Wednesday, April 30, 2008
my tiniest horny bitch,deeya :]
hello world,
imma blog abt DEEYA tday since i've nothing better to blog abt anw :]
so meet deeya,my tiniest horny bitch (:

eventho i've only known her for like only three yrs, i feel as if i have known her longer. too corny? yeah,thought so. oky i shall start again. deeya,she's a midget. we're both midgets right deeya? :] midgets are awesome cause,
midgets will beat you at limbo, HAHA ;D
deeya,she's one horny bitch. she LOVES talking dirty,lol ;]
deeya,an awesome cheerleader and flyer. mag,rianne and megan wld agree with me on this one. right? (:
deeya,omg haha u shld see her shisha. she looks soo adorable :] and she is highly addicted to shisha.
deeya,a fcking awesome friend :]
and deeya,i'm rly sry for how i treated you in form two. it wasnt fair to you,i was being a bitch :/ u rly are an awesome friend. it's fun to hang out with you and yess,
i LOVE you DEEYA :]
btw,sry it's nthing mch,hee(:
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
soon is not long
hello world,
i'm seriously gonna DIE if i dont start stdying soon. mid term is in EIGHT days o.O
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Monday, April 28, 2008
get a map
hello world,
sa'idah said smthing funny during double period of chemistry jst nw,
anis: wth is pn I talking abt?
sa'idah : yr asking the wrong person -.-"
anis : god,i'm soo lost right nw o.O
sa'idah : then go get a map dudeee.
anis : *laughed my ass off :D
it was kinda lame but you've got to admit tht it's kinda funny HAHA :D no? well,sucks being you :]
btw,i got piles of hw to finish and an exam to study for -.-" so,toodles :]
signing off
xoxo aniss
Sunday, April 27, 2008
sushi :]
hello world,
guess what? i made sushi tday. i fking made it myself and it tasted as nice as the one at sushi king. awesome right? :]
anw,didnt go to tht usj4 thinganajigga cause i was forced to stay home and study. pfft -.-" lifee is so unfair. agree? yeah,thought so.
had a very LONG conversation with tinier,tiniest,tiny but not tiny,biggest of all tiny ppl and megan :]
here are part of our convo,hee(:

signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Saturday, April 26, 2008
hello world,
went to curve tday to 'study' but ended up walking more than studying. bought starbucks with haylie,tiniest and azureen. then,met up with bby mag and eric. had lunch at vivo. eric said smthing funny while we were eating.
eric: *was eating spaghetti with meatballs and started to say something* oh um.. nevermind i dont wanna say it
Us : huh?
Eric : the balls are hard *with the most -.- stoned face ever HAHAHA
Us : *turned to each other and was like wtf? o.O
eric: no i wasnt talking about tht. i was talking about these meat'balls'. they are so hard
all of us: *started laughing our asses off :D
lol,wtf eric?
anw,then we went to watch 'over her dead body'. eric bought us the tickets. aint he sweet? ;] after the movie i had to run all the way bck to curve cause my driver was waiting there. had to send bby mag home. lol,she's so funny. she cant give directions to my driver cause she cant speak malay fluently. she was like what's left in malay? LOL,it was funny :D
here are some pictures tht i took jst now. enjoy :]

waiting for bby mag and eric to arrive.

jst the THREE of us :]

haylie,azureen,bby mag*smwhere behind eric,eric and tiniest :D

my tiniest horny bitch (:

spank tht ass :p

he's doing the eric's face while she's doing the mag's face,lol ;D

bby mag can do finger splits :]

but sadly mine sucks :/ i hv to practice my finger splits ;]

aint she adorable ;]

bby mag (:

thanks dina for the tee :D
anw, had a random convo with millie jst now. here goes,
millie o says:
i dah nak mati ni
aniss. says:
i'll probably die tmrw
millie o says:
millie o says:
i feel like jumping of a building
aniss. says:
let's jump together then
aniss. says:
millie o says:
millie o says:
where ah?
aniss. says:
if u ask puan ngau she'll say either block e or klcc
millie o says:
erm. i dont think block e is high enuf
aniss. says:
lol klcc then
millie o says:
millie o says:
how do we get to the top?
aniss. says:
millie o says:
sure can get in anot?
aniss. says:
haha why nto?
millie o says:
cos.. security
millie o says:
aniss. says:
sneak in la
millie o says:
millie o says:
how ah?
aniss. says:
lol no idea
aniss. says:
since yr too thin i'm sure u can jst slip in
aniss. says:
but wht abt me?
aniss. says:
i'm fat :/
aniss. says:
millie o says:
ur not fat!
aniss. says:
but i'm not as thin as u
aniss. says:
millie o says:
well duh
millie o says:
nobody is
aniss. says:
aniss. says:
is jay thin like u too?
aniss. says:
millie o says:
hes thin la
millie o says:
not as thin as me of course but thin jugak
aniss. says:
aniss. says:
yeah like u said theres no one as thin as you
millie o says:
wow,what a long post o.O i didnt even realize it was this long,haha :] so i better stop now before i start to bore u guys. toodles :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
short term memory lost ;9
hello world,
omg,it's ONE in the morn and i just realized tht i forgot to post the video of D*starz performing at Olympic Torch thingamajigga which i promised u like 4 days ago o.O sry guys :] well,here it is. enjoy(:
*note: i almost fell during stunts. so excuse my clumsiness :]
and now i can sleep soundly,lol,gdnite :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Friday, April 25, 2008
detention class
hello world,
so,i had DETENTION CLASS after scl tday. i had to stayback until THREE. it's cause i came late to scl like TEN times alrdy. oky finee,mayb more,i lost count,lol :D anw,i had to clean the fcking whiteboards using 'ethanol' until it's white again -.-" i swear to god i wld not be late to scl again. hah as if i can wake up early,haha but i'll try. :]
there was no cheer practice tday. life is so boring without cheer. agree? *sigh
just felt like posting up this picture :]

btw, i LOVE u too rianne :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Thursday, April 24, 2008
all over again
hello world,
i swear to god the person who invented and decided tht additional mathematics shld be taught in scl seriously had no life -.-"
anw,during cheer i based tiniest AGAIN and was elbowed AGAIN,but this time at my other cheekbone,and i cried AGAIN. godd,my tear ducks are like leaking these past few days and i seriously hv no idea why. it's jst so annoying -.-" pfft.
and bby magg thinks i'm too fat to fly. lol,kidding magg ;]
oky i seriously need to go finish up my TWO phyics lab report -.-" toodles :]
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
emotional day :/
hello world,
it's an emotional day tday :/ during gym i cldnt fly cause my base and spotter didnt come. so,i had to base tiniest,just like old times :] everything went well but after basing a few times bby mag turned to me and said,
bby mag: u look pale.
tiniest and rianne: are u oky?
anis: *strted crying for no reason,lol
when i finally stopped crying,i based tiniest again a few times until tiniest fell and elbowed my cheekbone. fuck,it hurt like hell :/ so i started crying all over again. then tiniest started crying. it went smthing like this,
anis: why are u crying too?
tiniest: i feel so guilty for elbowing you :/
anis : no,it's oky. it doesnt hurt tht much :]
megan : no it's all my fault cause i was stupid enough to injure myself which resulted in tiniest injuring anis in injuring rianne :/ *started crying too
bby mag : no,it's all my fault cause i joined cheer:/ *-.-" lol magg
rianne : *started crying too
tinier : *laughed at all of us cause she thought we looked so adorable like tht,lol
eric : *did an eric face,lol
so yeah,a very emotional day but i'm feeling better now :]
oh yeah,highlight of the day. millie and kirby learned how to dip. as in the cheer dip,haha and they were so excited about it. there's a vid of the three of us doing the 'dip' but it's still with su wei so i'll try to get it by tmrw :]
and and when i arrived at gym jst now there was a bag of french fries for me. written on the outside was,
"dear anis,
fries for you :]
my heart nearly dropped. but then i saw a little note at the bottom which said
"psst,rianne bought this"
and i was likee -.-" but thanks anw for the fries rianne. so sweeeeeet ;] and there was a note from millie too at the bck saying smthing about the 'dip'. lol :D
btw, tinier is ain and tiniest is deeya :]
so i guess that's just about it. i'll see u in my next post :]
signing off,
xoxo aniss :]
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
meet tinier and tiniest ;]
hello world,
nothing much happened tday. skipped scl and woke up arnd 12.30,lol :D tried to catch up with hw but failed miserably cause of my laziness. did ALOT of texting with mag,ain,azureen and eric. i swear to god that dudee took like THREE hrs jst to rply ONE msg -.-" haha so annoying :p anw,nthing mch to blog abt tday so i'll just post yday's pictures and vid. enjoy :]

making 'last minute' poms

D*starz and B*starz :]

missing in this picture is tinier :/

grawrr ;p

meet bby mag. isnt she the most adorable thing you've ever seen? ;]

our overly-excited co-captain :D

meet tinier and tiniest ;]

clowns give me the creeps o.O
during the convoy thingamajigga :]
*credits to ain for the pictures :] thanks tinier (:
omg i just realized tht was all the pictures tht i was in since i was running arnd :/ sucks right? well,wtvr atleast i had funn :] anw, youtube kinda suck right now so i cldnt get the link for the vid. but i promise,video of our performance will be up in my next post. just wait for it oky :] till then,
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Monday, April 21, 2008
olympic torch relay (:
hello world,
so guess what? D*STARZ and B*STARZ performed at dataran merdeka and stadium merdeka just now. it was for the Olympic Torch Relay. our routines were perfect. well,almost perfect anw,haha :D i nearly fell during stunts but then i thought to myself "i'm so not gonna screw this thing up",so i didnt :]thank god for tht. anw,after the performance,six of us got to follow the torch on this Lenovo*the company we're supporting* float thingy or as ain wld call it,the lamoro truck. it was awesome cause i got to see the olympic torch LIVE and follow the torch barriers to stadium merdeka :] at stadium merdeka,it was B'starz's turn to perform. unfortunately they had to perform without music since Lenovo wasnt suppose to play any music -.-" sheeeesh. we had to count for them instead eventho we didnt rly knw the counting. but all was good cause they were good,even without music. i'm so proud of them :D then after watching B'starz perform,we were called bck onto the truck to follow the torch to klcc. but when we got on the truck,they told us "oh no need to rush,we still hv another half an hr" -.-" after 5 mins we got bored, so we called up eric to see what he was up to and ended talking craps with him for about half an hr until we ran out of credit,haha :D then,the truck/float started to move again and we were on our way to klcc,which wld be the last stop. otw to klcc,it started to rain HEAVILY. we all got wet but it was funn,haha. we still went on dancing and cheering on the truck :] we even made the emcee horny,lol. i swear to god he was horny when we started dancing,hahaha :D so yeah,arnd 6 smthing,we arrived at klcc,all wet and freezing to death o.O we went inside to dry ourselves and change our clothes. half an hr later,we were on our way bck to scl. we reached scl arnd 7.30 o.O since the traffic was slow moving. i texted mag during the journey home cause eric was practicing and didnt rply my msg,lol :D anw,i finally went home arnd 8.30. had a nice,long,hot shower as soon as i arrived home. and here i am now,tired and sleepy :/ i dont think i can wake up tmrw morn,so i may not be going to scl,haha :D oh anw did i mention tht there were these rly cute rollerbladers on our float/truck too? haha they're kinda hot :]
anw,i better get some sleep now since i can barely stay awake. i'll be posting the pictures in my next post,so just wait for it. it's gonna be awesome. till then,
signing off
xoxo aniss :]
Sunday, April 20, 2008
hello world,
guess what? i went to scl tday. i went to scl on a fcking sunday,haha awesome right? :D it was actually for cheer practice but not for me. it was for mag,deeya,megan,ain and rianne. but i woke up at 8.30 and went anyway,lol :] got nothing better to do. while they were practicing,i got bored. so i used mag's phone to kacau eric,haha,sry mag :] i sent him two messages but he didnt rply so i called him. but when he picked up,i hung up,lol :D sry mag for wasting yr credit like tht :] anw,practice was suppose to finish at 1 but rianne got injured so we had to finish early. we got bored waiting at scl,so we decided to take a cab to mcD. lucky us,there werent any cabs passing by arnd tht time -.-" so we had to walk all the way to jaya. it was soo freaking hot and mag nearly got killed by a passing car,HAHAHA :D at mcD,we met up with bob and had our lunch. arnd 1.30 we took a cab bck to scl. i wasnt gonna walk bck to scl,once was enough. then we waited for mag's mummy to come. omg mag's mummy is soo adorable :] anw,when i got bck,i was so tired so i fell asleep until 5.30. then i went out to buy credit so tht i can text mag,lol :p then i had to finish up THREE freaking lab reports,sheeesh -.-" thankk god it's finished now*sigh :]
oky,updates on cheer :] tmrw we will be performing at the Torch Relay thingy at Dataran Merdeka. so come and give us some support and pray for us tht it wld all turn out good :D i'm alrdy having butterflies in my stomach. if u think abt it,this is somehow more scary than cheer comp o.O hopefully i wont screw up. wish us luck for tmrw :]
anw,i think i'll turn in early tonight since tmrw wld be a very LONG day for me. need to get my ten hrs sleep,haha :D
signing off,
xoxo aniss :]
white skirt
hello world,
so it's 12.30 in the morn and i jst got bck from my grndprnts hse. we had a bbq dinner with lambs and bbq chickens to celebrate my birthday ;] i ate ALOT, like rly rly ALOT. and now i feel FAT -.-" gahh,life is hard*sigh. well the good thing is i got ALOT of presents. well if u count 4 as being alot,haha :D i got two tshirts from iffat,a spiderman clock from abg mann,haha and a perfume in this cute little bottle. i swear to good it is soo tiny and adorable :] planned to snap alot of pictures but ended up snapping just abt 10 pictures -.-" cause i was kinda lazy. and now i regret it -.-" here are some pictures. it's not much tho. well,enjoy :]

my birthday cake,lol :D

iffat and aisya :]

abg mann and kak ita (:

texting bby mag,haha :D
well,tht's all i guess cause i look FUGLY in all the other pictures,lol :]
anw yeah, went to ou in the evening to look for white skirt for olympic torch relay on mon. i had to walk all arnd ou to look for it and finally found it at WH but fck, it is soo expensive -.-" but i had to buy it cause we were desperate since we need the white skirt by mon *sigh.
so,it's 1 in the morn and i need to sleep. more later oky? :]
signing off,
xoxo aniss :]
Saturday, April 19, 2008
physics a bore -.-"
hello world,
todayy was funn since i got to skip class AGAIN for cheer prac. awesome right? ;] but i did go to physics. one word,BORING -.-" i hate physics. i dnt even knw why we hv to study physics. feel like dropping physics but i cnt.-.-" lifee is hard *sigh. oky enough about physics. just talking abt it is making me sleepy,haha. see tht's how much i hate physics. oky anways,bck to cheer practice. cheer was fun as usual. eric didnt come tday since he's not sppose to come anw,hahaha :D mag was sad cause he didnt come. aww,poor mag ;] me and azureen teased mag ALOT tday. like rly ALOT. and her face was all red,haha how adorable right? yeah,too adorable ;] sry mag,haha (:
then during break all of us started being lame. and it's all because of mag. she calls ainaa kapitan*which means captain* and calls azureen ko-kapitan*which means co-captain* haha i knoww,lameee. so yeah,we started calling each other names tht strts with ko. i'm kopiko*as in the sweet*,mag is kopi susu*cause she looks kinda pale-ish,haha*,deeya is kopitiam*just because*,megan is kopi-o*cause i hv no idea wyh actually',rianne is the kopishop*as in the coffee shop with different spelling,haha* and shaza is kopicat*cause we cldnt think of anything else* oky mayb u dont get it. sucks being u :]
oh yeah,updates on cheer. my twist cradle is getting better and my basket toss is getting higher. awesome right? ;]
oky, now i'm bored and in need of a ten hrs sleep. oky mayb more than tht. gonna go watch some cheer vids then i'm off to bed (: sorry for the short post,too lazy to type,gahah :D
signing off,
xoxo aniss :]
Thursday, April 17, 2008
my super sweet sixteen ;]
hello world,
oky so how do i strt this?
well, for some rly weird reason i rly wanted to start blogging on my sixteenth birthday. yeah, i turned sixteen tday ;] thanks for all the birthday wishes guys. you guys rly made my day,hee ;)
so i'm gonna start off with wht happened ystrday. so yeah,ystrday after scl, my closest friends, seven of them, came to my hse to celebrate my birthday and bunny's farewell party. it was hella lotsa funn ;] we went down to the pool and swam for like half an hour before it started raining. at first, we didnt mind the rain at all cause we were having lotsa funn :D but after awhile,there were lightnings,so we ran to the jacuzzi which is inside the ladies. we started singing chris brown with you like maniacs,haha. it was soo much funn ;D then when bunny started singing 'leaving on a jet plane' all of us got teary eyed cause it was soo sad to think tht she wont be here with us anymore : / she's going to asrama btw. anyways, after singing in the jacuzzi for like 1 hour or more, we got out and went outside again to find tht it was still raining cats and dogs. we were bored since it was still raining so we took lots and lotsa pictures of our asses,haha. it was funn ;D then we thought 'heyy,rain is just water,it wont hurt us'. so we decided to just swim in the rain. we screamed and jumped into the pool and screamed some more. results? we got scold my a resident who lives beside the pool. sheeeesh,nxt time dnt buy a hse beside the pool la -.-" fck she's sch a party pooper -.-" we didnt hv any mood to swim anymore and it's all because of her -.-" so we went upstairs to my hse. upstairs, after showering, we ordered three regular pizzas since we were so hungry. the pizzas were gone in less than 5 minutes,mayb arnd 3 minutes,hahaha :D we were THAT hungry,lol. then we took lotsa funny videos,haha, i swear to god we were all acting like 5 yr olds especially bunny,haha ;D arnd 7.30 all of them went home except for ainaa and myraa since they're following me to tuition. tuition,mhmm -.-" we arrived hlf an hr late and i cld barely stay awake. so i started making paper planes and paper fans to keep me awake,haha ;] i was so noisy with the papers so the teacher asked me to stop -.-" i nearly fell asleep but thank godd the tuition finished early. if not i wld hv jst fallen asleep right there and then,lol ;D
oky,enough about ystrday. let's talk about tday,my 'birth' day,lol lame,i knowww ;] anyways,like i said,i turned sixteen tday. like any other day i woke up late tdayy so my mum had to send me so tht i wont be late for scl. when i got to scl,everyone crowded arnd me to wish me happy birthday. aww,u guys are sweeet. thanks ;] i got lotsa hugs and kisses from my friends. sa'idah brought me a cupcake and a cookie,so sweeet ;) during recess,everyone sang happy birthday to me,TWICE,haha i feel special,lol :D since nina brought her videocam to scl, we watched ystrday's videos throughout the whole recess time. it was funny. we started laughing our asses off and everyone were like looking and staring at us,hahaha :D after recess,i skipped class cause i had cheer practice for the olymipc torch relay. we're performing at the olympic torch relay btw ;]
practice was funn :D at 2, we took a break and had our lunch. we continued prctice at 3. eric,our cheer coach,was suppose to come at 2.30 with my bdayy present*i asked him to bring marcus,this rly hot charm all star guy* but he didnt get there until 4.45 -.-" well,he's nvr punctual bfore. anways,when he arrived alone,i was kinda dissappointed,but heck who cares anyway. i mean i did,haha. then eric called me so i went to him. he was calling someone at tht time, so i waited. then he put his hp on loudspeaker and guess what, it was marcus. eric called marcus..
marcus: hello
eric: yeah,here she is
marcus: oh hello anis
anis: o.O
marcus: anis? are u there?
anis: oh mm heyy mm marcus *still dumbstruck,lol
marcus: i heard tht it's yr birthday tday
anis: yeah ;]
marcus: happy sweet sixteen anis. enjoy yr birthday *and he said smthing more but i cnt rly rmmbr cause i wass too dumbstruck at tht time,lol
marcus:*started singing happy birthday song and i nearly died,haha
anis: aww,thanks marcus
marcus: suree no problem. oky i hv to go now, byee anis
anis: byee marcus :D
haha, the convo went smthing like tht. i got all teary eyed cause eric is just too sweet, i mean planning all of tht for my birthday,thanks eric :D anwys, prctice actually finished at 5.30 but i went home arnd 6 cause i wanted to try single base extension with eric. results? i fell two times but i got it right on my third try. jyeahh :D and i tried basing eric. and omg, he was soo fcking light. i dnt knw how he does tht but it was awesome. so yeah i went home arnd 6. and i skipped tuition tnight cause it's my birthday and i felt like it,hahaha :D
so yeah,tht's all i guess. it was the best sweet sixteen i cld hv ever dreamt of. i dnt need a big party bash to clbrte my sweet sixteen like some ppl,no offence. all i need is just all of my friends and it's all good. thanks guys for making my day :]
signing off,
xoxo anis :]