Sunday, June 29, 2008
believe only which i heard
hello world,
so yday was sri aman's hari K. i woke up at arnd 7.30 since i was in charge of making the sushi tht my stall was gonna sell :] at abt 9,L texted me to tell me tht he cant make it to hari K. i was bummed so i was like oh nvm. then he was like haha i'll be there arnd 1 smthing -.-" menggedik je lebih :D anw,by the time i finished making the sushi,it was alrdy 10 smthing o.O everyone started to call me up and was like 'where the hell are u?' HAHA ;D so i quickly got dressed and off i went to scl :)
i arrived at scl a lil bit aftr 10.30. met boobs and he started teasing me abt L,haha :D then i jst hung out with D at her stall to kill some time bfore my shift starts :) and omg,the weather was fcking hot mann ;9
arnd one smthing,L,E,AL,M and AD arrived :) we showed them arnd scl since they were so eager to see our scl,haha. they complained tht our scl is too hot. literally. then M was like 'da bole letak bumbung da kt skola ni' HAHA,hillarious ;D we got bored after awhile. so off we went to hang out at taman aman. we literally went crazy at this exercise tihingamajigaa and did aLOT of stupid things. lemme tell u,it was hillarious oky :D
then at 3.30,we decided to ditch hari K altogether and hang out at sunway instead :] shortly after we arrived,we got changed and went to mcD to hv our lunch. we drank coke with salt. yess,u read em right. it tasted like asam boi but the guys didnt like it at all. so,me and D finished it :D then we went to tgv and bought tics. we watched 'sepi'. it's a nice movie. so sweeet oky. and sad too. me and D cried. as a result,L and E laughed at us -.-" haha. the movie finished at arnd 7.30. then we went to the staircase and actually did stunts. HAHA it was funny cause the guys were scared tht D was gonna fall especially E. haha fun times :D
then off we went to the shisha place :) L wanted to go home early cause he was scared tht his dad wld kill him if he comes home lte. but of course i didnt let him. haha :D i managed to talk him into staying for another hr :) so we talked fo awhile and i found out tht AD is actually a deep person. i mean which guy actually thought abt life before. life in general. aww :) L,AD and D went home a lil bit after 9. the rest of us went home at 10.30.
wow,it was a rly tiring day ;9
anw,sry for not blogging for more than a week. been rly busy with stuff :)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Saturday, June 21, 2008
just pretend
hello world,
FINALLY. the long awaited weekends are finally here. tonight i can jst online all i want instead of doing the massive load of homeworks given by the inconsiderate teachers. i mean come on,we hv other stuff to do too -.-" like go to tuitions every other night perhaps. yeah. anw,enough talk abt scl. it's making me yawn. yeah,tht's how mch i hate scl *sigh.
so anw,i hv a long weekend ahead of me. i hv plans for both days and i'm pretty excited abt it :D on saturday, i'll be hanging out with the sniff-ers at none other than pyramid. but not all of them can make it since they hv other plans. i think it's only gonna be me,D,A,S,H,L,AY,AL, and M. but hey,we can still hv fun aight :) then i'm gonna sleep over at either D or S's hse . i dnt think we wld even sleep. we wld probably be gossiping away. haha :D and on sunday,we hv this shooting thing for this movie called 'hooperz'. dnt ask me stupid questions like why is the movie named 'hooperz' cause you'll probably get a stupid answr from me :] so,i rather u dnt ask at all oky. haha :D
so yeah,i pretty mch got my weekends all planned out :] and now i'm off to bed,
oh oh wait,hold tht thought. i nearly forgot. during cheer prac tday me,deeya and ain had a 'tiny' meeting. haha,i knw,so random :D and we created this dance while singing or more like yelling 'we have big buts and we cannot lie. big buts and we cannot lie'. HAHA ;D we were so random :]
oky now i can go to bed,toodles (:
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Sunday, June 15, 2008
walk with me
hello world,
today i woke up to the sound of my mum yelling at me to wake up. it took me approximately half an hr to get my lazy ass off my heavenly bed. my eyes were groggy since i didnt get enough sleep. i slept at 4 the night bfore cause i was chatting with L :) ,sa'idah ketot and boobs :D i didnt realize it was alrdy 4 until L went offline. then i checked the time. it was only then tht i realized it was alrdy four in the morn,i quickly turned off the computer and went to bed. as a result,i woke up tday feeling all groggy. but i still had to force my lazy ass off the bed since saidah and myraa was coming over. as expected,they were TWO hrs late -.-" my fridge was being raided by none other than saidah as soon as she arrived. she ate two breads,chicken and one pizza. it's still a wonder why she doesnt grow fat after taking all those fat- full food :] they went off a lil bit before four after dancing arnd to a few songs.
then off i went to cheer prac. i fell. on my right side. so they didnt let me do anything aftr tht. so,basically it was a bit boring for me as i had to jst sit down while the others did stunts. *sigh
went home at arnd 7. had dinner and took a shower. then went online when boobs called. we talked for more than half an hr. we pretty much only talked abt S and L :) jst after he hung up, H called. he was blabbering abt A,the love of his life. haha,aww :D we didnt talk tht long as he was sleepy and wanted to go to sleep -.- then texted abit with L :) he was a tad jealous when i told him tht boobs and H called. he said he wanted to call too but his cred was low. so,he's calling tmrw night :)
and i shld be going to bed now. sadly,there's scl tmrw. god,dnt u jst hate mondays. i knw i do *sigh
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Saturday, June 14, 2008
tag,i'm it
hello world,
whenever i'm bored,i'll do this :]
1) Name of a person who made you laugh last night?
L :)
2) What were you doing at 8pm last night?
trying to stay awake during ttn,haha.
3) What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
eating while watching maid in manhattan :]
4) What happened to you in 2006?
pretty much nthing interesting happened
5) What was the last thing you said out loud?
imma go online :]
6) How many beverages did you have today?
three i think.
7) What colour is your hairbrush?
it's pink :]
8)What was the last thing you paid for?
chocs ;D
9) Where were you last night?
not where i wanted to be.
10) What colour is your front door?
11) Where do you keep your change of money?
in a drawer beside my bed.
12) What's the weather like today?
extremley hot -.-"
13) What's the best ice-cream youve ever tasted?
orange sherbet
14) What excites you?
cheer :D
15) Do you want to cut your hair?
16) Are you over the age of 25?
HAHA nopee.
17) Do you talk a lot?
only with close friends and family :]
18) Do you watch the OC?
i've finished watching the lst season and i miss it :/
19) Do you know anyone named Steven?
20) Do you make up your own words?
yeah,at times.
21) Are you a jealous person?
not so.
22) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'
ainaa :]
23) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'
24) Who's the first person on your received call list?
aiman T :)
25) What does the last text message you received say?
noyb ;p
26) Do you chew on your straw?
at times,hee :D
28) Where's the next place you're going to?
no idea.
29) Who's the rudest person in your life?
this one girl -.-"
30) What was the last thing you ate?
pizza :D
31) Will you get married in the future?
32) What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
superhero movie ;]
33) Is there anyone you like right now ?
kinda sorta :)
34) When was the last time you did the dishes?
it has been awhile,haha :D
35) Are you currently depressed?
36) Did you cry today?
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Friday, June 13, 2008
it's only life
hello world,
never could let down your guard.
the first week bck to scl after the two weeks holidays was simply unbearable. lemme list down the 'why's',
1)i'm not used to waking up at 6.30 in the morn anymore so,basically i was late every single day for this whole week. haha :D ,
2)i can't even fcking stay awake,especially bfore recess -.-"
3)i got bck all my results and yeah like i hv expected,i failed add maths. haha :D well everyone did so heck,i dnt give a shit :]
so,u see wht i mean when i say tht it was simply unbearable. yeah -.-"
i think the highlight of the week was cheer practices which we had EVERY single day. tiring? yess,definitley. i even felt like i was gonna die,haha :D fun? yeah bby :D we practiced the whole routine over and over and over again until all of us cldnt even stand straight anymore. no joke. but we still had funn :D
anw,i hv to go to this function thingamajigga at scl tmrw -.-" so off to bed now. toodles (:
signing off
xoxo aniss
Sunday, June 8, 2008
i'm so not ready for this
hello world,
it's time to go bck to scl. no more sleeping and waking up late. no more lazing arnd the hse. no more onlining until 5 in the morning. no more hanging out with friends. gaaaaaaaah -.-" i'm so not rdy for scl yet. why cant it be holiday everyday? -.-" i cant wait for the weekends,haha :D but atleast there is one thing i'm looking forward to. cheer practices and of course CHEER 08 :D in it to win it bby :]
btw,i can't online everyday anymore. ican only go online three times a week -.-" so yeah,i'm gonna lose the title 'the daily blogger' :/ HAHA :D
oky imma go find my scl stuff for tmrw. i cnt even find the fcking scl bag -.-" and besides,i hv to sleep early tnight. boohooo -.-" so,toodles (:
signing off
xoxox aniss
Saturday, June 7, 2008
summer splash
hello world,
summer splash. one word;hectic. i mean they shld have limited the number of ppl who can enter rather than having half the population of teenage malaysians coming all the way there and not be able to go in AT ALL. yes sadly,some of them didnt even get the chance to get in cause there were ALOT of ppl eventho they hv the tickets. by alot i rly did mean alot :] everyone was pushing and swearing while lining up to get in. i nvr heard alot of bad words in jst fifteen minutes. and yes,i only had to line up for fifteen minutes since luck was on our side :D after me and all the sniff-ers managed to get in,we took a spot by this staircase and put all our bags there. then we got into the water and basically stayed there until our fingers were all wrinkled,haha :D but it was funn. the guys were pretty much rly hyper and we girls were jst dancing arnd :] then at arnd 8, we got out and started walking bck to pyramid. otw,i met I and he hugged me :D i was flattered cause he still remembers me,aww (: at pyramid,we quickly got change. since we were so hungry,we decided to eat. but omg,i nvr knew tht it was tht hard to decide on a place to eat -.-" the guys even fought a lil bit abt it. aftr one hr of walking arnd pyramid and not being able to decide on a place to eat,Al suggested for us to eat at this mamak jst beside pyramid. so,off we went. but jst our luck,the place was full -.-" so,we decided to walk bck to pyramid and hv our dinner at our fav spot :D buuuut otw,my mum called and said tht she was almost there -.-" so,i cldnt follow them. they dropped me off under the huge lion. i hugged D and L :] and shook hands with AK,E and M. but i forgot to shake AD hands and he was like 'wht abt me?' haha,so cutee oky. so i ran bck to him and shook his hand,lol :] didnt get to say byee to A,H,MG and AL tho cause they went to eat first. then,i went home. hungrily -.-"
upon reaching home,i had dinner as i was so hungry. and i told my mum abt everything tht happened at summersplash. haha,well not rly everything ;p then,i waited for sa'idah to come,since she wanted to sleep over at my hse. she arrived a lil bit after 10 i think. then we went online. and talked ALOT. we told each other everything tht had happened in the past two weeks of holiday :D it was funn. i miss talking to her (: arnd 2,AT called and we talked for almost one hr. aftr tht i texted with AK for awhile. godd,he's soo annoying -.-" haha but rly fun to talk to :D
now i'm feeling sleepy and my body is aching all over :/ i shld go to sleep. so,toodles (:
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Friday, June 6, 2008
i have stopped trying to find
hello world,
though I wanna find a love that's gonna last
a love so strong that it can withstand
the weight of this world in the palm of its hand
it's tht time of the month again. why now? off all times -.-" why can't it come just a lil bit earlier or perhaps in this case later. sheesh -.-" i was a tad moody lst night cause the moodswings were acting on me. and i guess i took it all out on certain ppl. ppl who i love and care abt alot. well,i jst wanna say i'm sry to whoever it may concerned. you guys knw who you are. sry aite :]
but i'm not gonna let all those moodswimgs interfere with my holidays. which well pretty soon gonna end. but wtvr,i'll jst hv to make the best out of wht is left of it.
today i had wht u wld call a girly day. i pretty much woke up late. took a shower and went online. then i went to the saloon with my sister and my mum. we had our hair done (: after tht,we went home and i did my nails. it's red,grr ;p ltr i think imma soak myself in the bathtub and just relax *sigh :] yeah,it is pretty much a very relaxing day for me :) i shld hv more days like this in the future. it feels nice. try it :]
haha tmrw is so gonna be the opposite of tday. it's gonna be hectic and hopefully fun :D summersplash bby,i'll see you there :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Thursday, June 5, 2008
you picked me
hello world,

like an apple on a tree,hiding out behind the leaves
i was difficult to reach,but you picked me
like a shell upon a beach,just another pretty piece
i was difficult to see,but you picked me
yeah you picked me(:
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
eight is the magic number
guess what? i've been tagged by sa'idah :] and i jst loveee tags :D
8 raw facts about me(it couldn't get any raw-er than this) :
1. i have this thing abt monkey. they are jst so adorable (:
2. i HATE cats cause they bite but i love kittens cause they are stupid and adorable. haha :D
3. i DONT eat popcorn. and tht is NOT weird oky. so i usually stuff my face with candies when i'm watching movies. it's nicer anw :]
4. i'm a cheerleader :] basically,we toss people for a workout :D
5. i talk more in person rather than on the phone. no idea why.
6. i actually LOVE being small and petite unlike some ppl :]
7. i LOVE the number seven. this tag was sppose to be abt my seven thingamajigga but sa'idah made me changed it to eight just cause -.-"
8. i have weird and bimbotic friends but i still LOVE them all the same (:
8 things that scares me :
1. the dark.
2. small spaces.
3. elevators cause most scary movies usually involve elevators -.-"
4. death ;O
5. exams give me the creeps.
6. going to camps.
7. gangbangers. HAHA
8. and of course GOD.
8 current songs :
1. almost lovers
2. stupid for you
3. sway
4. spell
5. finally
6. monsoon
7. shut me up
8. i never knew
8 things i say frequently :
1. say what?
2. shutttuuup
3. fuck you mann
4. keling
5. ohmygodd.
6. righttttt -.-"
7. loser
8. gilaa
8 most valuable and sentimental things of me :
1. my phne.
2. my pillow :]
3. my family.
4. my rcking friends.
5. my awesome sniff-ers
6. my cheer outfit :]
7. my camera.
8. my ice skates.
8 first times in my life :
1. 1997 : my first piercings
2. 2002 : my first camp.
3. 2003 : my first handphne.
4. 2003 : my first crush :]
5. 2004 : my first sleepover.
6. 2004 : my first rollercoaster ride :D
7. 2006 : my first concert.
8. 2007 : my first digital camera.
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
get down on it
hello world,
omg,i didnt blog for two days ;O and now everyone's gonna stop calling me 'the daily blogger'. haha :D well,sue me for all i care. i jst dnt have the time to blog as much as i used to anymore. i'm having a ball with my life right now. everything seems to fit in well :] and besides,it's the holidays yaw. i shld not be sitting in front of the computer like someone who has no life right? haha rightt. i shld be out partying bby :D and tht's wht i've been doing for the lst one week of holiday other than going for cheer practices. anw,summer splash is jst arnd the corner bby :] i bet my ass everyone's going,haha :D so,i'll see everyone there i guess? hee(:
anw,i've spending ALOT of my time at pyramid with the sniff-ers. they are jst so fun to hang out with. hillarious mann :D but i'm getting a lil bored of pyramid,haha -.-" but ,tht's the nearest mall for them so heck i dnt mind :]
i can't wait for summer splash. get rdy to party all night long bby :]
oh oh btw,go read sa'idah's blog. her lst post is jst too funny :D u can get her link on the left side,thankss :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Sunday, June 1, 2008
dancing in the moonlight
hello world,
signing off
xoxo aniss :]