Saturday, May 31, 2008
stupid for you
hello world,

sogning off
xoxo aniss :]
Friday, May 30, 2008
i dont know anymore
hello world,
the day bfore yday
after cheer prac, i went to sunway and hung out with the sniff-ers :] god,they were very friendly and hillarious mann ;D there were like 15 of us or mayb more. we watched 'drillbit taylor'. there were some complications with the tickets cause there wasnt enough tickets i think but all was good cause all of us got to watch it. the movie was pretty much a so-so. it was very predictable. i so dnt recommend it,HA-HA. go buy a dvd if u wanna watch it. so anw,after the movie we hung out at this staircase cause the guys wanted to smoke. so,we waited for them for like almost an hour to do tht. oky finee,i'm exxagerating a little,haha but it felt loooongg. D was cuddling with her mr E,H was smoking with M,A went to JCO with A and i finally met L :] he's a rly nicee guy (: anw,then we went to asian avenue to look for shorts to wear to summer splash. we had to drag the guys. haha cause u knw how guys are like abt shopping for clothes,lol :D and i bought this rly cute purple shorts (: arnd 8.30,H dad's arrived so we said our goodbyes and went home. it was an AWESOME day *sigh :D
had cheer prac again in the morn. then had family lucnh at sunway resort hotel. the food there were nicee. i especially love their chocolate fountain. yummy but fattening,HA-HA then,i met my close friends at sunway pyramid. we went bowling and guess what? i scored the highest point. didnt knw i cld bowl tht well. i shall try competing with mag one day. yess,mag we shld. i'll probably lose tho,HA-HA ;D then we went shopping for summer splash. bought this rly cute tee to wear it with my purple shorts :] went home arnd 6. changed my clothes and went for cheer practice. i had to audition for this competition. god,it was nerve-wrecking o.O but i think i did a pretty good job tho ;] but the bad news is,i pulled a muscle. and it hurts like hell. it's still hurting nw but not so much.
pretty much nthing happened tday -.-" had cheer prac in again the morn. went home and slept for like 4 hrs? HA-HA ;D
anw,pictures of the day bfore yday,yday and tday will be posted up on my nxt post cause i'm too lazy to upload it now,hee ;]
signing off,
xoxo aniss :]
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
say it again
hello world,
only god knws wht kind of feeling i'm hving at this moment. all i knw is tht it is different. something else entirely. it is nice but quite scary at the same time. i cnt describe it. how can i? i dont even knw how to. i thought i knew. but obviously i dont. it kinda crept up to me by surprise. and now there's a voice inside my heart that got me wondering. is this true? i wanna hear it one more time pls. just one more time. it's all i'm asking for.

signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Monday, May 26, 2008
breaking dawn
hello world,

edward: and so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
bella: what a stupid lamb.
edward: what a masochistic lion.
"Shoot," I muttered when the paper sliced my finger; I pulled it out to examine the damage. A single drop of blood oozed from the tiny cut.
It all happened very quickly then.
Edward threw himself at me, flinging me back across the table...
I tumbled down to the floor by the piano, with my arms thrown out instinctively to catch my fall, into the jagged shards of glass. I felt the searing, stinging pain that ran from my wrist to the crease inside my elbow.
Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm—into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires.
Edward's soft voice came from behind me. I turned to see him spring lightly up the porch steps, his hair windblown from running. He pulled me into his arms at once, just like he had in the parking lot, and kissed me again.
This kiss frightened me. There was too much tension, too strong an edge to the way his lips crushed mine—like he was afraid we had only so much time left to us.
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
what happens in vegas

jst got bck from watching 'what happens in vegas' and omg the movie was fcking hillarious :] i laughed my ass off,HA-HA :D seriously,it was funny :] and can ashton kutcher be anymore sexy? grrr ;p
anw,the story was abt this guy and girl who met in vegas and got married while they were drunk. duhh,what else do u do when you're in 'sin city' other than gamble yr life away,HA-HA ;D so yeah. oky hold tht thought,i'm soo lazy to continue. it's like one in the morn and besides,i hv gym in like exactly 7 hrs. i shld go to sleep but i'm not tht sleepy yet *sigh ANW,go watch tht movie,cause seriously it's hillarious. i swear you'll be rolling on the floor by the time it finishes,HA-HA :D
so yeah, GO watch it. i so recommend it :] toodles(:
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Saturday, May 24, 2008
dont mind me
hello wrold
so anw,DSTARZ performed for tht thingamajigga i was talking abt. the song was abit retarded at first but everything went well. jude the dude told us tht it was at summit but NO,it was like 4km away from summit -.-" so not a walking distance. since it was for a futsal event,the place was crowded with sweaty guys. most of them wanted to take pictures with us or shake our hands but we were like NO. HA-HA,so mean,i knoww but hey they were all pervs.
anw,aftr the prfmnce,we didnt knw how to get bck to scl since there was a massive traffic jam so there were no cabs arnd. they asked us to walk all the way to summit to get a cab there. which was like what? 4km away -.-" but halfway we got on bus tht was heading to sunway pyramid,haha. and yeah,we ended up in pyramid. bought starbucks while waiting for mag's mum to pick us up. then walked arnd to look for credit and bumped into hayden,
mag: *suddenly stopped* omg,this is so embarassing.
aniss: what is?
mag: *stared at a guy who was walking towards us.
aniss: *wanted to ask mag who's the guy.
mag : it's hayden.
aniss: haha oh it's hayden. didnt recognize him,lol.
*haha,sry hayden :]
so yeah,we talked for like five minutes. then mag's mum arrived. went home and took a nap :] woke up and watched the cheer 07 dvd (:
and now i feel SICK *sigh
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
i might just lose it
hello world,
school's OVER and i'm DONE,well atleast for now :)
TWO weeks of holiday. TWO fcking weeks of holiday. aint it awesome? :] cnt wait to sleep and wake up late,laze arnd the hse,party all night long and duhh fool arnd with close friends :) and it'll strt TOMORROW dudeee ;D
anw,had cheer prac jst nw. we did the 2nd half of the routine and it's getting AWESOME. few more steps and we're DONE done done :] fooled arnd with deeya and azureen aftr prac. we did like 10 full cartwheels without stopping a few times. and we cldnt stand straight for quiet some time. we were like drunk,HAHA. and the world jst wnt fcking stop spinning. why? *sigh -.-" felt like vomitting a few times but managed to slept it off and now i'm OKAY :] but yeah it was halla lotsa FUNN :D
since i slept jst now,i'm wide awake now. wht shld i do? *sigh. i think imma go watch some dvds to kill some time. but i rly hv to sleep early so i tht i can wake up early tmrw. D*STARZ is prforming for this thingamajigaa but i'm not prfrmnng. jst going to support them,hee :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
just leave me be
hello world,
guess what? we finished half of our routine alrdy. i can say it is pretty AWESOME :] oky,anthr half more to go.
anw,ALOT of things are going on in my life right now,so i dnt rly hv the time to actually sit down and blog abt it. but i promise, one day i WILL sit down and blog abt all of it and it's gonna be AWESOME :] so yeah,sry for the SHORT short updates,hee (:
imma go watch american idol nw and drool over my two DAVIDS. gahhhh ;O
and yeahh,
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
whisper it to me
hello world,
i'm having a major quote day so imma list down all the quotes tht i like,haha :]
wimps lift weights. real athletes lift people.
so pick me,choose me,love me.
-grey's anatomy
critics dont bother me because if i do badly,i know im bad before they even write it. and if im good,i know im good. i know best about myself, so a critic doesnt anger me.
if someone betrays you once, it’s their fault; if they betray you twice, it’s your fault.
-Eleanor Roosevelt
in the end we will remember not the words of our enemies,but the silence of our friends.
-Martin Luther King
life is like a written book,without an eraser,you cant erase what happened to you and you cant do it over,you just have to live with it and be the best that you can be.
actually there's ALOT but since i'm such a lazy ass i won't list down all. HA-HA,cause it'll probably take me ages. so,yeah :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Monday, May 19, 2008
i'm giving up for you now
hello world,

I'm still awake for you
We won't make it together
We can't hide the truth
I'm giving up for you now
My final wish will guide you out
Before the ocean breaks apart
Underneath me
To me you'll be forever sacred
I'm dying but I know
Our love will live
Your hand above
Like a dove
Over me
To me you'll be forever sacred
You break the ice when you speak
With every breath you take
You safe me
I know that one day
We'll meet again
Try to go on as long as you can
Even when the ocean breaks apart
Underneath you
To me you'll be forever sacred
I'm dying but I know
Our love will live
Your hand above
Like a dove
Over me
To me you'll be forever sacred
Don't turn around
You'll see
You can make it
Never forget
To me you'll be forever sacred
I'm dying but I know
Our love will live
Your hand above
Like a dove
Over me
And one day
The sea will guide you
Back to me
To me you'll be forever sacred
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
let's rock this party
hello world,
here are the pictures as promised. enjoy(:

the sexy emcee,BUNNY ;]

the rocking crowd :]

the awesome securities :]

we had FUN :D

*credits to DIAN

an outcast,HA-HA

umyraah hussin(:

raja nadeeya(:

the tiny family ;]

tiniest,tinier,tiny [:

it was DEFINITLEY fun :D
*there are too many pictures so i only posted the nice shots ;)
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Sunday, May 18, 2008
it doesnt even make sense
music survey :]
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer. Even though it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!!!
4. Tag 5 people.
5. Bold the questions. And with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the question
How are you feeling today?
all u need is love-jim sturgess
Will you get far in life?
all about you-mcfly
*yeah bby ;]
How do your friends see you?
somebody to love-queens
*aww,so sweeeet ;]
Will you get married?
rock this party-bob sinclair
What is your best friend's theme song?
everything-michael buble
What is the story of your life?
won't go home without you-maroon 5
*yeah bby(:
What is high school like?
the little things-colbie caillat
*u can say tht
How can you get ahead in life?
pictures of you-the last goodnight
What is the best thing about your friends?
naked in the city again-hot hot heat
*HA-HA fer sho
What is in store for this weekend?
ABC-michael jackson
How is your life going?
beat it-fall out boy
awesome :]
What song will they play at your funeral?
stand by me-boyce avenue
*tht's fine with me(:
Will you have a happy life?
a lonely september-plain white t's
*tht's sad :/
What do your friends really think of you?
three cheers for five years-mayday parade
Do people secretly lust after you?
mama-my chem romance
How can I make myself happy?
bleeding love-boyce avenue
What should you do with your life?
misery buisness-paramore
Will you ever have children?
stop and stare-one republic
*HA-HA wtf?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
wave me for a ride
hello world,

it was hella lotsa funn. didnt expect tht many ppl to turn up.18 bands performed which included MATEMATIK and KOMPLOT. they were awesome. everyone went crazy when KOMPLOT performed. they started moshing eventho the rules were pretty clear tht 'no moshing is allowed'. but heck,no one cared cause they were having too much funn i guess :] as one of the security,HA-HA yess i was one of the security. go ahead and laugh all u want but all the securities were girls and none of us are tht big or strong but we were still awesome cause we managed to control evryone :] so anw yeah, when the crowd went crazy while KOMPLOT was performing,we tried to settle everyone down but FAILED miserably. so instead,we joined them,HA-HA. thank god all those moshing didnt turn out ugly.anw the winners are,
1st place; happy satellite *they were fcking AWESOME :]
2nd place; corncake
3rd place; *cnt rmmbr the name,haha sry
since the thing started later than we planned which was like one and a half hr late,we finished pretty late at arnd 7.45 mayb. we had to stay bck for awhile to clean up the hall and omg,it was rly rly dirty. there were lotsa foods and drinks lying arnd. sheeesh -.-"
so yeah,after tht me,deeya and ainaa went to the canteen and bought ourselves drinks. then we hung out with this group of guys. they were rly nice ;] at arnd 8.30,deeya sent me home.
it was DEFINITLEY funn. i enjoyed every single bit of it. to those who didnt come, boo you ;]
oh yeah,i'll be posting the pictures tmrw since i'm too lazy to upload them now. so wait for it cause it's gonna be awesome (:
i think imma go to bed early. too tired and sleepy. so,toodles ;]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
stand by me
hello world,
i just cldnt resist posting this vid,now let's all drool together.HA-HA ;]
Friday, May 16, 2008
break away
hello world,
i fell like burning all of my books,but then i remembered tht i still hv end term exam. HA-HA wtvr. i shall not think about tht yet.
so anw,after scl tday,a tailor came to measure us for our cheer uniform. i can't wait to see the uniform when it's ready. it'll be so awesome,hopefully (: then i went to visit my grandpa at the hospital. stayed there until idk arnd 5.30 mayb? as soon as i got home i turned on the computer and started my gossip girl marathon. tht was my scnd time watching it but i still cant get enough of it. it's just awesome. nate archibald is jst too gorgeous and i think chuck bass is sexy*wink and duhh can dan humphrey be any more sweet? :]
oky,since i've finished my gossip girl marathon,i shall start my one tree hill marathon. but not tmrw cause tmrw is sri aman's BOTB. can't wait. i'm sure it'll be awesome(: so yeah i think i'll start my oth marathon on sunday. yeah,i think imma do tht.
everyone is at camp now except for me :/ i mean not rly evryone but u knw wht i mean. i hv to skip camp to look after my grndpa at the hosp. well,there's still nxt yr. i'm definitley going nxt yr(:
i'm bored. i think imma go drool over my DAVIDS . the wonders of youtube*sigh. so,toodles :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Thursday, May 15, 2008
time is running out
hello world,

the DAVIDS are in bby :]
AWESOME,double the drools,HA-HA
so,jst got back from prrctce. my hands are shaking from all the muscle spasm ;O tmrw is SEJARAH but i havent study a single thing yeah. i rather watch american idol again. atleast i can drool over both DAVIDS ;] yeah,i think imma do tht instead. HA-HA. anw,
TWO more papers to go bby, and i'm DONE (:
updates on midterm,
pj paper made me sleepy,bio was so-so,bm was tiring,chemistry was o-kayy i guess but,
heck,i dnt give a shit anymore. imma go watch american idols and drool over the DAVIDS. toodles :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
run away and hide
hello world,
so,join us to save the trees.
say NO to mid year exams
can u feel the stress? it's killing me. slowly. very very slowly. i dnt think i can fit anything anymore inside this little brain of mine. it's all jammed up. it wont be a surprise if it'll jst suddenly explode in this midst of stress *sigh.
biology and add maths,both on the same day *sigh. now all i need is just luck,nothing more. hopefully i wont screw up.
four more days AND eight more papers to go. wow,what a long way to go *sigh
how i wish i cld jst run away and hide,
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Sunday, May 11, 2008
mother's day
hello world,
i just wanna wish,
i love u mummy :]

* a rly old picture of me and my mum (:
sry,i didnt get u anything. i thought of getting u tht 'whatshisnameagain?'cd tht u wanted so much but i didnt hv the time to actually go out and buy it for u,hee :] well,it's oky. there's still yr birtday. and besides ,like u always tell me, it's the thought that counts. well i thought abt it didnt i? HAHA :] so,i'll try to get it for yr birthday(:
so yeah anw,had gym tday. fell ALOT of times and nearly sprained my ankle ;O but thank god i didnt cause tht wld just hv been BAD o.O competition is in in what,TWO months? i can't be getting any injuries.
*go read mag's blog. she blogged abt smthing funny tht happened at gym tday but i'm too lazy to type it. HA-HA :D
agama paper is tmrw. wish me luck(:
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Saturday, May 10, 2008
where has my fun gone to
hello world,
well,my day started off well. woke up like SUPER late. i was still in lala land when dina called,asking me to join her at the library to study. but sadly my mummy didnt let me :/ if it wasn't for dina, i wld hv still be in lala land,lol :] so yeah,woke up,took a shower,had breakfast. i mean lunch,haha. then started studying agama. halfway through mummy called and ask me to join aisya study bio with her. she taught us abt mitosis thigamajigga. FINALLY, i got it. FINALLY,after like one month studying abt it,i FINALLY i got it,haha :] after one hr of studying bio,i continued with my 'agama cramming' again until i cldnt cram anything more inside this small brain. gahhh o.O
so oky,updates on midterm,
english was english. wanted to choose the essay tht had the ending 'he changed my life'. thought of writing abt a love story but then it wld take me more than 2 hrs to write it cause stories like tht can just go on and nvr end,lol :] so, i chose the safest one which was abt 'it's the duty of children to look after their aged parents'. yeah i knw,BO-RI-NG. but heck, i want an A for my english :]
FIVE more days to go,TEN more papers to go -.-"
i think i shld start revising physics tmrw if i wanna pass my phys paper,
i think i'm coming down with the flu :/ i guess i shld jst go to sleep and jst forget abt my plan to study chem tonight.
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Thursday, May 8, 2008
so far so good
hello world,
i nvr knew adam lavigne is a funny guy. if u watch american idol jst now,u wld knw wth i'm talking abt. and oh, can david cook be anymore sexy?(:
so oky,updates on midterm. so far,so good. well,i've only done my BM paper. i wont say it was easy but it wasnt tht hard either. i guess it was okayy ;] but tmrw wld DEFINITLEY be a KILLER cause,
oh wow,lucky me*sigh
i think imma go to bed now. so,toodles :]
signing off
xoxo aniss
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
sway my way
hello world,

i've always been a dreamer
i've had my head among the clouds
now tht i'm coming down
won't u be my solid ground? :]
skipped scl tday. planned to wake up early. but ended waking up really really late,12 in the afternoon. took a shower and had lunch. watched prison break season 2. can wentworth miller be anymore sexy? (: read through the history book. watched tv again. then,took a 'short' nap. woke up arnd 7.15. rushed to tuition and was half an hr late ;O long story short,tday was boring and blerghh -.-"
midterm starts tmrw. yeah,lucky me *sigh
shld get my ass offline n strt studying but nahh. too lazy to study. heck,it's jst bm paper tmrw,lol :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
julius caesar is a dudee
hello world,
it took me a fcking FOUR hrs to finish FOUR chaps of history. and now my brain is all jammed up ;O dnt even ask whether i still rmmbr wht i read in tht four hrs cause i prbbly cnt even rmmbr a single thing,lol. pray to god tht i'll rmmbr it on friday tho,amen :]
i'm skipping scl tmrw to study. hah,yeah right,lol :D i still hv bio,chem,physics,ag and add maths to study for o.O gahhhhh *sigh -.-"
oh oh HAHAHA i jst realized smthing funny yet stupid when i was studying history jst now. julius caesar is a dudeee. and all this while i thought he was a lady,HAHAHAHA. see how stupid my brain can be when it comes to history,lol :D and i didnt even know alexander the great was GAY until jst now. HAHA. wow,i learned ALOT during tht four hrs of 'history cramming'. awesome :] so it seems tht i wont fail history this time. i mean not as if i hv failed my history paper bfore,lol.

julius caesar
and suddenly i'm craving for chocolates. oky,toodles(:
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Monday, May 5, 2008
mental retardness
hello world,
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i am mentally and physically exhausted tht i cant even rmmbr wht i wanted to say. so,i'll just laugh until my nxt post. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Sunday, May 4, 2008
beauty sleep
hello world,
again,sorry for not blogging yday. i had two cheer pracs yday. one in the morn && one at night o.O got home at arnd 11 then went out again at 12 to strbcks cause my mum suddenly crave for strbcks,at 12 midnight -.-" lol by the time i got home i was too tired to blog.
oh oh i jst had to post this picture up cause it's just so awesome,lol :]

eric acting all strong ;p
so anw,i had gym tday. i can finally do walkover without mr chong. awesome right? :]
i was thinking of doing some studying after i got home,but i was too tired to even open any book. so i ended up not studying at all tday. fck,i'm so screwed for midterm. jst hope i wont fail tho o.O
scl. i feel like quitting scl. LOL,who doesnt right. *sigh
oky,off to bed now. need to get my beauty sleep. toodles(:
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Friday, May 2, 2008
stupid fcking shoelaces -.-"
hello world,
sry i didnt blog yday. cheer prac finished at 10.30. got bck at arnd 11. took a bath. watch american idol and then fell asleep. hee(:
anw,bck to tday. one interesting thing happened tday; I FELL and bled like shit ;/ oky, i think i shld strt from the beginning. so here goes,
during last period,teacher didnt come to class. i got bored, so me and saidah walked arnd the scl to kill some time. we stopped in front of the mineral water vending machine thinggamajigga and was surprised to see the 'ROSAK' sign wasnt there anymore. we got rly excited to try out the 'thing' cause it was kinda new so we ran bck to class which is jut a few metres away form the machine,haha and took our bottle. then we ran bck to the machine and inserted 20 cents. we were sppose to put the bottle directly below the nozzle so we did. but haha guss what? when the water was pouring out of the nozzle,it missed the bottle,HAHA :D oky anw,after tht we took our bags since scl has finished. while walking,i squirted sa'idah's face with water so she tried to bite me *-.-'. i tried to push her away and then she started pushing me too. we were laughing our ass off. then suddenly i tripped on my shoelaces*stupid fcking shoelaces* and fell. sa'idah being sa'idah tried to be a hero so she tried to help me up. result? she fell too,HAHAHAHAHAHA ;D
so yeah, tht was rly funny. u shld hv been there,lol ;]
i feel sleepy but i cant seem to doze off. *sigh.
mid term is in 5 days. i need to study sejarah but it's like everytime i wanted to study sejarah my brain becomes all jammed up. *sigh
there's cheer prac tmrw morn and night. awesome right? :] why can't i just cheer my whole life instead of studying,then life wld be aweosme. *sigh. haha omg imagine a career as a cheerleader. one word,AWESOME :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]