Thursday, July 31, 2008
say it again
hello world,
i didnt go to scl tday. jst cause i felt like it. HAHAHAHA as if my mum wld let me -.-" i hurt my leg during cheer lst night. i wnt get into details abt it cause it's not even tht important.
since i didnt go to scl,i shld be studying right now. or atleast try to finish up all the hw's tht i hv been putting on hold. but no,i'm lost in the world of blogging -.-"
anw,cheer clinic yday was funn. alot of ppl showed up. seriously,ALOT. and we only need abt 10 more ppl? lol :D bt it's soo nice to see alot of students are actually interested in cheerleading. nvr knew :]
now,i shld go and finish up my hw's. or atleast try to. wish me luck (:
19 more days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
risky buisness
hello world,
news flash. mag is bck in D*STARZ ! :D let's all scream and jump with joy. and leave tht last v depressing and long ass post behind us :]
anw,cheer clinic is gonna be held tmrw.
2.30 til 4.00
scl gallery
bring along yr pj clothes
and we'll teach you the basics of cheerleading :D
so,when's the cheer clinic eh?
it's tmrw. going?
yeah suree -.-"
haha i knw i knw. when hell freezes over.
21 more days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Monday, July 28, 2008
as she speaks
hello world,
i hate mondays -.-
mondays mean tht i hv to be in scl by 7.30 sharp so tht i wont hv to stand in front of the whole scl looking like an idiot -.-" but not tday cause tday i arrived at scl half a minute bfore the scl gates close. how lcky can i get? haha :D even luckier,i didnt hv to stand in front of the whole fcking scl. a good strt for the day i may say :)
bt not a very good strt for my dear co captain,magdalene lim. she arrived mayb a half minute ltr than i did. so she had to stand in front of the whole scl. aftr the assembly,a certain teacher came up to her infront of practically the whole student body and banned her from competing in the national cheer competiton nxt yr. right there and then. i mean wtf? wht does her coming late to scl hv anything whtsoever to do with cheer? -.- according to the some of the teachers,
and i quote "cheer makes u tired. so u sleep late and therefore u wake up late"
seriously -,-" i mean hello,if yr tired u tend to sleep earlier and therefore u'll wake up earlier. it's as simple as tht. seriously,i've no idea wht goes on in our dear teachers head *sigh. and the other thing tht got on my nerves was 'how come the other late-comers didnt get banned frm their co-curricular activites?' -.- ah,simple question. tht is cause the whole scl with the exceptional of the students ofcourse is in fact againts cheer for idgad reason. pfft -.- why oh why? cheerleading is nt a bad thing. we do it cause we love it. and does tht not even a good enough reason? :| *sigh
sry for this ever so depressing post. this whole thing has been going on for quiet some time. bt they finally hit the lst straw. by banning our new co-captain.MAG :| mag,if u dnt get to join cheer nxt yr then i dnt feel like joining either. wht fun wld it be then?
go read wht the other D*STARZ members like megan thought abt this 'stupid' thing. and especially wht mag thinks :) and oh wht millie thinks is important too :]
anw,enough with the depressing thoughts. it's making me feel depress? oky,so u knw how my fringe always falls in fromt of my eyes. well,eventho i jst cut it,it's still hangs directly in front of my eyes causing the teachers to go ballistic. and a certain teacher was nice enough to tie it into a so called coconut and wanted to make me walk arnd the scl looking like tht o.O but i managed to talk her out of it. haha :D tht saved me frm a total humiliation *sigh :)
in the toilet with eve talking abt mag's current situation.
eve : let's go see pn*who wanted to make me walk arnd scl with a coconut fringe -.-* aftr yr recess,bfore my recess oky?
mag : oky.
aniss : without me ofcourse. not with this fringe. cause i dnt hv any clips to pin it up. which i so dnt need right now. HAHA :D
eve : *looked inside her blazer pocket* sadly i dnt hv any right now.
aniss : and which u so dnt hv right now. therefore i'm so not going with u guys. thank you very much.
see,i'm not depressed anymore :)
24 more days to eating spree :D
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Friday, July 25, 2008
yr a day dreamer
hello world,
i cut my hair. i FINALLY cut my hair. after waiting for almost two mtnhs :D i didnt cut mch tho,jst a lil bit. but it's oky,i still like it. hee :)
the nt so good side of it,i had to skip my afternoon nap :| and bcause of tht,i had a hard time trying to stay awake during ttn -.-
26 days to eating spree :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
boom snap clap
hello world,
D*STARZ 08/09 :)
captain ; ainaa kamalia *nt so new
co-captain ; magdalene lim
secretary ; rianne wong
treasurer ; anissa *nt so new
choreographer ; megan chng
photographer ; raja nadeeya *nt so new
board person ; nur ain
official song editor ; shaza adrina
make up artist ; azureen
MAG,i'm so proud of you ! :D haha
we're so gonna kick ass nxt yr :D
Thursday, July 24, 2008
the best way to go
hello world,
so,rmmbr the oral test i had to do? well,it didnt go quiet as well as wht i hoped. when u hv sa'idah as yr partner,u tend to burst out into laughter halfway throught it. and basically tht was wht happened during our oral test. haha :D and somehow our words were all jumbled up for some certain reasons. i mean come on,we were talking abt weird food ppl all arnd the world eat. how cn u nt make the mistakes of saying the names of the food wrongly if u've nvr EVER heard of them bfore -.- so sue us.
btw,millie didnt tag me. so i feel sad :| HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -.-"
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
pickled snake head fish
hello world,
it's midnight and guess wht i'm doing. no,not talking otp with anyone nor am i getting rdy to go to bed. but searching through the internet for weird foods to talk abt for my oral test tmrw :] can u believe wht kind of weird food ppl all arnd the world eat? ;9 from pickled snake head fish to boiled assorted animal parts o.O u shld hv seen the pictures of those weird foods i'm talking abt. i dnt feel like eating anything for atleast 10 hrs. too grossed out to even think abt any food right nw. blerghh ;9
i hv an oral test to prepare for. so,toodles :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
i'm yours
hello world,
Look into your heart,
and you'll find love love love love,
Listen to the music of the moment,
come and dance with me.
oh such peaceful melodys :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
take a bow
hello world
first thing's first,the 'bloodihood' play. the casts did an awesome job. they were almost perfect :) su wei made me cry with her amazing 'crying' talent. lol :D merissa send goosebumps all over me during her kick ass glass breaking scene. nik and farah were jst awesome. so were the crews :D
L came :) and so did M,H,E,D and AB. we had fun exchanging lame ass jokes and magic tricks,lol :D
nxt up, the monday blues. during history lessons,me,sa'idah and fatin were called out to carry some books to the library. and lemme tell you,it was actually heavier than deeya. who wld hv thought -.-" haha sry D ;p aftr arranging the countless number of books,we decided to take a nap at the sofas in the library. we actually slept for a full 15 minutes bfore a teacher caught us. haha :D aftr a few explanations,the teacher was sweet enough to let us sleep for anthr 10 minutes bfore the nxt period strts. aww :) and for the first time ever,i was fresh during chemistry period. i cld actually pay attention o.O a great new achievment,lol :]
homeworks are piling up like mad. gahhhhhhhhhhhhh ! *sigh
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Sunday, July 20, 2008
shut it up
hello world,
i think imma blog abt the 'bloodihood' play tmrw. too tired to type. hee,sry :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Saturday, July 19, 2008
let's hold hands
hello world,
prs gathering was enjoyable. i actually had fun :) we played alot of fun games like 'scavenger hunt','dress the mummy' and last but nt least 'cat and mouse' which got each and everyone of us running arnd the scl hall like idiots :D surprisingly,more ppl showed up at this yr's gathering thn the previous yrs :) they were all very LOUD ppl ;9 haha and yess,definitley fun :D
anw, the 'bloodihood' play is less than 24 hrs away o.O i'm scared and excited at the sme time. eventho i'm not one of the actresses. haha i'm jst one of the crews who's incharge of the props :D can't wait for tmrw. L's going too,hee :)
i hv to skip charm's prac tmrw cause of the play :/ gahhhhhhhhhhh,i hate skipping prac -.-
oh oh look wht i found at haylie's blog. hee :]

red wall :)

i kissed a girl and i like it ;p

ainaa left for korea tht night :/

signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Friday, July 18, 2008
in her shadow
hello world,
i basically skipped every single class tday. from the first period of bm right until the bell rang,hee :) the reason was cause i had to help dina with the props for the 'Bloodihood' play tht is gonna be staged this sunday at none other than my scl. yes,my scl hall. the casts are:
nky as nichol,
merissa as michelle,
su wei as sean,
farah as alfred.
notice how three out of four of the casts' names and their real names hv the sme initials? freaky i tell you o.O lol,i forgot the director's name. sry,hee :]
anw,i cnt wait to see the play this sunday. eventho i've watched it like a few times jst now :D merissa even made me cry during the lst scene when she threw the glasses :/ whooops,i'm nt spose to tell u wht's gonna happen ;9 lol,my bad :D bt lemme tell you this,it's gonna be an awesome play. so,do come oky :)
and since i hv this prs gathering thingamajigga tmrw morn at eight. yess,eight o.O i think i shld go to sleep nw. so,toodles :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
that's how i roll
hello world,
so,here are the pictures of cheer 08 tht i promised to post. enjoy :)

D*STARZ 08 :)

judge anne :]

silky girl photoshoot thingamajigga :D

shake it ;p

adila && mag && leit && cecilia && layla && eryse && priscilla

leit && afiqah && mag && eryse

eryse && afiqah

hayden && mag

eryse && mag

now let's meet all my fans :D

jeremy irwan,my no 1 fan :D

judge anne :]


nabil hariz

amirul adnan

iffat && aisya

and my longest fan,raja nadeeya :)

my fellow sniff-ers :D

mykul,iloveyou :)

D*STARZ goes BOOM :)
p/s mostly stolen frm mag's,megan's and eryse's blog. hee,sry guys :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
seriously this time
hello world,
now. it's time to go bck to scl and strt studying like normal students. lemme tell you,it's NO fun at all -.- august test is in less thn one mnth. so not rdy for tht yet. i'll probably fail my add maths again. bt whtevs *sigh.
anw,jst keep this in mind. never,lemme repat tht,NEVER ever eat with sa'
idah. total disaster. i learned my lesson :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Monday, July 14, 2008
cheer it
hello world,
we so rocked cheer 08 eventho we didnt get top 5 :D bt we did won the best make up award tho,thnks to layla,wanie,taty and azrn :) atleast smthing right better thn nothing at all. we screamed and jumped when they announced our squad's name. haha,as if we were the champion of the whole competition :D well,tht's the spirit right!
anw,let's strt off w the first day of the competition. we arrived at bukit jalil quiet early so we had time to practice stunts on the blue mat. when the judges arrived,everyone got off the mat. then,the judges measured our skirt since it's nt sppose to be shorter thn 5 inches frm our knees. luckily,we were given the thumbs up on our skirt. so far,so good :) our performance was great. it wasnt perfect cause one stunt didnt manage to go up. bt none of us fell,so all is good :D but we did get some infractions cause our routine exceeded by 15 minutes o.O bt whtevs,we still managed to get top 15 :D
on the scnd day of the competition,we arrived abit later thn the day bfore. bt we still managed to practice a few stunts on the blue mat bfore the judges arrived :] our performance on the scnd day was much better. we were pretty much awesome :D all the stunts went up :] but sadly my basket toss and kick twist was a lil bit lower thn the first day -.- and we also manged to get a higher score on the scnd day :D so,hopefully tht wld be enough for us to actually get top 10.
shirtliff from sri bintang utara emerged as the champion for cheer 08. and they even got the award for best showmanship cause they were plain awesome :) 1st runner up went to dynamitez from smk damansara jaya. their routine was rly clean and sharp :] and the 2nd runner up went to stunners all boys from sri kdu. god,they were so cute when they were doing their routine :D titans got 4th place while xavier got 5th place :]
the rest of the result wld be out in the STAR newsppr tmrw o.O be sure to get hold of one :) hopefully D*STARZ can get top 10 :D
anw,here's the vid of D*STARZ's performance on the first day. enjoy :)
and the scnd day :)
p/s pictures will be up in the nxt post :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Saturday, July 5, 2008
tough not mean
hello world,

*credits to megan :]
we are so gonna rock cheer 08 :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Friday, July 4, 2008
you got it right
hello world,
i'm freaking out. like shit mann ;9 wanna knw why? cause cheer 08 is in SEVEN fcking days o.O gahhhhh. it's a wonder why i'm not hving a nervous breakdown yet. but give it a day or two,i'll prolly wld. HA-HA :D
cheer practices every single day is making me so tired tht i dnt even bother to do anything else except eat and sleep. i sleep more than 10 hrs now,HA-HA :D and hw is piling up like mad -.-" but heck,i cnt rly be bothered with tht right nw :)
anw,D*starz's supporters shirt is out. it's rly nice and cheap. only 20 bucks :) want one? ask me for it,hee :D and yeah,do cme to cheer 08 and support D*starz. it's gonna be awesome :)
i gotta run now. and jump onto my heavenly bed. HA-HA :D and try to get some sleep since there's cheer prac tmrw :D so,toodles :)
signing off,
xoxo aniss :]