cld hv been there and witness it with my own two eyes. nevertheless,it was still one of those 'jaw dropping and eye popping' moments even if it was only through the tv screen :) i especially love the prt where they made those footprints-like fireworks and the part where the dancers painted the ancient big white scroll while dancing. it totally amazed me how they cld do tht. i havent even started on the prt when the athletes carried the torch across the stadium and finally the honoured man was lifted off the ground while carrying the torch and finally lighted the huge Olympic Torch. it was magical o.O now,i jst cant wait for the closing ceremony. i believe tht it wld be as breathtaking as the opening ceremony was.
10 days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Friday, August 8, 2008
seven things i hate abt you
hello world,
this was wht i did the whole day. enjoy :)
hillarious shit. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D
august bby
hello world,

HAPPY BDAY MY DEAR umairah hussin :)
i miss the times tht we spent bitching abt random ppl.
i miss all those sleepovers.
i miss going over to yr hse jst to drool over yr brother.
i especially miss hanging out with you.
ily myraa :)
11 days to eating spree:)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
it's a work of art
hello world,
aftr one hr spent at the dentist,my braces are killing me. aftr three hrs of cheer practice,my ankle hurts like shit. it was jst one of those bad days. so as u can well imagine,i was in no mood to talk to anyone. i'm sry for ignoring whoever i ignored.
anw,we had four free periods tday. half of the class including nik and sa'idah caught upwith their sleep while the others which includes me,millie and fatin gosipped away. millie taught me how to do checkerboxes using the graph ppr. somehow i got rly addicted to it and made some 'random letters' ;p while fatin was busy working on her masterpiece with nik and sa'idah's hands as the 'drawing ppr' :]

'random letters' ;p

fatin's masterpiece :]
12 days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
lying is the most fun a girl can do without taking her clothes off
hello world,

i can finally cross off one more 'impossible' wish on my wish list. my wish of watching the oh-so-delicious brendon urie from panic! at the disco perform right in front of my own two eyes was granted yday when i went for their little concert. unplanned. i wasnt s'ppose to go at first cause well i had to fork out my own money to pay for the tick since my mum didnt rly approve of me going to a concert on a scl night. so the deal was i hv to fork out my own money for the tick and i hv to go to scl the nxt day. the scnd deal was pretty much oky but i didnt rly like the first prt of the deal cause i alrdy hv plans with my money. other plans which i wont elaborate here,thnk you :) as u can well imagine,i had a tough desicion to make. prt of me rly rly wants to go see brendon urie and the othr prt of me was thinking abt the othr 'stuff'i cld do with tht amount of money. in the end, when nik asked me whether i wanted her to ask her mum to buy a tick for me too since she was buying for her,a soft 'no' came out of my mouth. i was surprised at myself too. but the decision was made and the tickets were bought. for nik,sa'idah and my sis tht is.hello world,

the good news came when i went home. my sister got a free tick from her oh-so-wonderful boyf. so,she asked me to come along to the concert and jst pay hlf of the ticket money. and so i did ! :D and i'm rly rly glad tht i did. panic! at the disco were jst awesome. eventho the turnout was a bit dissapointing,they still rocked the night away. i caught myself singing along to every single song tht they performed. and i didnt knw tht i cld still rmmbr them cause it was like two yrs ago when i last sang their songs :D and oh did i mention tht brendon urie looked so perfect and oh-so-delicious in real live :) yummy i must say ;p gahhhh,he made me skipped a heartbeat. i had the pleasure of standing right in front of him aftr alot of pushing and shoving arnd :D i was drooling throughout the whole concert. seriously. LOL.
pictures are still with nik and sa'idah. but i promise i'll post it as soon as i get it from them oky.
oh i almst forgot to mention tht nik,sa'idah,fatin and i were thrown out of the class during history lesson tday for talking too much. wrong move teacher. cause knowing us we wld talk more outside the classroom. and tht was exactly wht happened :D and during bio lesson,we were told off for making silly faces and acting like kindergarten kids :) life as a teenager. it's the best time of yr life i may say *sigh :)
saying of the week 'this paper is short like sa'idah'.
14 days to eating spree :)
oh i almst forgot to mention tht nik,sa'idah,fatin and i were thrown out of the class during history lesson tday for talking too much. wrong move teacher. cause knowing us we wld talk more outside the classroom. and tht was exactly wht happened :D and during bio lesson,we were told off for making silly faces and acting like kindergarten kids :) life as a teenager. it's the best time of yr life i may say *sigh :)
saying of the week 'this paper is short like sa'idah'.
14 days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Monday, August 4, 2008
better than fine,perfect in my mind
hello world,

i finally got hold of breaking dawn,the final book in the twilight saga. as you all knw or might not knw,edward cullen was my first love. so,you can well imagine how excited i was to get hold of the final story of his life. but to my dismay,my oh-so-wonderful sister gets the pleasure of 'having' him first. just cause she's older -.- personally,i dnt think tht's a good enough reason. but to her it just is. now all i can do is just wait for her to be done with it. and i can finally have him all to myself. hee :)
breaking dawn was released on the 2nd of august. tht news made my day. and made me forgot abt the MAA completely :D
15 days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Sunday, August 3, 2008
you made me laugh,you made me cry
hello world,
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
one night is all i need
hello world,
i was basically at 'The Curve' from 3 in the evening until 1 the nxt morn ;9 accompanied my sis to go stdy at none other thn sushi king. not a rly gd place to stdy act. cause you'll tend to eat more therefore you'll stdy less -.- and tht is exactly wht happened *sigh -.- dinner was blissfull. celeberated mumsie's bday at EDEN :) they've got rly nice food there. i so recommend it :] went to watch a midnight movie,'The Mummy' :D i recommend tht too.
picture time :)

almst picture perfect :)
*m.i.a,mak ngah <3



i had the oh-so-delicious sirloin steak :)

they ran out of fork -.- so knife it was

i didnt get to go to MTV Asia Awards. cause the tickets were NOT FOR SALE -.- and i wasnt lcky enough like some ppl :| but whtevs,atleast i still had fun :D
16 days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
where i stood
hello world,
wasnt a rly good day for me. gahhhhhhh :|
i dnt knw wht i've done
or if i like wht i've become
there were sounds in my head
little voices whispering.
17 days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
let's see this world together
hello world,

happy bday dear mumsie. yr older by one yr tday and definitley wiser.
a conversation you'll tend to hv if yr boyf is gayy. HAHAHA -.-"
i hv a gay boyf o.O kill me now. HAHAHA -.-"
haha aniss -.-" yr scnd boyf is gay to u knw ;p
why are all my boyfs gay? wtf is happening to the wrld? HAHAHHAHA -.-"
aniss,u pun gay -.-"
thn this wrld is not so bad aftr all. HAHAHAHA -.-"
p/s jst for laughter :D
18 days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]